Chapter 78
In the conference hall of Shrek Academy.

Jiang Siming took Zhu Zhuqing's little hand with a blushing face, and walked in leisurely.

Everyone was somewhat meaningful, looking at this young couple.

"Tsk tsk, it's hard to let people live!" Ma Hongjun said sourly from the side.

Jiang Siming was also a little embarrassed, and touched his nose.

"Alright, alright, since everyone is here, our meeting will begin." The master said seriously.

"You can probably guess that the masked person from Liuli Academy is Si Ming. So I don't know if you still have confidence!" The master said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The Shrek Seven Devils said in high spirits.

"Very good! Confidence is a good thing. But if you meet Si Ming in the qualifiers, I hope you will admit defeat! Remember, don't reveal too much strength in the early stage." The master said.After all, Jiang Siming's goal was to attract the vast majority of attention, and if the Shrek Seven Monsters were to fight Jiang Siming, they would have to fight with all of them.

Everyone was silent, but they still nodded.

"Today, your opponent is a bit tricky. It is the Blazing Academy, which is also one of the five elemental academies. Siming, you have fought against them, and talk about your thoughts." The master looked at Jiang Siming and said.

Everyone turned to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming touched his chin and said, "The strength of Blazing Academy is probably higher than that of Elephant Armor Academy. Compared with the monotony of Elephant Armor Academy, Blazing Academy can be said to be very perfect in matching soul masters. And the opponent A control-type soul master, Huo Wu's resistance fire ring is good in the ring, it can be called abnormal, and if you are a little careless, you will even lose the qualification directly. The two Martian soul masters also have extremely strong damage output. Of course their The flaw is also very obvious, relying too much on Huo Wu's resistance to the ring of fire, but ignoring the protection of the two Martian soul masters, and the opponent's attack-type soul master, Huo Wushuang, suppressed by Mubai's soul power, the opponent will inevitably suffer great damage Pressure. I suggest that Xiao Wu can replace Zhuqing in this game. Teleportation can solve the back row output of the two Martian soul masters, and reduce the pressure on us at the fastest speed. Relatively speaking, Xiao Wu's soul skills are also The Fire Resistance Ring is more restrained against Huo Wu. After all, Xiao Wu can completely entangle her when using the Fire Resistance Ring at close range."

Everyone lowered their heads and thought.

"Si Ming is right. We are not worried about the opponent's attack-type soul masters. The only troublesome thing is the output of the two Martian soul masters in the back row, and Huo Wu's resistance fire ring. If Xiao Wu is allowed to play If Xiaosan and the others hold the other Blazing Academy members in check, the match will be sure, and your strength will also be preserved." The master nodded and said.

"By the way, brother Siming, don't you have a competition today?" Ma Hongjun said as if he had suddenly realized.

"Hehe, yes, but the other party has conceded." The master seemed to spread his hands and said first.

Everyone cast contemptuous glances, what is double harvest in love and career?Jiang Siming is like this.

Suddenly Zhao Wuji pushed the door open and came in.Everyone turned to Zhao Wuji one after another.

I saw Zhao Wuji holding an ice-blue little fox in his hand and howling.

"Little fox?" Jiang Siming said in surprise, he left in a hurry last night, and forgot about this little guy by then.

"What? Siming, you know this little guy!" He asked anxiously and puzzled.

Seeing Jiang Siming, the little fox suddenly burst out with a huge force and hurriedly broke free from Zhao Wou-ki's shackles, and rushed towards Jiang Siming, which surprised Zhao Wou-ki, who is a level 70 soul sage.

"Ah, ah, ah," the little fox rubbed against Jiang Siming's calf, howling as if complaining.

"Wow, so cute!" Zhu Zhuqing let go of Jiang Siming's hand, and hugged the little fox into his arms.

The little fox was caught off guard by the sudden attack, and looked at Jiang Siming pitifully.

Jiang Siming helplessly watched the little fox spread his hands, expressing that his wife had nothing to do.

"Brother Siming, is this your pet?" Ning Rongrong looked at the cute little fox in Zhu Zhuqing's arms, his eyes lit up, and he rushed forward to join the kneading team.

Jiang Siming looked at the little fox's loveless eyes with some amusement.

"It's over, it's over, even a fox is better than me, Fat Lord, I'm really dead!" Ma Hongjun was envious of the little fox's treatment.

"Si Ming, what kind of fox are you? You can break free from my shackles." Zhao Wou-ki asked in confusion.

When everyone heard what Zhao Wuji said, they immediately became interested.

"This should be a Xinyue fox from the extreme north. The tail is 1.5 times the body, 75000 years?" The master said in disbelief.

Everyone looked at the little fox in surprise, even the two girls who were teasing the little fox were stunned by the movements of their hands.The little fox also took the opportunity to break free.

"Yes, the little fox is indeed a 75000-year-old soul beast." Jiang Siming spread his hands and said, anticipating the reaction of everyone.

As if understanding everyone's conversation, the little fox raised his proud fox head and walked swaggeringly, as if talking about you little brats.

When the little fox walked in front of Xiao Wu, his ice-blue hair stood up unconsciously, and then rubbed against Xiao Wu's leg a little fawningly.

The Shrek Seven Devils and others looked at this scene in surprise, the little fox seemed to be a little afraid of Xiao Wu.

Jiang Siming wasn't surprised, after all, Xiao Wu hadn't reached level 70 yet, so she couldn't completely restrain the aura that belonged to a soul beast. Although Acacia Broken Heart helped cover it up, the little fox might be able to sense Xiao Wu as a soul beast, which belonged to 10. The breath of the ten thousand year soul beast.

Xiao Wu saw everyone's curious eyes, but she didn't lose her composure, she just hugged the little fox in her arms and teased her.

"Si Ming, you are really a pervert. It takes 75000 years to keep a pet like this!" Oscar's exclamation broke the somewhat peaceful atmosphere.

"Teacher, I have an idea." Jiang Siming suddenly thought of the little fox's ability to create illusions.Looking at the little fox with a wicked gaze, he thought to himself, "Eating and living for free is not a problem, you have to work!"

"Oh?" The master was a little curious.

"The ability of the little fox is to create illusions, but it can be used as a simulated battlefield, or to experience the state of mind of Xiaosan and the others." After this lesson, Jiang Siming deeply understands that not only must strong strength, but also a strong heart .Unconsciously, he took Zhu Zhuqing's little hand and held it tightly.Sensing Jiang Siming's movements, Zhu Zhuqing inadvertently showed a smile on his face.

"Illusion? This is a good way to train." The master stroked his chin and thought.

The little fox in Xiao Wu's arms at the side heard Jiang Siming's words, and looked at Jiang Siming directly, as if to say, "You really don't think I'm a fox!"

"Okay! After this match with Blazing Academy, we will add another training item! Illusion training!" the master announced.

"Yes! We must win!" The Shrek Seven Devils shouted presumptuously.

The current Shrek is a truly complete whole with nothing missing.

(End of this chapter)

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