My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 8 System Are you kidding me?

Chapter 8 System Are you kidding me?

Four years later.

Jiang Siming, who was doing "morning exercises" every day, was called over by the dean.

"Morning exercises" are of course Jiang Siming, who practice daily with Zao Wou-ki.

In the past four years, Jiang Siming's fighting skills have become more and more proficient.He has completely left the level where he can only use soul skills to fight.Fighting skills are hard to guard against, Zhao Wuji is also quite a headache.Jiang Siming's Slaying Immortal Sword is very difficult to deal with. After each battle, only Jiang Siming can eliminate it himself. The murderous aura that comes with the sword.Otherwise, the piece of flesh that Zao Wou-ki was injured would definitely die.

Of course, Zao Wou-ki was Jiang Siming's training partner, and Jiang Siming gave him a body strengthening pill.


"Si Ming, I have a task for you today. The new batch of little monsters in the college are a little difficult to deal with. Originally, I wanted Lao Zhao to go and frustrate them. But after thinking about it, Lao Zhao might You can’t convince them. It’s up to you. After all, peers put a lot of pressure on them.” Flender said with a ruddy complexion.

The book has sold well in recent years, and it was the bestseller in the previous life.One of the pinnacle works of pretending to face, of course it is also a bestseller in Douluo Continent.The college's finances are finally slowly improving.Not as dilapidated as in the original.

Jiang Siming thought for a while, "If you calculate the time, those guys should have arrived."

"Okay, Dean." Jiang Siming agreed.

"Now is the fourth assessment, and I will spend a good time under your future student Jiang Siming." Dai Mubai said teasingly.Wait to see this gang, guys make a fool of themselves.

Today's Dai Mubai has taken Jiang Siming's elixir, and because of Jiang Siming's existence, he is not as unrestrained as in the original book.Now it has reached the terrifying level of level 39. You must know that he is only 15 years old this year.And practicing with Jiang Si tomorrow, the actual combat skills are not covered.

But our Jiang Siming is still at level 29, because the next check-in task is to defeat Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu led by Tang San.Jiang Siming, dare not bet.He doesn't know what the sign-in system is?As he guessed, it was a continuous check-in.Skip this check-in and just ask for the next check-in, will you?It counts as a failure to sign in this time.Thereby supplementing.In any case, in the various games in the previous life, no matter what the game was, there was a price to be paid for re-signing.

During this process, Jiang Siming discovered that soul power can be compressed.

Most soul masters only pay attention to the improvement of the level, few people stop, at most they lay a solid foundation.Few can focus on improving the quality of soul power.Even if someone discovers that soul power can be compressed, how many people are there?Be able to give up the temptation to break through.After all, who wants to waste the age group of the improved soul power, wasting time to compress the soul power.As for the powerhouses of the older generation, their cultivation is slow, who would like to fall to the realm and compress their soul power?After all, the gain outweighs the gain.

But Jiang Siming is a strange thing.It's not that he doesn't want to improve.I am he can only wait.Therefore, compressing the soul power to make it more vigorous is Jiang Siming's only choice.

"Senior, are you kidding? The four of us are not that weak." Ning Rongrong said arrogantly.

"Brother Siming, it won't be so easy to deal with." Tang San said seriously.

"What? Tang San, do you know Jiang Siming?" Dai Mubai asked curiously.

"We are from the same school, to be precise we have a common teacher." Tang San laughed.

"What a coincidence. It really is destined." Dai Mubai chuckled.

"I got into a fight with him because I got to know him, and I got into a fight with you because I got to know you. But he beat me badly. You're still a lot worse!" Dai Mubai laughed loudly.

"Mubai, what are you so happy about? Yo little San. Why are you here? Has the teacher followed you?" Although he knew the plot, Jiang Siming still pretended to ask.

"No, brother Siming, the teacher should have other things to deal with." Tang San replied.

"Okay, you should know that I am today's chief examiner, right?" Jiang Siming glanced at the four of them.

Just seeing the cold Zhu Zhuqing, his eyelids twitched.There is a feeling of familiarity.But didn't care too much.

"Let me explain the rules. You can use any method, any means. Force me to use soul skills, or survive a stick of incense time. Even if you pass the examination."

"You really know how to brag, you look about the same age as us, what's so great about it." Xiao Wu muttered in a low voice.

"Xiao Wu, don't underestimate Brother Siming, since the academy let him go, he will definitely be able to do it." Tang San said.

In fact, Tang San didn't really believe that Jiang Siming could defeat them without using spirit skills.After all, he is also a proud man.But he was cautious by nature, so he reminded him.

"Mubai, light some incense," Jiang Siming said.

"The assessment begins" Dai Mubai shouted.

"Aura of Dominance" Jiang Siming released this powerful skill at the beginning of the game.There is no need to use it for nothing, and it does not consume soul power anyway.Who doesn't have a dream of secondary school?

In an instant, Jiang Siming's temperament changed drastically. If it was just now, it would be harmless to humans and animals.So now he is the emperor aloof.

"Don't be distracted, Ning Rongrong is assisting, Zhu Zhuqing is interfering with him. I will control him, Xiao Wu will find an opportunity to approach." Tang San reacted the fastest and made the most correct command.

"That's right, since I got rid of my arrogance so quickly." Jiang Siming smiled.

It may be the elixir given by Jiang Siming, which changed some plots. Tang San is now level 30.But did not get the soul ring.Jiang Siming guessed that the master wanted Tang San to compress his soul power. A 12-year-old 30-level soul master must have a lot of talent. If he wants to go further in the future, he will be stronger than his peers.You have to learn to be patient.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing had already rushed over, and the first soul skill Nether Thrust was activated.Attacking from behind, trying to catch Jiang Siming by surprise.But Jiang Siming is already an old fritter, and he has seen too many attacks like this.Stomp your feet on the ground and lift your body backwards.He grabbed Zhu Zhuqing's hands and threw her out violently.There is no sympathy at all.

Straightened up, instantly exerted strength to pass Tang San, and ran towards Ning Rongrong.Auxiliary soul masters are the most important existence in the soul master team besides the control system soul masters.It's too troublesome to solve Tang San, first solve the auxiliary system soul master.

Jiang Siming slapped it with his palm, but Ning Rongrong hadn't reacted yet.It happened to hit the key part.Due to summer, I wear thinner clothes.

With a "pop", the audience fell silent for an instant.after awhile.Dai Mubai laughed out loud.

Ning Rongrong's face was flushed at this time, and she was at a loss.Turning around, blushing and staggering away.

Tang San seized Jiang Siming's stupefied opportunity, and activated the soul ability winding.

Jiang Siming came back to his senses immediately, and smiled awkwardly.Breaking free from the entanglement, Tang San's first spirit ability was poisonous.So Jiang Siming was still affected.Xiao Wu seized the opportunity and successfully approached Jiang Siming.Activate the waist bow.

For a while, Jiang Siming couldn't break free.In fact, Jiang Siming could cut off Xiao Wu's hair with his sword.So as to get rid of the waist bow.But he made Xiaosan go crazy.After all, this is just an assessment.

"Killing God Possession." Jiang Siming still used the soul skill.

Quickly broke free, rushed towards Tang San.The speed increased sharply, and it grabbed Tang San's neck all at once.Carrying Tang San, he rushed towards Zhu Zhuqing, swept his legs suddenly, and knocked Zhu Zhuqing to the ground.

"Okay, the assessment is over. You all passed." Jiang Siming said helplessly.

"Although the assessment is over, one of them ran away. How do you say that? Never mind her. Before his character changed in the original book, he should be thinking about how to get revenge on me. Probably not, just leave like this." Jiang Siming thought about it.

"Ding, the sign-in was successful. Sign-in rewards have been issued. Congratulations to the host for obtaining an m4a 1 automatic rifle."

"System, are you making planes? Why do I need this gun?" Jiang Siming said helplessly.

"It seems that we can only find a reason for Xiaosan to see if this thing can be mass-produced."

A gun is useless, but if it can be mass-produced it will be different.

(End of this chapter)

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