Chapter 105 The Unknown Erhu Music
stomping on...

One step, two steps... The Juggernaut was getting closer and closer to Xiongba, Qin Shuang hurriedly collected his skills and came to stop him.

"Sky Frost Fist!" As soon as the Tianshuang Fist was released, the surrounding temperature dropped to zero, almost freezing people.

However, the Juggernaut is a sword and not a person, so Tianshuang Fist naturally couldn't do anything to him, and only slightly slowed the Juggernaut's footsteps.

stomping on...

This is a life-threatening pace, a heart-pounding pace.

It's pitiful, the world will help tens of thousands of people, but only Nie Feng and Qin Shuang stood up to defend Xiongba at this time, such as Tianchi Twelve Demons not only did not stand up, but also watched the show from the sidelines, so that when Xiongba died, they would go Take over the Tianxiahui.

"Go away." Seeing that Qin Shuang was about to attack again, the sword sage waved his hand and released a stream of sword energy.

"Ah!" Qin Shuang hit the sword energy with his fist, and he was blown away and disappeared.It feels so much like a fly rushing at you and you slapping it into hell with just a flick of your hand.

Whether Qin Shuang lives or dies depends on his fate (hehe, it mainly depends on the mood of the author, it seems that he has no role to play)
"Shuang'er!" Xiongba exclaimed.Although he has a hard-hearted heart, he also has feelings, and the walls can see people's hearts.

He Xiongba will cry to the sky because of the death of his children, and he will also be sad because of Qin Shuang's death.

"Ah." Suddenly there was a sudden change, and the Sword Master was only five steps away from Xiongba, but he let out a muffled snort, and stopped walking with his hands on his chest.It felt like a heart attack.

"Whoosh." Of course Xiongba would not let go of this once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity, and mobilized his internal energy to use his Fengshen legs to escape at the fastest speed at present.

Xiong Ba didn't have the time to think about why the Juggernaut stopped, even if he thought about it, he would be as confused as the martial arts practitioners present.

"Oh, after all, I still can't hold on." Zhu Cheng shook his head and sighed.As early as the first time he met the Juggernaut, Zhu Cheng discovered that the Juggernaut had little life left and was about to die, and his ability to kill the world would be entirely supported by a wave of anger.

What a pity, what a pity, it was only the last step that failed to kill Xiong Ba.

"Where is Xiongba going? Sword 23!" The mutation reappeared, as if a ray of light flew out of the sword master's body, condensing a light and shadow in the air.That light and shadow appearance is exactly the Juggernaut, but the Juggernaut in the light and shadow state is as tall as the Leshan Giant Buddha, and is actually a giant.

Xiong Ba's whole body was fixed in the air and could not move, the light and shadow quickly gathered and condensed, and finally turned into a glowing long sword.Because the sword cannot be seen clearly in the strong light, the blurred parts are extremely simple.

"Om—" the lightsaber shot towards Xiong Ba Biao.

"Ahhh!" The lightsaber pierced Xiongba's chest inch by inch, every time Xiongba penetrated, he let out a miserable howl, and each sound became more miserable.

He wanted to escape, he wanted to resist, but he couldn't do it, he couldn't move his whole body, and he couldn't use half of his internal strength, even if he wanted to land.

"Okay, what a sword 23." Zhu Cheng watched intently.Yuanshen Yijian is really powerful, but I don't know if the sword master can realize 'Sword 24'.But no matter what, seeing the sword master cast sword 23, Zhu Cheng was a little more sure that he could make sword 24.

"Master!" With Bu Jingyun's help, Nie Feng was finally able to free his hand, and kicked the Sword Saint's body from far to near with Fengshen's leg.

Zhu Cheng didn't have time to stop him, he was concentrating on comprehending Sword 23.Not to mention that everyone present was attracted by the sword, who would pay attention to the remnant body of the sword master, so that Nie Feng, a careful guy, took advantage of it.

"No!" With an unwilling wail, the lightsaber dissipated, and Xiong Ba also fell heavily to the ground, clutching his heart and dying.

"Boom" the body of the Juggernaut fell directly to the ground.

"The leader of the gang is wise, and Wen Chengwu is virtuous. Follow the heavens, and rule the world." Wen Chouchou shouted the slogan of the Tianxiahui. This is Xiongba's dream, the goal he wants to fight for, and it seems that it will be completed soon.

"Guangzhu is wise, Wen Chengwu is virtuous! Facing the destiny of heaven, rule the world!" Wen Chouchou took the lead, and a group of onlookers shouted slogans in unison, whether it was true or false, and the momentum was extremely large.

"Uncle, Uncle." Seeing that the Juggernaut fell down and was defeated, Duanlang didn't care about Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, flew back and knelt beside the Juggernaut's body and wept bitterly.You can say that he is sincere or acting, but he is crying very sad anyway.

"Hey, it's destiny after all." Zhu Cheng glanced at Nie Feng and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

This is the fate of the Sword Saint. In this life, Bu Jingyun did not push down the body of the Sword Saint, but Nie Fengheng came out to stop him.Is it true that as the mud bodhisattva said, the success of Xiongba can also be defeated by Fengyun, and Xiongba can only die at the hands of Fengyun?

"Come here, cut the Juggernaut into pieces." Wen Chouchou gave orders, wanting to vent his anger on Xiongba.

"I'll do it." One day, the leader of the Twelve Demons of the Chi, 'Wail', jumped out. The dolls were a pair of girls, holding a doll in each hand, and the strong man 'Shi Wei Xian' carried it on his shoulders from left to right. .

They are well aware of Xiongba's character, they chose to watch the decisive battle between Xiongba and the Juggernaut just now, if they don't make a move at this time, they will be settled by Xiongba Qiuhou.

"Juvenile Master, don't blame us, just blame yourself for not offending our Tianxiahui." The doll threw the doll in his hand at the same time as he said, and the doll was like a marionette, and it chopped at the Juggernaut's corpse. Doubt the doll's lethality, the knife in its hand is extremely sharp.

"What an ugly doll." With a backhand palm from Zhu Cheng, the doll burst into flames and was instantly burned to ashes.

"Who is it!" Wawa asked.

"This is my master Sword Immortal." Duan Lang stood up and said to Wa Wa.While Duanlang was answering, Zhu Cheng's eyes were fixed on the body of the Juggernaut.

"The Immortal of the Sword, so arrogant, kill him for me." With Wen Chouchou's order, many gang members came to kill Zhu Cheng, among them were all members of the twelve evil spirits.

"Noisy!" Zhu Cheng was engrossed in watching, how could he allow these jumping clowns to disturb him, and with a flick of his finger like a sword, thousands of sword qi burst out, knocking all the people into the air.

"If you dare to step forward again, you will be killed." After Zhu Cheng put down his words, he stood with his hands down and looked at the sword master wholeheartedly.

A group of people are silent and silent. It is not terrible to be able to release sword energy. What is terrible is that after knocking them into the air, their bodies are not damaged. That was a crowd of hundreds of thousands of people.

There was a quarter of silence in the arena.

"Hahaha... well, a little bit of spirituality is still there, whether you can be reborn from Nirvana depends on your good fortune." Zhu Cheng held his hand in the void, and the spiritual mirror appeared out of thin air, and followed the mirror light towards the sword master. , the Juggernaut was taken into the spiritual mirror.

"Gods, gods, gods!" No one could hold back their exclamation, and Wen Chou Chou was the most excited and had the most expressive expressions.

"Let's go." Zhu Cheng didn't wait for Duanlang to react, and flew away with him.

The soul of the Juggernaut has not all dissipated. Zhu Cheng observed for a long time and found that there is still a trace of the soul in the body of the Juggernaut. This shows that the Juggernaut is expected to be refined into "Sword 24" and is expected to be reborn from Nirvana to create a "Sword Body".

"Ding dong, complete the task of defeating the sword sage and moving the rivers and lakes." The system prompt sounded in Zhu Cheng's mind.

"What about the reward?"

"No reward."


"Did I say yes?" the system asked back.

"I'm so..." The world is so beautiful, but I'm so irritable, it's not good, no... Author, don't fucking stop me, I will hack him to death: What kind of fucking system are you, just let me work without paying ah!You're Zhou Papi, you're darker than Zhou Papi, I'm kidding.

No matter how much he growled in his heart, it was impossible for the system to reward Zhu Cheng.

When he came to a safe place, Zhu Cheng put down Duanlang, and said: "The Juggernaut is dead, Wushuang City needs someone to sit in the city, you go back."

"Master, are you really an immortal?" Duan Lang still couldn't help asking.

"No," Zhu Cheng shook his head, Duan Lang immediately turned pale with disappointment, "But one day it will be, I want to stand on the top of the world."


Duanlang feels that Zhu Cheng is shining, God is really eye-opening, knowing that Duanlang has been wronged, so he sent an immortal master, Duanlang wants to dominate the martial arts and enjoy supremacy forever.

"You go." After Zhu Cheng finished speaking, he disappeared on the spot with his sword.The direction he was going was a small town, the town was not important, what was important was an inn called "Zhonghua Pavilion".

There are people coming and going in the Zhonghua Pavilion, but the back yard is very quiet and comfortable, as if it is not a world with the front, it is very suitable for the elderly, at this time Wuming is sitting in the yard playing the erhu.

It is a song "Lone Star Alone", the indescribable loneliness and sadness in the song, all the listeners are infected by this sad emotion.

Exactly that:
Heartbroken in the middle of the night, sitting alone in the small courtyard.

Looking up at the sky, the stars are thin and the moon is dim.

The wind blows, and the unlined clothes are not resistant to the cold before dawn.

The sound of the piano chokes, like weeping, and sighs to the shadow.

At the end of the song, Zhu Chengcai asked: "Why is Wuming sad?"

Wuming replied with the words "wailing for the Meteor Sword".

"You two are both enemies and friends. It seems that my choice is right." After Zhu Cheng finished speaking, he took out the Juggernaut from the mirror, and he decided to place the Juggernaut in the Zhonghua Pavilion.

"Brother Dugu!" Wuming turned into an afterimage, picked up the Juggernaut and entered the room.

 Thank you June, thank you.You are rewarding the right monthly ticket again, I feel embarrassed for doing it.But still very happy.Hee hee hee.

  I like erhu music very much. Every time I listen to it, I feel a little sad and want to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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