Chapter 116

Besides, at the Sword Worship Villa, it took them seven to seventy-nine days to forge the sword. The whole process of the sword was made by Aotian, with Zhong Mei guiding him.

Looking at the ordinary sword in his hand, which looked like a piece of scrap iron, Aotian's hand was trembling.

"No, no, no!" Aotian retreated again and again, shaking his head constantly.He was born in a family of swordsmiths, and he knew that even if it was a piece of ordinary iron that was tempered by lava, it would surely be able to forge a sword that cuts iron like mud. Like this scrap iron, there is only one possibility, and that is, as Zhu Cheng said, this time Xuantie is cursed, if you want to make it, you must sacrifice the most caring person.

"Come on Tian'er, mother is ready." Mrs. Ao closed her eyes and opened her arms, still wearing a veil on her face, welcoming death.

After all, she still loves Aotian, afraid that after Aotian kills her, she will dream of her every day, so even before death, she wears a veil to prevent Aotian from seeing her face.

Maybe this can alleviate some of the sins for her son, and that's all she can do for him.

"Mother, I can't do it, I can't do it." Aotian's trembling hand failed to hold the sword, and the sword fell to the ground with a sound of 'Cang Lang Lang'.

"Tian'er, pick it up, pick up that sword." Mrs. Ao opened her eyes, and ordered Aotian to pick up the sword.

"No, I don't want it." Aotian sat paralyzed on the ground and wailed loudly. He thought that his mother could change his mind in seven days and 49 days, but he didn't expect his mother to be so determined.

No way, no way.

"It's worthless." Mrs. Ao glared at Aotian, leaned over with a sword, and walked towards Aotian step by step.

"Take it, and when you see your mother off, just stab it in the heart, it won't hurt you." Mrs. Ao handed the sword to Aotian.

"No, no, no..." Aotian waved his hands one after another, refusing to take the sword.

"Next!" Mrs. Ao directly threw the sword to Aotian, Aotian is a martial arts practitioner, conditioned reflex caught the sword like a hidden weapon.

"Puff..." Mrs. Ao rushed forward two steps, and bumped into the sword, the sword pierced into Mrs. Ao's body obliquely.

"Mother!" Aotian threw away his sword in a hurry, hugged Mrs. Ao in his arms, looking at his mother covered in blood, he was at a loss, his mind was completely empty.

Mrs. Ao stretched out her hand with difficulty, stroked Aotian's face and said: "Son, be well." After saying that, she passed away.

"We will send off my wife respectfully." All the swordsmiths bowed down in unison and sent off the hostess of the Sword Worship Villa.

"Young Master, I would like to express my condolences." Zhong Mei stepped forward to comfort him: "This may not be a relief for Madam."

Aotian closed his eyes, stopped crying, and stopped shaking his body, gently put down Mrs. Ao's body, and then drew out his sword.

"Call me master from today on, I am Aotian, the owner of Sword Sword Villa." Aotian raised the sword that was stained with her mother's blood.

"It's the master." All the swordsmiths felt the change in Aotian's field. Although the original Aotian arrogance was there, it lost its arrogance. After this incident, it finally had the arrogance that belongs to the master.Madam finally did not sacrifice in vain, she should be able to rest in peace.

call out!
Suddenly, the sword in Aotian's hand flew up, broke through the sword pool and went straight to the sky, and then saw the dark clouds rising suddenly in the sky, and after a while, lightning flashed and thunder struck the sword.

"Thunder Tribulation, this is the Thunder Tribulation in ancient legends." Zhong Mei exclaimed, this world was originally full of aura, and there was that cultivator.When the magic treasure fairy sword is cast, there will be this thunder calamity. As long as it can withstand the thunder calamity sword, it can transform, from ordinary to immortal.

"Ding, ding, ding!" The sound of thunder was louder, and the sound of the blow was even louder. At this moment, Tianlei was beating and tempering the sword like a hammer in the hands of a swordsmith.

To be honest, Zhu Cheng didn't think of this scene himself, and he didn't know where the problem was. The sword had to withstand the thunder tribulation, and if there was a slight difference, the sword would be useless.

"Sword, you supported the owner of the villa." Aotian roared, perhaps feeling the power of Aotian, the sword suddenly flew up, shuttled through the clouds at a speed faster than lightning, even though there was thunder and lightning on his body, it was still It failed to destroy it, but made it stronger.


As soon as the sound was over, the sword was finally completed, rushed down the sky and fell into Aotian's hands.

(Oh my god, I forgot to give this sword a name. My friends can tell me what to call it. The book review section is also fine. Use it if it’s popular.)
Zhu Chengyuan, who is hundreds of miles away in Wushuang City, naturally doesn't know about the movement of Sword Worship Villa, but with a faint aura, he feels that a sword was born in the room of Sword Worship Villa, and the power of this sword is even higher than that of a peerless sword.

"Send off Mrs. Ao." Zhu Cheng slightly cupped his hands in the direction of Baijian Villa.He is not a good person, and even went to worship Sword Mountain Villa to make swords with this thought in mind, but after getting to know Mrs. Ao, Zhu Cheng had to express his admiration.

This spirit of sacrificing for love, Zhu Cheng asked himself that he did not have it, or maybe there was no one worthy of his sacrifice.

After Zhu Cheng lived in Wushuang City for more than a month, he really couldn't stay. It wasn't that many people who came to see him disturbed him, but that he was worried about not being able to find Tianmen.

Wushuang City has a history of more than [-] years. How could there be no clues? Could it be that the fake Dugu party lost a lot of sources of information after taking over Wushuang City, and after Duanlang took over again, he lost a lot of dark forces. That's why it's been so long that the whereabouts of Tianmen can't be traced.

"Let me ask you, who is the most powerful when it comes to intelligence and news networks in Jianghu?" Zhu Cheng couldn't wait any longer, and decided not to put all his hopes in Wushuang City.

"The world will meet." Duanlang replied with three words. The world will expand rapidly in these years, and there are many forces that have taken refuge in it. If Zhu Cheng did not appear in Wushuang City, it would be swallowed up by him. If it is about which information network is the best Strong, it is true that the world will be the strongest.

"You guard Wushuang City and go to the Tianxiahui as a teacher." After Zhu Cheng finished speaking, he left the hall, rode on the fire unicorn and went straight to the Tianxiahui.

On the day when Zhu Cheng arrived at Tianxiahui, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun arrived ahead of time, and they entered Tianxiahui to kill Xiongba.

"Nie Feng, old man Bu Jingyun is here!" Xiongba set up his formation in the three-point teaching field.

"Xiong Ba, let's end all the grievances and grievances between our master and apprentice today." Nie Feng raised his knife and said.

"Hahaha, I've been waiting for this day for a long time, come on." Xiongba laughed and hooked his hands at the two, not paying attention to them.

"Ah!" Feng Yun and Feng Yun attacked Xiong Ba at the same time with a knife and a sword.The two are brothers and sisters, they have been together for many years, and they have a heart-to-heart and a tacit understanding to join forces against the enemy.

Either on the road or off the road, it can be called a wonderful cooperation.Compared with half a year ago, the one who learned the Aohan Liujue, and the other who got the unicorn arm and the peerless sword, their strength has more than doubled.

"Three points return to vitality!" Xiongba saw that ordinary fists and feet were no match for Fengyun's alliance, so he immediately released the trick three points to return to vitality.

"Pfft..." Fengyun and Feng Yun resisted with their weapons, but they were injured by the zhenqi bomb and vomited blood.

"Hahahaha, it's not in vain for me to practice hard for a long time. The three-point return to vitality is indeed your nemesis. Don't worry about the criticisms made by the mud bodhisattva that day. The strength of the old man is enough to conquer the sky. Even if you have a peerless sword now What can He Xueyin's Kuangdao do to me? You two are dead today, hahahaha..." Xiongba laughed wantonly, Fengyun was already dead in his eyes.

"Don't worry, even if I die in battle, I won't die before you." Bu Jingyun held his peerless sword tightly and said, he really didn't expect Xiongba to be stronger than imagined, they have been improving for half a year, and Xiongba is also improving .

"I will fulfill you, this old man, just suffer death." Xiongba made a gesture and wanted to give another three points to return to his vitality.

"Glance at the cold!" This is the first tactic of Aohan's six tactics, and it is the most straightforward slash, the saber aura directly cuts towards Xiongba from top to bottom.

"Drink!" Xiong Ba had to raise his hand to block the knife.

"Ah!" Seeing this, Bu Jingyun hastily slashed out a peerless sword, wanting to kill Xiong Ba while he couldn't be distracted.

"Boom!" It's a pity that Bu Jingyun's strength is still too weak, but Xiongba has put up a layer of true energy to protect him, but the sword twelve move failed to break through Xiongba's defense.

"Three points to vitality!" After one strike, Nie Feng was unable to make a second strike in a short time, which gave Xiong Ba a chance to return three points to vitality.

"Junior Brother Feng!" Seeing that Nie Feng lost his strength, Bu Jingyun hurriedly made a move, and the Qilin arm slammed on the ground, shaking the bricks and stones.

"Boom" It's a pity that the masonry is not strong enough, and it only blocked the return of vitality for a while, but one move still hit them firmly.

"Pfft!" The two were seriously injured and collapsed to the ground.

"Hahaha, I, Xiongba, am here today to change my fate against the sky, hahaha..." Xiongba laughed wildly, and the words of the Ni Bodhisattva, "Nine Nights Dragon's Chanting is shocking, and Fengyun Ji will dive and swim" has overwhelmed him for more than a year. I can't breathe, but now I'm finally strong. Facts have proved that all destiny is nonsense, and the mud bodhisattva is just a charlatan and a liar.


It's a woman's voice (guess who I am)

 Thank you for the June monthly pass and the reward, thank you book friend 201802... for the monthly pass.Today's second update, the previous chapter has been revised.

(End of this chapter)

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