My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 422 The Kind of Relationship Popular in the Far North

Chapter 422 The Kind of Relationship Popular in the Far North

Taking advantage of the dog-headed soul beast's unpreparedness, Ma Xiaotao kept compressing and condensing the phoenix flames in his hands behind his back.

When Huo Yuhao saw this scene, he gave Ma Xiaotao a look, so the other party should not attack easily.

At this moment, they have reached the place close to the core of the extreme north, and the surrounding white snow is getting rarer and gradually revealing the cold ice that has existed for an unknown amount of time.

Not to mention whether they can defeat the 10-year-old soul beast together, and making such a big noise is simply a provocation to the king of soul masters in the extreme north.

Besides, although the dog-headed soul beast in front of him was wretched, it didn't seem to have any malice towards everyone.Otherwise, it would not be as simple as just beating up Xu Sanshi.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that some of you are quite sensible, fighting with me is simply courting death!" The dog-headed soul beast glanced at everyone dismissively, and the small movements among them could be seen in full view.

"Sure enough!" Huo Yuhao shook his head. The other party had no intention of hurting them at all, or even troubled them, but just wanted to tease them.

I'm also glad that my side didn't do anything easily, otherwise, it would have been fine and I would have found trouble on my own.

"I advise you to go back as soon as possible! The core area is not peaceful recently, and a menopausal old woman has returned and is losing her temper!" The dog-headed soul beast kindly reminded, it seemed that it remembered some huge body, and couldn't help but beat There was a chill.

"Wang De!" Everyone couldn't help but glanced at each other. Although the soul beast in front of them was good, it was still a genuine 10-year soul beast.Can make the other party feel scared, what kind of terrifying existence is that?

"I also kindly remind you that this can be regarded as the second time I have seen a human soul master! But to be honest, you are really far behind that guy whose appearance is only slightly inferior to this uncle's." !" The dog-headed soul beast raised its head and said proudly, as if it was very satisfied with its appearance.

If Jiang Siming was here at this moment, he would definitely spray the dog-headed soul beast to death, even if you, a female soul beast, compare with me in appearance.Who gave you this self-confidence without eyes?
Huo Yuhao and the others couldn't help poking their mouths together. The dog-headed soul beast simply broke the bottom line of their understanding of 10-year-old soul beasts.

What about the king of the soul beasts that was agreed upon?You are also a 10-year soul beast, do you have any morals?
But this kind of person didn't bother to complain, but also thought about the warning of the dog-headed soul.

Although the soul beast in front of him seemed very unreliable, after all, if the other party wanted to drive them away, there was no need for such ink marks at all.

"I said you guys are still thinking about farts! Did you come to this place? I call you big brother, what do you think this is? The core circle of the extreme north, I am gasping loudly here! For fear of disturbing those big bosses!" The dog-headed soul beast was really speechless!I kindly reminded this group of young people who are not afraid of death, but they still questioned themselves.

"Brother Soul Beast, you see that you are so tall and mighty, let's discuss it! You see that you have no malice towards us, can you help someone send the Buddha to the west?" Huo Yuhao rolled his eyes and said flatteringly.

Now it is not a matter of losing face, achieving the goal is the most important thing.

"Young man has a future, but he looks a bit like I was next to Sister Bingbing back then! He said that the breath on your body is quite familiar, what's the matter because of our predestined relationship?" The dog-headed soul beast looked very satisfied. He glanced at Huo Yuhao, thinking that something would happen to this young man.

Seeing the dog-headed soul beast's satisfied expression, everyone couldn't help but twitched their mouths again.If I praise you, I will go to heaven, so if I praise you a few more, will I have to sacrifice my life?

"This guy is still like that, shameless!"

In Huo Yuhao's sea of ​​spiritual knowledge, the Ice Empress couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth and said.

"Hehe, Bingbing, do you know this guy? He called you Sister Bingbing, could it be that..." Tianmeng Bingcan said with a meaningful smile.

"Get out! I have nothing to do with this guy. I told you, but you don't understand. Besides, this guy is a female soul beast, and has something to do with me!" Ice Empress retorted angrily!
"Mother Soul Beast! Nendesga!"

"How do you say it? Could it be that kind of relationship is popular in the extreme north!" Tianmeng Bingcan subconsciously said desperately.

"Stinkbug, believe it or not, my old lady hacked you to death with three knives!"


Huo Yuhao couldn't help coughing twice when he heard the conversation of the two great souls in his body, and looked at the dog-headed soul beast in front of him with even more strange eyes.

Mother soul beast?No, Huo Yuhao even subconsciously looked at the key parts of the dog-headed soul beast.

"Hey, hey! Boy, what are you doing? What's the problem? Tell me!" The dog's soul beast seemed to sense Huo Yuhao's weird gaze, and urged him to speak impatiently.

"Ahem! That... I don't know the soul beast... Brother, have you heard of Burning Heart Flame?" Huo Yuhao took a deep breath and asked tentatively.

Hearing the words Fen Xinyan, the dog-headed soul beast that was still very calm suddenly showed a fierce look, which shocked everyone.

Everyone subconsciously entered a state of defense, watching vigilantly the dog-headed soul beast whose aura had changed drastically.

The next moment, the dog-headed soul beast changed into its original foolish look again, and said casually.

"Burning Heart Flame? What is that, I have never heard of it, no, no, you guys go away!"

Huo Yuhao couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, can you pretend to be a little more fake?

"Let's go! This guy won't tell you what you are looking for. If you keep asking, maybe you will all be buried here.

No matter how wretched this guy is, you may not be able to fight against him!It's a shame to not kill you all on the spot! "Ice Emperor said coldly.

Obviously Ice Emperor knew something, but didn't want to say more.

Huo Yuhao looked at Ma Xiaotao's direction, and then at everyone's expressions.Everyone is not so attached to Fen Xinyan, after all, this thing has no effect on them.

Ma Xiaotao struggled a bit, if it was only because of her selfishness that she led everyone into a road of no return, it was definitely not what Ma Xiaotao wanted to see.

"Let's go!"

Ma Xiaotao didn't say much, turned around and was about to leave, and the others also followed behind Ma Xiaotao.

Huo Yuhao cupped his hands at the dog-headed soul beast, and said, "Thank you, see you soon!"


Just when Huo Yuhao was about to leave with the army, the dog-headed soul beast suddenly spoke again.

"I really feel that I am very familiar with the aura on your body. One belongs to that human being who is only slightly inferior to me in appearance. The other aura seems to be that big scorpion." The dog-headed soul beast first murmured to itself in confusion. Said.

(End of this chapter)

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