My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 432 Finale!There is no perfect story, only a sudden and regretful ending.

Chapter 432 Finale!There is no perfect story, only a sudden and regretful ending.

Xue Di smiled, and didn't explain too much, but just pushed another Burning Heart Flame towards Jian Tongming.

The small ice-blue flame slowly sank into Jian Tongming's eyebrows as if it had life.

Jian Tongming didn't resist at all, and his absolute trust in Jiang Siming made him also have absolute trust in Xue Di.

"Uncle, what exactly is this?" Tang Wutong finally couldn't help the question in his heart.

Jiang Siming looked awkwardly at Xuedi beside him. To be honest, he didn't know what it was.

Xue Di smiled softly, and said lightly: "You will know in the future, and I can't fully explain its function. I can only say it's amazing!"


After dismissing the two of them, Jiang Siming did not stay too much at Shrek Academy.

Instead, he took Xuedi on his honeymoon, and after visiting almost all the scenic spots on the mainland, he took Jian Tongming to Haijian Pavilion to propose marriage.

The mainland turmoil during this period did not affect overseas. Relying on Jiang Siming's absolute strength to suppress it, naturally no one in Haijiange dared to oppose Jian Tongming and Song Xun'er's marriage.

They even wished for the two to get married sooner, after all, with Jiang Siming's thigh, they wished they could hug him to death sooner.


The Mingdu disaster did not trigger a large-scale war on the mainland in the end.After all, there will never be a real beneficiary in a war. As long as you participate, you will definitely suffer great losses.

The mainland once again returned to its previous calm, which made Jiang Siming feel a little uneasy.


"What's the matter? I always feel that you are a little restless!" Xuedi said with distress while stroking Jiang Siming's cheek gently.

"I seem to be leaving, as if something is going to happen!" Jiang Siming forced a smile on his sad face.

This continent seems to reject him more and more, which makes Jiang Siming feel more and more uneasy, feeling that if he leaves, he will never come back.

Xuedi didn't speak, but buried his head deeply in Jiang Siming's arms, and hugged Jiang Siming tightly with both hands.I was afraid that the man in front of me would suddenly disappear and never come back again.





As the last drop of water fell, it seemed that the world stopped with the stillness of the funnel.

In the devil's cave, Shen Ming and the Taoist-robed old man looked at the funnel in front of them, with expressions of relief and tension that they had never seen before.

"Coincident! Brother, I really miss you!" Shen Ming hugged the Taoist robed old man beside him heavily, and said emotionally.

Shen Ming, who has always been calm and calm, showed his true feelings rarely.

"Pull it down!" The Taoist robed old man pushed Shen Ming away with a smile, looked at the increasingly illusory hand, smiled wryly and shook his head.


At the same time, the strange lake below the Imperial Palace of the Sun and Moon Empire suddenly boiled violently at this moment, and a terrifying bronze-colored gate full of magic patterns slowly rose from the lake.

However, there was no exclamation or wait-and-see for this weird scene.

Because at this very moment, the whole world stands still!

What a mighty power it is!Can play time in applause!


In the secret room of Shrek Academy, Jiang Siming suddenly opened his eyes.

A strong sense of emptiness spread from the bottom of his heart, and Jiang Siming was surprised to find that the corners of his eyes had become moist at some point.

"The time is up, and you should make your choice!"

Shen Ming and the Taoist robed old man suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Siming.

"You two are really on time!" A majestic voice sounded from Jiang Siming's mouth, it belonged to the ancient king.

At this moment, the weirdest scene happened!Jiang Siming actually split into two identical existences out of thin air.

The old man in the Taoist robe also waved his hand, and his old face turned back to youth at this moment, and what was even more frightening was that it turned into Jiang Siming's appearance.

"The past, the present, the future! What kind of monster am I?" Jiang Siming smiled wryly as he looked at the two beings who looked exactly like him, plus Shen Ming, who was smiling but not smiling.

"Okay, okay! Didn't you always want to know the truth? Now you can know everything!" Shen Ming conjured a smoke out of thin air, puffing out clouds and mist.

"All ears!"

"You should also know that you do not belong to this world. You walked out of the gate of these two worlds. Your existence is equivalent to cancer cells in the heavens and worlds, and it may cause a devastating blow to this world at any time! So you The existence of you is not allowed!" Shen Ming's eyes flashed a flash of sternness.

"And I am the white blood cells produced by this world to fight against you! But obviously, I can't kill you! And you can't do anything to me either!"

"So? I shouldn't be able to kill you now, you should be able to kill me easily!" Jiang Siming shrugged disapprovingly.

"That's right, but it's just you now. I can't erase your existence from the past! So I can only tolerate your existence! Fortunately, no matter how many times of reincarnation, we can always reach a consensus! Committed to solving all this, But the final solution has never been found! Because as long as you exist, the world you live in is inextricably linked with the heavens and worlds! The gate of the two worlds exists because of you, and only you can close it! So you are the key, But more importantly, even you can't solve it by yourself! This is the saddest thing!" Shen Ming explained skillfully, as if this set of rhetoric had been rehearsed countless times.

In fact, he has indeed said this set of rhetoric countless times, because he has already seen countless Jiang Simings and experienced overlapping points.

"So? Then everything you told me before was a lie to me? What is the Watcher? Are all of these made up by you and designed for me? Then I am really pathetic! Live in a world that is false and can no longer be false!" Jiang Siming asked me to speculate, but now that he is confirmed, he is a little uncomfortable.

"No, you're just an exception! My rhetoric for other people with systems is absolutely correct. But you are not just a lucky person, you are the existence that created these lucky people!" Shen Ming also shrugged , Said that he was not completely lying to him.

"Then what exactly do you want me to do? You have to come up with a solution, don't you?"

"There is no solution, as long as you exist! The problem will always be there! Even though you have the power to play with time, you are the one who plays with time! You are the one who controls the chess game, not the pawn!" At this moment, the Taoist robed old man finally slowly I opened my mouth.

"Isn't it boring? Since there is no way to solve it, why not let me have a perfect life? I am not you, why can't I have my own life! I also have someone to love, and I also have someone to love! Why! "Jiang Siming couldn't bear the anger in his heart anymore, and asked angrily.

"Don't you understand? Shouldn't you have felt it a long time ago? This world has been rejecting you, no matter how much you try to suppress your own strength! But your power once was too strong, and it will eventually lead you to become immortal! Even if it is You can't even kill yourself! Watching the disaster you brought destroy the heavens bit by bit, there is no way but to restart! Is it what you want to experience pain again and again?

Weaving the whole world into your own dream, is this the way you love?
I have experienced everything you have experienced, and I know the pain! " said the old man in the Taoist robe with deep hatred.

"The coincidence point is coming again, I am about to disappear! And you will definitely become another me! Go back to the gate of the two worlds, back to the world you gave up! Let this world get back on track, is the solution to everything The root cause!"

"Do you think so too?" Jiang Siming looked at the silent ancient king, and asked a little self-deprecatingly.

"I am a king! But I don't want to be a lonely king. I used to think that as long as I have power, I can settle everything! But I admit that I can't solve the problem in front of me, even though this problem doesn't threaten me at all! But I will always go At your current stage, I don't understand what I should do? The choice is up to you, because you are the present!" The ancient king said slowly, his tone full of vicissitudes.

This is reincarnation, endless reincarnation, numb reincarnation!
Shen Ming waved his hand, and a stream of colorful light rushed out of Jiang Siming's body.

"This is the last chance the system leaves you to choose, and it's also what we leave you!"

Colorful streamers floated in front of Jiang Siming, and countless memory fragments flashed in Jiang Siming's mind for an instant.

In addition to destruction, or destruction!The ending of 400 million reincarnations is destruction!

"So you did it on purpose, right? You made up a life that was so boring and lonely for me, and made me linger and couldn't bear to destroy it, just to realize your so-called return of the heavens and the world to a normal track!" Jiang Siming sarcastically Said.

"The choice is up to you, the pain is up to the three of us! Including Shen Ming!

You gave up the original world because you saw the selfishness of human nature!But our countless choices just prove that we are also selfish!

Maybe we have not only brought disaster, but also brought the bad roots of that world! "


"Can I not choose? I don't want to leave so early...I haven't seen her yet!"


Holy Soul Village!
The story starts here again, but this time there seems to be something missing on the boulder in front of the village entrance.

Tang San looked at the slowly rising sun, for some reason, he subconsciously looked at the huge rock at the entrance of the village, as if there was something you should have, or who was right.


In the cold palace of the Star Luo Empire, a naive girl kept crying for no reason, as if she had lost something that should have been important.


In the extreme north, the icy blue figure exuding a terrifying aura of retreat for tens of thousands of years flashed an icy blue flame pattern on the back of his hand.


In the main world, the girl who caressed the strings in the kiosk always felt a little regretful for some reason!
The world is back on the right track, this time for real.

But all this, right?
It seems that something is missing...

"Jiang Siming..."


(End of this chapter)

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