My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 421 The Wretched Dog-Headed Soul Beast

Chapter 421 The Wretched Dog-Headed Soul Beast

"Why? Maybe I still have a little luck!" Ma Xiaotao said to herself, her eyes couldn't help but look at the man at the edge of the team who seemed to have the least presence.

"Master, this place in the extreme north is indeed a forbidden place for human beings! My killing god domain has also been greatly restricted!" Jian Tongming said in surprise, with excitement in his tone.

"Indeed! The more beautiful things are, the more deceptive they are. How many bones are buried under the white snow? Who knows?" Jiang Siming couldn't help thinking of the memories buried deep in his mind, countless scattered fragments Piecing together one after another familiar and unfamiliar picture scrolls.


"Sister Xiaotao, where are we going to search? We must have something to look forward to! Such an aimless search is completely meaningless!" Huo Yuhao reminded, feeling a little anxious in his heart.

They had been walking in the snow for an untold amount of time, Huo Yuhao underestimated Ma Xiaotao's persistence.Originally thought that Shenhuo was just a legend mentioned by the other party casually, but did not expect the other party to take it seriously.

"It is rumored that the place where Fen Xinyan appears may not be willing to produce snow lotus. As long as you find the snow lotus, you will be able to find Fen Xinyan." Ma Xiaotao's eyes were full of determination, and there was quite a swearing that he would not give up until he found Fen Xinyan. Feel.

Everyone was a little embarrassed. In this icy and snowy world, it was even difficult to distinguish the direction, let alone beware of the danger that may appear at any time.

When you are tired, unexpected situations are likely to happen. Once something happens, it is no joke.

But seeing that Ma Xiaotao was so determined, everyone didn't know how to refute it.

"Let's take a rest! In this kind of place, it's better to be careful!" Jiang Siming said lightly.

Jiang Siming didn't know why Ma Xiaotao was so persistent, and he wasn't that interested either.But he didn't want to watch the team suffer losses because of such small mistakes in details.

Ma Xiaotao took a deep look at Jiang Siming, moved her pale lips passively but did not utter a word, and finally nodded.

The crowd did not choose to camp in place, but found a slope and dug an ice hole to temporarily avoid the snow.

Jiang Siming waved a ball of flames casually, and the temperature emitted by the flames in the ice and snow gradually warmed everyone.

Ma Xiaotao on the side didn't know what kind of nerves went off, and a ball of flames also rose in his hand. However, a strange wind blew past, and the phoenix fire, which represented the eternal phoenix, went out unexpectedly.

"Isn't it a little too much to do this?" Xu Sanshi frowned and said with some displeasure.

Although during this period of time, with everyone's enlightenment and his own reflection, he no longer feels so disgusted with Jiang Siming.

But for people, most of the time, they feel disgusted with a person, even if time will smooth it out, the disgust still exists.

"The temperature of your flame is too high, it's not suitable for heating!" Jiang Siming walked slowly out of the cave after speaking. He didn't come to the extreme north to practice with these little guys.

Tang Wutong and Jian Tongming looked at Jiang Siming who was leaving, and immediately became a little anxious, and hurried to catch up.

"Uncle, those are annoying! Let's find another place!" Tang Wutong didn't say anything to persuade Jiang Siming to go back, but he always supported Jiang Siming.The bulging little mouth makes people feel extremely cute.

"Master, you are..." After all, Jian Tongming has been with Jiang Siming for such a long time, and he knows Jiang Siming's behavior quite well.

Jiang Siming probably wasn't the one who ran away in anger because of such a trivial matter. I'm afraid his master didn't plan to take him to play.

"I have other things to do here, it's too inconvenient to bring you along." Jiang Siming smiled and rubbed the heads of the two little guys.

"The strength of the two of you is not enough to walk sideways in the extreme north. You should follow them. At any rate, there is a support!" Jiang Siming could see that his apprentice and eldest niece, because of their treatment of Huo Yuhao and others, Favorability can be described as plummeting.

But Jiang Siming really didn't want to haggle over every detail with this group of kids. Is it necessary not to talk about it first?Besides, Jiang Siming really doesn't have that much time to spare!

"Okay!" Tang Wutong behaved very well, and did not pester Jiang Siming, which can be said to be quite sensible.

Jian Tongming also saluted Jiang Siming respectfully, and then returned to the ice cave with Tang Wutong.

Just when Jiang Siming was about to get down to business, Huo Yuhao chased him out.

"Ancestor! Everyone's state has been quite unstable recently, and I hope you don't take offense!" Huo Yuhao said, looking at Jiang Siming sincerely.

Jiang Siming brushed aside Huo Yuhao, looked at him with interest and said, "If you have any questions, just ask!"

Huo Yuhao's eyes suddenly trembled, and his originally hesitant expression became more and more determined.

"Ancestor, please tell me! What is the relationship between Tang Wutong and Dong'er?"

Jiang Siming looked at Huo Yuhao who was bent at 90 degrees, and felt that the other party just wanted to send him away!
Jiang Siming was not at all surprised that Huo Yuhao was able to guess Tang Wutong's identity so quickly.

After all, the big worm in Huo Yuhao's body clearly knew that Jiang Siming was Wang Dong'er's uncle.At this time, Tang Wutong's name was Uncle Jiang Siming, and what's more, Tang Wutong and Wang Dong'er looked exactly the same.How can there be such a coincidence in the world?There is a 99% chance that the two are the same person!

Of course, Tianmeng Bingcan didn't have the courage to tell Huo Yuhao all his conjectures, otherwise, with Huo Yuhao's wisdom, I am afraid that he would not be so vacillating and hesitating at this moment.

"Why do you say that?" Jiang Siming asked back.

"I don't believe that there will be three people who look exactly the same in this world, and I will meet them all! I don't believe in such a coincidence. I have the eye of fate. My fate is destiny, and no one can play around with it !" At this moment, the third golden vertical eye on the top of Huo Yuhao's head tended to open slightly, and there was a unique flavor of fate revealed in that tiny crack.

Huo Yuhao didn't deliberately activate the Eye of Destiny, but the unyielding intention that erupted at that moment resonated with the words of Destiny.

Since ancient times, the fortune can be changed, it is destined!The Eye of Destiny is a product against the heavens. If you want to truly conquer and control the Eye of Destiny, you must have the determination to disobey the destiny!

In an instant, the originally mild wind and snow suddenly became violent. Above the sky, dark clouds were covered with lightning and thunder, and the brilliant heavenly power accompanied the thunder and lightning to look down on the common people!

Jiang Siming did not expect that Huo Yuhao's Eye of Destiny would attract the will of heaven and earth to covet him.

"Sure enough, you are not a worry-free guy!" Jiang Siming quickly formed seals with both hands, and the golden lines were outlined out of thin air.

The rune full of Dao rhyme and mysterious power instantly shot into Huo Yuhao's Eye of Destiny, and the Eye of Destiny, which was slightly opened and revealing the mysterious power of fate, closed again.

With the closing of Huo Yuhao's Eye of Destiny, the sky that was originally like the end of the world quickly returned to its original ordinary appearance.

"Sure enough, this is your world after all. Anyone who wants to get rid of your control will be destroyed! What a pity! You can't do anything with me!" Jiang Siming looked at the sky where the dark clouds had dispersed, feeling a little inexplicable Said.

If ordinary people have such thoughts, I am afraid that the will of the world will not even pay attention to his thoughts.But Huo Yuhao is different!

Huo Yuhao is the son of destiny, but he had the idea of ​​fighting against fate and heaven's will.It is simply outrageous, and it is intolerable to the will of the world.

"It's really strange! Since you are the one chosen by God's will, why did you have the opportunity to resist God's will? Maybe he was lonely during that long time?" Jiang Siming patted the one who hadn't reacted yet Huo Yuhao said inexplicably.

Just when Huo Yuhao finally regained his senses and wanted to continue to question, Jiang Siming disappeared before him at some point.

"Yuhao, maybe I finally know why this guy hasn't become a god! Maybe even a god can't compare to this person!" Tianmeng Bingcan said almost tremblingly.

The Ice Empress in the depths of the sea of ​​mind and Electrolux with only a trace of soul fragments were trembling non-stop. They didn't have the powerful million-year origin of the Tianmeng Iceworm, and they couldn't resist the horror at all!
Just kidding, that is the will of the world!The will of the world that even the legendary gods can't compete with.It was settled by a young man casually.


In the magic cave on the edge of the extreme north.

At this time, the three sofas each occupy 1/3 of the space, and the three figures are each holding a cup of coffee.

The eerie silence made the atmosphere a little weird.

"I haven't seen each other again!" Jiang Siming finally couldn't help but opened his mouth.

One of the purposes of his visit to the Far North this time was to chat with Shen Ming.After all, he is the only person in this world who can stand at the same level as Jiang Siming, or even stand on top of Jiang Siming.

But I didn't expect to meet unexpected people!
That fortune teller who met in Star Luo City ten thousand years ago!
The Taoist robed old man had a cup of coffee in his hand, and said lightly: "As expected, tea is suitable for me!"

Then the coffee in the cup in his hand miraculously became clearer and clearer until it turned light brown, completely turning into a cup of tea.

Shen Ming took a sip of the coffee in his cup with interest, and the smile in his eyes became more and more difficult to hide.

In the room, the atmosphere of silence permeated again.

"I really convinced you two, I can make it so embarrassing to communicate with myself." Shen Ming finally couldn't hold back anymore.

"Myself and myself?" Jiang Siming tilted his head and looked at Shen Ming suspiciously.

"How should I put it? This guy can be said to be you in the future, or not you. In short, it is very troublesome to explain, after all, you still can't understand with your current strength." Shen Ming said a few words casually, fooling around a bit.As he said, without reaching that height, it is difficult to understand the scenery at that height.

"My future me?" Jiang Siming was not surprised when he heard the answer.

The ancient king is the past self, so there must be a future self.It seems that no matter in the past or in the future, the heights I have reached are incalculable.

"Did you succeed?" Jiang Siming asked intentionally or unintentionally, taking a sip of the cold coffee in his cup.

Jiang Siming actually knew the answer very well, but he still couldn't help asking.

"It succeeded, but it also failed!" said the Taoist robed old man calmly.

"Your answer confuses me a lot!" Jiang Siming said intentionally or unintentionally.

"There's nothing to worry about, just go your own way!"

"A clear road that has already been arranged. Is it interesting? Even now I don't understand what you guys want to do?" Jiang Siming spread his hands helplessly.

Jiang Siming feels that everything he has experienced now is very unnecessary, and he has reached the peak of Douluo Continent.The only place where he can still improve is the God Realm, and the system restricts Jiang Siming to stay in the Douluo Continent.

"Isn't that your problem? If you don't even know what you want to do? Can you just ask me? There are countless choices between me and you, and my end will never be your end! You have infinite The possibility? And I have no possibility!" The cloudy eyes of the Taoist robe old man looked at Jiang Siming.

"Can you stop talking about these meaningless things? Talk about something practical! How long will I stay here, even if it's just letting me face those now! I am willing too! Keep procrastinating, for me A kind of torture!" Jiang Siming let out a long sigh of relief, and completely collapsed on the sofa.This is his truest feeling at the moment, a life without goals and purpose is so boring, so dull.

"What I say is meaningless to you! Even if I tell you what will happen, there will be no change! Because the future is full of uncertainties, you think you understand and see through. But in reality The future has changed!"

"Okay, okay! Your conversation is really boring, can't you find some meaningful topics?" Shen Ming interrupted their conversation impatiently.

"Then tell me! I can't find anything for the time being. Is there anything to talk about!" The Taoist robed old man gave Shen Ming the right to speak.

"I said?" Shen Ming raised his eyebrows.

"Where do I start..."


"Little ones, surrender to my majesty! No! Bah, bah! It's surrendering to my majesty!"

On the crystal clear ice everywhere, a dog-headed soul beast that looked exactly like the Scarlet King laughed and looked at Xu Sanshi, whose nose was blue and face swollen by him.

"My motherfucker! This is the first time I've seen such a wretched 10-year-old soul beast!" Xu Sanshi was really furious at the moment, and even forgot that the guy opposite him was a powerful soul beast that they couldn't deal with at all.

It's really that this soul beast in front of me is too wretched, it's obviously a 10-year soul beast that shamelessly sneaked into it.None of the attacks were launched from the front. Is this still a 10-year-old soul beast?This is simply obscene to the extreme!

Even Huo Yuhao and the others had some doubts about how the dog-headed soul beast in front of them reached its current state?Did it come all the way?
(End of this chapter)

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