My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 77 The title of this chapter everyone

Chapter 77 The title of this chapter everyone
The wooden door, which seemed to separate the two worlds inside and outside the door, opened slowly with a creaking sound, slowly revealing the familiar and lovely face, the tears remaining on the face really made people feel distressed.

"Have you finally admitted it?" The voice seemed to be questioning, but also seemed to be afraid, afraid that all of this was false and wrong.

The emotions buried in Jiang Siming's heart finally burst out, and he embraced Zhu Zhuqing in his arms.

Kiss the sky.

Tears, unknowingly, slipped down from the eyes of the two of them again.Suffering from the familiar temperature, I have been reluctant to separate for a long time.

After a long time, my lips parted.Both of them don't know how to speak?
"Siming, you want me!" Zhu Zhuqing lowered her head blushing, she was afraid that Jiang Siming would leave her again.

"Zhuqing, I'm sorry! I haven't considered your feelings for a long time, but please believe me. I will never leave you again. I promise you that I will give you the most grand wedding in the world and leave it with us The happiest moment." Jiang Siming gently wiped away the remaining tears in the corners of Zhu Zhuqing's eyes.

"Hmm." Zhu Zhuqing buried his head on Jiang Siming's chest, greedily feeling the somewhat unreal temperature, fearing that this was an illusion that would collapse at any moment.

Jiang Siming picked up Zhu Zhuqing and gently put her on the bed, the two hugged and closed their eyes.There is no lust, just quietly feeling the sinking temperature.

That night, Jiang Siming had a dream. It was the first time he had a dream after traveling to the Douluo Continent for so long.

"Siming." Jiang Siming couldn't see her face clearly, but felt familiar.

"This should be the last time we meet, right? It should be that I will finally return to your heart." The girl's voice fell, and she slowly disappeared from Jiang Siming's eyes.

In his sleep, Jiang Siming unconsciously smiled, and put more force on Zhu Zhuqing's arm.

In the early morning sunshine, he sneaked into the room quietly, for fear of disturbing the two people who were tired of being together.

Jiang Siming opened his eyes first, feeling that the arm that was being pillowed by Zhu Zhuqing had completely lost consciousness, and shook his head helplessly.Then with a happy face looking at the lovely face close at hand, Zhu Zhuqing smiled happily, and Jiang Siming couldn't help biting that tall little Qiong's nose lightly.

Zhu Zhuqing frowned slightly, and his slender eyelashes trembled slightly. Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing was about to wake up, Jiang Siming quickly pretended to fall asleep and closed his eyes again.

Zhu Zhuqing slowly opened his eyes, looked at Jiang Siming's handsome side face, suddenly felt unreal, and secretly kissed Jiang Siming's side face.Jiang Siming felt Zhu Zhuqing's sudden attack, and his body trembled slightly.

Feeling Jiang Siming's body move, Zhu Zhuqing hastily closed his eyes shyly.

After a long time, the two opened their eyes as if they had a tacit understanding.

The four looked at each other, and closed their eyes in a panic.Both of them had a blush on their cheeks.

After all, Jiang Siming was a boy, he opened his eyes again, and gently leaned against Zhu Zhuqing's little ears, wondering if it was the warm breath, the tips of the ears of the beautiful woman in his arms were already red.

"I'm going to prepare breakfast." Jiang Siming's gentle voice echoed in Zhu Zhuqing's ears.

Some shy Zhu Zhuqing pulled the quilt, revealed a pair of bright eyes, and blinked.

Seeing this cute move, Jiang Siming's heart melted, and he kissed Zhu Zhuqing's brow.

Parting his lips, Jiang Siming slowly let go of the beauty in his arms, stood up and pulled the quilt gently.

Jiang Siming walked out and gently closed the door.

Zhu Zhuqing who was still in the room turned red.

And Jiang Siming outside the door was looking at a group of other Shrek people who were staring at him and giggling.

Jiang Siming also scratched his head in embarrassment, as thick-skinned as he was, he was a little at a loss.

Ma Hongjun carefully looked at Jiang Siming's whole body, as if he wanted to find some traces.

Feeling Ma Hongjun's strange gaze, Jiang Siming glared at him.Ma Hongjun shrank his neck and looked away.

"Si Ming, you just came back, ahem, young people need to be restrained!" Flender said meaningfully.

Liu Erlong, who was holding Grandmaster's arm, looked at Grandmaster who was smiling awkwardly with some resentment.

"It made everyone worry. A lot of things have happened this year, and my appearance has also changed because of some adventures." Jiang Siming's mood also completely changed, and he looked at everyone with some warmth.

"Don't tell me, Siming, your face looks better than Xiao Ao's bitch face now." Ma Hongjun said enviously.

"Fatty man, you're just envious and jealous! You can't grow it even if you want it!" Oscar stared at Ma Hongjun viciously.

Everyone laughed heartily.

Jiang Siming stepped forward and patted Dai Mubai's shoulder.

"It's not bad that your strength has grown, but you beat me badly last night!" Jiang Siming said jokingly.

"Tch, it's good to know, if you suddenly disappear like this again in the future, we all greet you together." Dai Mubai waved his fist fiercely and said.

Everyone laughed.

"By the way, why hasn't Zhuqing come out yet? It can't be, oh~" Oscar said in a strange way.

"Don't talk, by the way, can you move a place for me to show off my cooking skills?" Jiang Siming said angrily.

"Okay, okay! Didn't you see that Siming is going to make a loving breakfast for his wife? Have a good eye!" Zhao Wou-ki booed from the side, he hadn't seen Jiang Siming for more than a year, and Zhao Wou-ki's eyes were a little red.

"Okay, are you all gone? Siming, we'll wait for you and Zhuqing in the conference hall after we're done." The master coughed twice and said.

Everyone laughed and left, and Jiang Siming was taken to the kitchen by Flender.

"Si Ming, I don't care what you've been through, Shrek will always be your home." Flender was not good at sensationalism, so he patted Jiang Siming on the shoulder and left.

Jiang Siming, who was left alone in the kitchen, smiled slightly and took a deep breath, never feeling so happy.


At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing in the room also sat by the bed after washing.With two small hands supporting the crooked little head, a silly and cute smile appeared on his face.

Jiang Siming pushed the door open and entered.

Hearing the sound of someone coming in, Zhu Zhuqing immediately got up in a panic, with her two little hands entangled on her back, extremely cute.

"Noodles are here!" Jiang Siming exaggeratedly said loudly, holding a bowl of hot noodles in his hand.

"Be careful of hot hands!" Jiang Siming passed the noodles in his hand.

Jiang Siming was a little embarrassed, scratched his head and said, "I can only make noodles." After all, he was an otaku in his previous life, and his hands-on ability was worrying.

Zhu Zhuqing opened his cute little mouth exaggeratedly, his mouth was full of noodles, his eyes had already narrowed into a line.

Soon, the bowl bottomed out.

"It's delicious." Zhu Zhuqing put both hands on Jiang Siming's shoulders, tapped his toes, and gently approached Jiang Siming's ears.

"After I want you, you can only make it for me to eat alone."

The sun shines through the gap between the two, avoiding it inadvertently.

(End of this chapter)

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