My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 431 Presenting Burning Heart Ice Flame

Chapter 431 Presenting Burning Heart Ice Flame

"Shrek Academy will not participate in the division of the Sun Moon Empire's compensation. Please also remember that today's decision is the decision of all of you. I hope you will not regret it!" Elder Lin snorted coldly, then stood up and faced Sea God Go outside the pavilion.

Although these compensations from the Sun Moon Empire can be said to be very tempting to other superpowers, they are indeed not that tempting to Shrek Academy.

You must know that Jing Hongchen is the honorary dean of the Soul Guidance Department of Shrek Academy, and his value alone far exceeds the compensation terms seen by the Sun Moon Empire.

In fact, Mr. Lin is still very contradictory. On the one hand, he hopes that the Sun Moon Empire can be suppressed. After all, although the Sun Moon Empire has suffered heavy losses, with the hero Xu Tianran, it will inevitably rise strongly.What kind of bloody storm will Dalu experience?No one can imagine it.

But on the other hand, Elder Lin also didn't want war to break out.That would inevitably lead to a loss of life, but he didn't know if his retreat this time would create a greater threat.

The intermittent footsteps of Elder Lin echoed in the Sea God Pavilion for a long time, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on Elder Lin.

Elder Lin's withdrawal means that Shrek Academy has decided not to participate in the crusade against the Sun Moon Empire, and it also means that the major forces can distribute more compensation.

Such a decision was unexpected by everyone, but naturally no one would dissuade them unwisely, and it is not a bad thing to lose one person.

Just when everyone was rejoicing, Elder Lin's footsteps suddenly stopped, and the hearts of everyone present couldn't help but stagnate.

"If anyone damages the Sea God's Pavilion even a little, then please bear the consequences!" Elder Lin snorted coldly, and then quickly walked out of the Sea God Pavilion.


Many people scoffed at Mr. Lin's words. After all, no matter how strong a dozen academies are, it is impossible to fight against the superpowers of the whole continent.

It's just that although most people think this way, they subconsciously pay attention to their own behavior, and they must really destroy the items in the Sea God Pavilion.


"Why is this happening!" Huo Yuhao held Tang Wutong's hand unwillingly, and even exerted some force unconsciously.

"Let go of me, you hurt me!" Tang Wutong frowned, and shook off Huo Yuhao's hand without hesitation.

"Hmm! I'm sorry, I was the one to be rude!" Huo Yuhao realized his gaffe and apologized quickly.

"What's the matter with you, if you can't do it, you can't do it. It's not a big deal? Why are you reacting so excitedly?" Tang Wutong said a little angrily, and then pulled Jian Tongming at the side and left without looking back.

Huo Yuhao, who was still in a daze, was a little dazed. Looking at the two people who left, he felt inexplicably sad and jealous.

"Why? What did I do wrong? Why did you do this to me?" Huo Yuhao frantically tore at his hair, tears of pain streaming from the corners of his eyes.

"Yuhao, fate is hard to explain, so don't be too sad!" Tianmeng Bingcan secretly sighed, feeling very helpless about this kind of thing.

Tianmeng Bingcan was sure that Tang Wutong was Wang Dong'er, but now she didn't know Huo Yuhao at all.It can only show that someone has done something to Wang Donger, and apart from Jiang Siming, there is probably only Wang Donger, the fairy parent.

Tianmeng Bingcan admits that Jiang Siming is ridiculously strong, but even he can't make a person lose his memory so completely. He is better than I believe that Jiang Siming is stronger than him in terms of mental power.Therefore, only the gods of the God Realm can attack.

If it was an issue on the mainland, Tianmeng Iceworm might be able to help Huo Yuhao if he could think of a way, but if it involved the God Realm, even the million-year-old soul beast, Tianmeng Iceworm, could do nothing about it.

"Brother Tianmeng, what did I do wrong?" Huo Yuhao asked in a daze. The person he loved and cared the most left him. Is it because he did something wrong?

"You're right, if you want to blame, blame those gods who play with right and wrong." In fact, Tianmeng Bingcan wanted to say that if you want to blame, you should blame those gods who play with right and wrong, but in the end, he still didn't say it.

Doesn't Tianmeng Iceworm have any resentment in his heart?Why can't soul beasts become gods?Whose fault is this?Seeing Huo Yuhao in such pain, Tianmeng Bingcan's prejudice against the God Realm also grew stronger.


"Master, Mistress!"

"Uncle Ming! Second Aunt!"

Jian Tongming couldn't help frowning, wondering why the other party called Jiang Siming Uncle Ming.But it was just a little bit of confusion, Jian Tongming didn't think about it, how could he think that Jiang Sima was Jiang Siming 1 years ago.

"Little girl, it seems that your father is really ruthless!" Jiang Siming looked at Tang Wutong with a half-smile. When Huo Yuhao tried the martial soul fusion technique with Tang Wutong just now, Jiang Siming was there In the distance, even Jiang Siming didn't expect that there was no resonance between the two spirits.

"Uncle, what are you talking about? What happened to my dad? Don't worry, my dad won't bully me, or my mother will definitely tear his ears off!" Tang Wutong patted his small chest, Said confidently.

"Hehe! I didn't bully you, but I will bully someone else!" Jiang Siming smiled and shook his head, but he felt a little sad for Huo Yuhao.

Obviously Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong'er had a good relationship at first, but Tang San intervened and made the current situation.

"Now you can be considered my juniors, so it's impossible for me as an elder not to prepare a meeting ceremony. You two can take this!" Xue Di suddenly said.

A pair of jade hands slowly stretched out, and two groups of flames danced in the length.

Jiang Siming suddenly felt the lines of the blue flame on the back of his hand start to heat up, exuding a faint blue fluorescent light.

"What is this?" Jiang Siming didn't know what happened that day, nor did he know that the lines on the back of his hand were caused by Burning Heart Flame.

"This is Burning Heart Flame, and you need to understand the mystery of it!" Xuedi said with a gentle smile. At this time, Xuedi was no longer the king of the extreme north, but Jiang Siming's wife, Tang Wutong. He Jianming's elders.

"Wow! This flame is so beautiful! Thank you, Second Aunt!" Tang Wutong didn't even notice, and directly grabbed the layer of flame on Xuedi's right hand.

The ice-blue flame melted into Wutong's palm in an instant, and disappeared before Tang Wutong could react.

"Huh? Where's the beautiful flame?" Tang Wutong looked at Xuedi with a look of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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