Chapter 106

But he said that because of Zhu Cheng, the fate of the Juggernaut has changed. Originally, there was no life but now there is such a glimmer of life.

The reason is that Zhu Cheng pointed out the way for the Juggernaut in advance, allowing him to comprehend 'Sword 23' earlier, and the vitality that Zhu Cheng injected into the Juggernaut's body, which played a role of life-saving straw. It is because of that ray of vitality that the remnant body hangs.

Dangerous and dangerous.

In order to comprehend Sword 24, Zhu Cheng spent a lot of money, pouring vitality into the Juggernaut without money, but the body of the Juggernaut is like a bottomless pit, which seems to never be filled.That bit of spirituality showed no signs of growing, and the corpse was still a corpse, just a corpse with temperature.

"Well, why did your hair turn gray?" Wuming Fang walked into the room, and saw that Zhu Cheng's temples were graying, and there were some wrinkles on his face. In less than a quarter of an hour, Zhu Cheng seemed like an old man. Dozens of years old.

"Is it white?" Zhu Cheng took out his spiritual mirror and took a picture. He really had white hair, but luckily he didn't grow a white beard, otherwise Wuming would call him grandpa.

"It's good like this. It's even more vicissitudes. It's just a good time to learn the music." Zhu Cheng took back his spirit mirror and said, "Your erhu song is not bad, can you teach me?" The erhu is always so sad, unlike his current picture. The old state is fit.

"Ah, good." Wuming was stunned for a moment, but he didn't realize that Zhu Cheng's thoughts were jumping like this.But learning the erhu is absolutely fine, and it’s not a unique skill, it’s just a pastime when one is lonely.

So Zhu Cheng started to learn the song "Lone Star Alone". It was the first time that he wanted to learn an instrument so much. He always said that music can infect people. Zhu Cheng believed it today.

Of course, Zhu Cheng wasn't really bored, he put the system tasks behind him in his spare time, and didn't go to Di Shitian.Whether he is guarding or observing the Juggernaut, maybe one day the Juggernaut will be reborn from Nirvana, but it is definitely not today. Instead of waiting, it is better to learn the erhu to pass the time.

But when Zhu Cheng was learning the erhu, the reputation of the sword fairy spread.Although he was only a flash in the world, no one dared to question his strength and regarded him as the number one in the world. His strength was even stronger than Wuming, the martial arts myth back then.

The investigation of the details of the Sword Immortal is also carried out from various channels. The infiltrated Lian Duanlang of Wushuang City has moles on his body. Those big forces are all clear, but they just can't find out the details of the Sword Immortal.Zhu Cheng seemed to appear out of nowhere, and no one even knew where he left the world, because even Duanlang Zhu Cheng didn't tell.

Zhu Cheng had expected that a swarm of flies would harass him after he became famous, so he came to look for Wuming.It is reasonable for Wuming to choose this small town to live in seclusion. It is absolutely hidden and safe. Otherwise, how could Wuming, who has such a great name, play the erhu in his room with peace of mind for more than ten years.

"Senior, get up and have breakfast." Jian Chen knocked on the door of Zhu Cheng's room. Compared to the young man who was angry and upright half a year ago, he is now more like an inn boy.

No, it's not like, Jianchen is now just a waiter in the Zhonghua Pavilion.

Because of Zhu Cheng's words half a year ago, Wuming decided to let Jianchen start all over again, forgetting the inexplicable swordsmanship and practicing sword again, so after returning, he asked Feng Jian to help out in the inn with a rag, changing from master Jianchen to the waiter Jian Chen.

But Jian Chen is really not like a mistress, and no innkeeper or clerk dares to treat him as a mistress.Although Jian Chen also helped clean up the table, but every time he had to come to wipe his ass and reprocess it.

I don't know where there is a problem with the skill that can fly over eaves and walls. It's not a bowl today, or a cup tomorrow.

The cover is because he loves cleaning too much, and thinks the tableware is greasy, so he only takes the edge, and he can't use his strength at all so as not to break the tableware.

"Wu Ming, where does Jian Chen live now?" Zhu Cheng asked.

"It's still the original room." Wuming pointed to the opposite side. It was a wing room, which was the most luxurious and spacious room in the inn according to its specifications.

"Oh, will you pay him?" Zhu Cheng asked again.

"Salary? Jian Chen doesn't know how to spend money recklessly, so he can use the money on the counter freely." Wuming replied.He didn't understand what Zhu Cheng asked these things for, was he bored, probably not, so why?

"Let me ask you again, what is Jian Chen's identity now?"

"Shop Xiao Er. I understand." Wuming finally understood. Originally, he wanted Jian Chen to do something so that he could forget about Jian, but he ignored many details, but Zhu Cheng directly promoted it to comprehend life, Refining stage.

That's right, Jian Chen is just a waiter at the shop now, so of course he can't live in such a nice wing, he should live with the shop assistant; since he is the waiter at the shop, he has to follow the rules, he doesn't care about how much he does and how much he pays If he has a meal, if he has no money and can’t afford it, he will be hungry. If he can’t bear the hunger, he will naturally learn how to work. After doing the work, his life will naturally be fulfilled. When his life is fulfilled, he will forget about the sword.

At the beginning, Jian Chen complained a little bit, but couldn't figure out why, why the master listened to Zhu Cheng's nonsense.

Although he, Jian Chen, was an orphan, he was adopted by Wuming since he was a child, and even though he was not well-clothed, he had no worries about food and clothing. What happened now, was he thrown into the cold palace?
But slowly, Jian Chen got used to it, and I have to say that this habit is really terrifying.Jian Chen is able to work quickly, and he can have a common topic with the clerks. From time to time, he utters a few obscenities, and secretly scolds those picky customers. He is becoming more and more like a waiter.

Still not right, he is now the best waiter in the shop.Sleek, not as black and white as before, very strong, and now more resilient.

"You are very punctual, is the washing water ready?" Zhu Cheng opened the door with a huff.The room he lives in now is the one Jian Chen used to live in, just across from Wuming, and the Juggernaut sleeps with Wuming.

It is said that Zhu Cheng wants to observe and study, it should be that Zhu Cheng lives with the Juggernaut, but Zhu Cheng has no habit of sleeping with men, especially a male corpse, even if it is not a bed.Let's leave this special treatment to a good friend named Wuming.

After half a year of hard work, there is finally some improvement. In addition to that bit of spirituality, there is a little more life in the Juggernaut. Although the recovery is very slow, I believe that one day the Juggernaut will come to the world again. Holy generals are even more powerful, and they are not even considered human, but in the category of immortals.

It's just pity that Zhu Cheng injects vitality into the Juggernaut every once in a while, so that Xue Ruyi is ruined.

All products have durability, not to mention something against the sky like Xue Ruyi, which can't stand Zhu Cheng's endless exploitation. After using No. 30 times, Xue Ruyi's heart was broken. Xue Ruyi also shattered.

It was simply broken, and there was no freezing, because there was no trace of energy in it.Zhu Cheng, the devil, directly squeezed the blood out of Ruyi, beast, beast.

"It's a pity, it's a pity." Zhu Cheng repeatedly said it's a pity, after all, this is his second life, and he didn't expect it to disappear like this.Juggernaut, oh Juggernaut, don't let me down, if you can't stand it, I will whip the corpse.

"Senior, please don't question my profession. The toiletries are all prepared for you, and the toothpaste is also prepared strictly according to your recipe..." Jian Chen said a lot.

"Okay, you can practice swords now." Hearing Jian Chen chanting early in the morning, Zhu Cheng said that he couldn't take it anymore, so let's just treat this kid as a passer.

There is no other way, Zhu Cheng lives in the inn without paying, and his temper is still weird, even if Wuming doesn't find him something to do, he himself will feel embarrassed, so the task of assessing Jian Chen is left to Zhu Cheng.

In the past six months, Jianchen's piece of rough jade with edges has been panned into an incomparably rounded shape, and he is already a man of the world. If that is the case, then pass the assessment, throw the rag and go practice swordsmanship.

"It's not urgent, I haven't told you the morning news yet."

The morning news, of course, is Zhu Cheng's bad taste, and the content of the news is naturally a major event in the world, especially the news about Tianmen.It's a pity that in the past six months, Wushuang City has searched everywhere but there is no clue, and even the Wulin Myth Wuming shook his head and said he didn't know.

The news this morning is a bit interesting: the two hall masters of the Tianxiahui, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, both defected from the Tianxiahui, and the Tianxiahui is issuing a hunting order to hunt and kill them all over the rivers and lakes; Baijian Villa has a peerless sword that is about to be born At that time, the young master of Baijian Villa, Aotian, invited fellow martial artists to go and grab the sword, and those who said that the sword has a spirit and destiny will get it.

The above single incident can stir up the situation in the world, not to mention two other incidents, which will affect even a small town far away from the rivers and lakes.

"Baijian Villa, I should go there too."

Well, Zhu Cheng, the number one in the world, is going to have a hand, and this world is afraid to be overturned.

(End of this chapter)

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