My sign-in life in Douluo

Chapter 9 The Stubborn Ning Rongrong

Chapter 9 The Stubborn Ning Rongrong
After the assessment was over, Jiang Siming went to fight the soul again.Jiang Siming was a frequent visitor there.But when I came back in the evening, some episodes happened.

"Come out!" Jiang Siming said lightly.

Two figures emerged from the forest.

"Boy, you bullied our eldest lady during the day. We advise you to stand obediently and let us beat you up. Otherwise, don't blame our brothers for being rude." soul.

"The two soul masters really think highly of me." Jiang Siming said lightly.

After speaking, he released the Eastern Emperor Bell to cover the two of them.The coercion of the emperor shocked the hearts of the two Soul Venerables. "This kid has twin martial souls." They looked at each other and immediately made a move.

"The first soul skill, Thunderbolt Hand." One of them shouted.The thunder hand bombarded the Donghuang Bell, and the echoing sound wave hit the eardrums of the two soul masters.Just like the power of heaven in panic, it should not be easily desecrated.

Jiang Siming stepped forward, released the Rusty Sword Wuhun, and hit the Donghuang Bell hard.Sound waves echoed in the middle.

"Beat me, right? Stand obediently, right? Teach me how to behave?" Jiang Siming said teasingly.

Take back the Eastern Emperor Bell.

The sound wave gradually stopped.

The two soul masters knelt on one knee and said unwillingly, "Boy, pay attention to your identity, some people can't afford to offend."

"You don't have the right to say that, either let her little girl come in person, or let the master behind you come." Jiang Siming said with his head tilted.

Then he turned and left.

The reason why these two people came here was because the little girl wanted to teach her a lesson.The second is that Ning Fengzhi wanted to test himself.

Jiang Siming didn't mind exposing his strength a little more, because for the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, they would not easily offend a potential enemy.

Jiang Siming has his own plan, and the M4a1 rewarded by the system seems to be useful.Will not become an enemy, and have enough financial resources.The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School was the first choice, and Jiang Siming chose to enter the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School's sight.

Of course, this matter has to be carefully considered.He only had one sample after all.If you want to manufacture in batches, you still have to rely on Tang San.


Inside the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"Fengzhi, that kid dares to bully Rongrong, we should send a few more people to beat him up." An old man with gray hair, a pair of sword eyebrows, and piercing eyes said.

"Uncle Jian, I have sent someone there. You should come back soon. That kid is interesting." Ning Fengzhi said with a faint smile.

A quarter of an hour later, the two came back in a panic.

"Sovereign, my subordinates failed. That kid has twin spirits, and his second spirit is a bell-shaped spirit. Combined with the first spirit, his strength is very strong. We are not opponents. And his second spirit There is also an imperial coercion."

Ning Fengzhi was a little surprised and lowered his head thinking about something.

"You go back first."

"Uncle Jian, this kid is a bit interesting, he is warning us." Ning Fengzhi said elegantly as usual.

"Hmph, if you want me to say, I'm going to beat up that kid directly. As a father, your daughter has been bullied like this, and you still have the heart to recruit." Jian Douluo said.

"Uncle Jian, don't get excited, this kid actually guessed that we wanted to test him, his mind is not comparable to that of ordinary people, otherwise he wouldn't reveal his second martial spirit." Ning Fengzhi said flatly.

"Oh, then what do you want?" Jian Douluo asked back.

"I don't have any ideas until now, I'm just curious. Besides, let Rongrong go out secretly this time, isn't it just to grind her temper. If we come forward now, it will be a waste of time." Ning Fengzhi said.

"Hmph, then let that kid be happy for a while longer." After speaking, Sword Douluo turned around and left.

Ning Fengzhi was left alone in the hall.Frowning, thinking about something.

the next day.

Inside Shrek Academy.

There was a row standing in front of Flender, this was Tang San and the others, and Ning Rongrong was there as well.

"Oscar, Ning Rongrong is on the team. Auxiliary system soul masters must first learn how to escape. Now run 20 laps around the village."

"Yes" they both replied in unison.

at dusk.The two came back at the same time.

"Have you all finished running?" Flender asked coldly.

"Report to the dean, the run is over." Oscar said.

"I'm talking about you, not you." Flender said coldly again.

"Then Ning Rongrong, have you finished running?"

"Let me guess, you went to Soto City halfway to have a big meal, and then came back to look for Oscar. Is there a problem with what I said?" Flender's face became more and more gloomy.

"Now Oscar is going to run another 20 laps, Ning Rongrong, he is punishing you. Shrek is a collective, don't you feel guilty?"

Ning Rongrong finally couldn't help but exploded, "Flender, who do you think you are? You're just a little soul saint. You tell me to go, but I won't go. I won't even run around." The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is a little witch who is not afraid of anything.No one can control, how can you endure being reprimanded like this?

"So this is your confidence? The eldest lady of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School. You are discrediting the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School. You are just a son of a wealthy rich family." Flender said disdainfully.

Ning Rongrong just wanted to refute, but didn't know how to start?

"Am I wrong? The talent you are proud of is nothing here? Dai Mubai is 15 years old, level 39, Tang San is 12 years old, level 30 spirit power, Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, which one is better than you?" Weak? Let alone Jiang Siming." Flender snorted coldly.

"I'm an auxiliary soul master, how can I compare with them? Yes, there is also Oscar." Ning Rongrong said unwillingly.

"Have you ever seen a food-type soul master born with full soul power?" Flender said.

"Innately full of soul power, support system! No, you lied to me. How can the support system be born with full soul power?" Ning Rongrong roared.

"Oscar may be the only food system on the mainland with full soul power. You should know what it means. Maybe he will replace you from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and become the world's number one support system martial soul. And you, Just a dude." Flender's tone became more and more serious.

"No, no." Ning Rongrong gradually lost control of her emotions.I ran away from here crying.

"Jiang Siming, go and have a look, don't let anything happen again." Flender's typical knife-mouthed bean curd heart.

"Damn, you broke the girl's heart yourself, let me clean up the mess." Jiang Siming complained.

"Go if you are told, don't talk so much nonsense." Flender said.

The rest of the people watched the rapidly changing plot with dazed faces.

"What are you looking at, hurry up and go to training." Flender coughed and said solemnly again.

Jiang Siming followed Ning Rongrong's footprints and walked slowly.I saw Ning Rongrong sitting on a stone by the lake, her eyes were blank.

Jiang Siming walked up to you, Rongrong, and sat down too.

"Did you come to see my joke?" Ning Rongrong sobbed.

"You think so." Jiang Siming said casually.

"You" Ning Rongrong was at a loss for words for a moment.

"If you don't change, no one will become friends with you. Friends should be sincere and equal. Not some subordinates of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, you can call and drink at will. Even those subordinates who are superficially respectful, There are a few who really respect you, and I think most of them are because of your father." Jiang Siming gave Ning Rongrong another blow.

"You're talking nonsense" Ning Rongrong retorted.

"Just treat me as nonsense!" Jiang Siming got up and wanted to leave.

"Wait a minute" Ning Rongrong stopped Jiang Siming.Slowly raised his little hand, grabbing the corner of Jiang Siming's clothes.Stand up slowly.

Suddenly, Ning Rongrong smiled.He pushed Jiang Siming into the water.

Smiling triumphantly, "This is the result of you bullying Miss Ben yesterday, so I won't give up so easily. I must prove that I am stronger than you all." Then he left.He also gave Jiang Siming a provocative look.

Jiang Siming got up from the lake and smiled helplessly.I thought to myself, "Girl, you are still too young. Just touch you, just a simple push and it will be evened out. This deal is too good. Do you want to do it again?"

(End of this chapter)

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