My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 430 The Sea God Pavilion in Chaos

Chapter 430 The Chaotic Poseidon Pavilion

"Is there nothing left?" Xuedi looked at the razed top of the back mountain in front of her, and suddenly asked inexplicably. She could feel the faint sadness emanating from Jiang Siming's body looking at the scene in front of her. .

"Yes, it has withstood the baptism of time, but it has not withstood the accident I brought to it. Maybe there is no eternity in this world, at least I haven't seen it yet!" Jiang Siming stroked the Snow Emperor Smooth hair, said with a smile.

There are always regrets about some things. Jiang Siming has experienced too many regrets and has gradually gotten used to it.

"If you had met me earlier, would you have fallen in love with me first?" Snow Emperor looked at the man in front of him and asked unwillingly.Even though she knew that Jiang Siming's answer might hurt her heart, she still couldn't help asking.

"I don't want to lie to you. If it weren't for my accidental sleep for so long, maybe I would never like you.

As for Zhuqing, she and I are because of..." For some reason, Jiang Siming couldn't help but think of the girl who left without saying goodbye. Even now, Jiang Siming still can't tell the difference. For Qin Keqing, whether he likes it or feels guilty.

That originally thought it was just a dream, but found that even the dream was arranged long ago, and it was also predestined.

Xue Di grabbed Jiang Siming's collar, looked at Jiang Siming's deep eyes domineeringly and said, "But you are mine now! And I can only be yours forever!"

Jiang Siming lifted Xuedi's slipping hair, wishing that the gods would be a little complicated for a while.


"Junior Tongming, can I have a private chat with this girl?" Huo Yuhao looked at Jian Tongming with a complicated mood and said.

"It doesn't seem like I should be asked here, right?" Jian Tongming waved his hand, and looked at Tang Wutong beside him, obviously he didn't want to participate in this matter.

Huo Yuhao couldn't help but smile wryly, but he wanted to ask Tang Wutong directly!It's just that the two are not very familiar with each other after all, so it seems a bit abrupt to ask directly.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Tang Wutong blinked and looked at Huo Yuhao with a puzzled face. Although the frustrated Tang Wutong felt that the person in front of him was very familiar, he had no other feelings.

"I..." Huo Yuhao hesitated for a while, then took a deep breath, and said slowly:
"I feel that our martial souls have a high degree of compatibility, and I want to see if I can activate the martial soul fusion technique!"

Hearing what Huo Yuhao said, Jian Tongming understood Huo Yuhao's thoughts.With a strange gaze, he looked at Tang Wutong who was at the side.

I have to say that Tang Wutong and Wang Donger were carved out of the same mold. Jian Tongming also doubted whether Wang Donger is the current Tang Wutong. Although he did not ask his master Jiang Siming, Jiang Siming Ming never seemed to explain why the two look so alike?

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill? It seems very interesting, you can try it!" Tang Wutong didn't have any resistance, but seemed a little excited, obviously very interested in Martial Soul Fusion Skill.

"Okay!" Huo Yuhao seemed very excited, and replied without hesitation, but then he became a little timid again. He was afraid that he had guessed wrong?

The Poseidon Pavilion has exploded at this moment. The issue discussed by the representatives of the major forces is no longer whether to crusade against the Sun Moon Empire, but how to distribute the conditions and compensation offered by the Sun Moon Empire.

Looking at the chaotic Sea God Pavilion, Mr. Lin knew that the current situation was beyond his control.Although Shrek Academy has absolute authority and strength to suppress, it is not so simple to deter these major forces that have been blinded by interests.

Elder Lin couldn't help but admire the courage and courage of Xu Tianran, the new emperor of the Sun Moon Empire.Taking out so many good things at once is already enough to shake the foundation of the Sun Moon Empire.You must know that soul guides have always been the advantage of the Sun Moon Empire. If other empires also use these blueprints and high-level soul guides to catch up with the development of the Sun Moon Empire's soul guides, in the long run, the Sun Moon Empire will be at a disadvantage among.

But as long as the current crisis is resolved, these losses are probably nothing.The development of things must always follow a step-by-step process. As long as the Sun Moon Empire can develop peacefully and stably, it will soon be able to return to its original peak.Even making a further breakthrough, relying on Xu Tianran's great talent and strategy, the Sun Moon Empire will surely rise again!
"Everyone, the bottom line of the Sun Moon Empire lies here. As for how to distribute it, it depends on you. War must be a situation that neither of us wants to see. Once it reaches that point, there is no room for turning around. This There are no permanent friends and enemies in the world, only permanent interests!
Although the words are a bit blunt, when you are all smart people, I don't need to beat around the bush. "Long Xiaoyao smiled, the current situation is completely under his control.

The more chaotic the forces that originally aimed at the Sun Moon Empire, the better, so that the Sun Moon Empire would have time to breathe.

"According to my opinion, even if a war breaks out, it is our super power to rush to the front. Why do other cats and dogs share with us?" The representative of the Star Luo Empire did not have any royal demeanor at the moment, curled his lips and went straight Bai said.

The rest of the representatives didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the suggestion made by the representative of the Star Luo Empire. Instead, they all nodded their heads feeling very reasonable.

"Really?" Elder Lin finally spoke. He also realized how chaotic the current situation in the mainland is.

"Then how much should I get from Shrek Academy?"

In an instant, the entire Sea God Pavilion fell silent.Only then did the representatives realize that they are now in the territory of Shrek Academy, one of the strongest forces in the mainland.

"Shrek Academy is the number one force in the mainland, so it should be the majority. How about [-]%?" Ning Caichen of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Sect smiled, temporarily relieving the embarrassing atmosphere in the Sea God Pavilion.

The reason why he proposed [-]% was because of Ning Caichen's consideration.He has seen Jiang Siming's strength before. Although he doesn't know what position the other party occupies in Shrek Academy, it is enough to see that Shrek Academy has a deep foundation.All major forces will definitely not be able to shake Shrek Academy.

Secondly, no matter how powerful Shrek Academy is, it's just an academy, and even if it takes the majority, it won't do any harm to superpowers like them.

On the contrary, these blueprints and high-level soul tools fell into the hands of the two empires or other sect forces, which may pose a great threat to the sects with a small proportion.

"Thirty percent! Sect Master Ning is so generous! But you still don't seem to understand that your Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is not in charge!" Another representative of a super power curled his lips and said with some disdain.

Some people can understand Ning Caichen's thoughts, but naturally there are also people who are blinded by interests and don't understand Ning Caichen's thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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