Chapter 117

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun teamed up to enter the Tianxiahui to settle the accounts with Xiongba. Unfortunately, because of Zhu Cheng's appearance, the two of them did not receive nameless guidance as in the original book, so they didn't know about Maha Wuliang, without Fengyun Hebi The two of them are naturally not rivals.

"Pfft..." Fengyun was seriously injured by Xiongba's three-point blow and Gui Yuanqi was seriously injured on the ground. Seeing that Xiongba was about to finish them off, he didn't want to kill a woman suddenly.


But I saw that the woman was wearing night clothes during the day, covering her face, and the weapon in her hand was a knife, which is rare among women.

Looking at the saber technique she uses, it is really domineering, open and closed, not like women's martial arts at all.

"Another one who wants to die, I will help you." Xiongba showed no mercy, and all his moves were killing moves, but what surprised Xiongba was that this woman's martial arts is also very strong, and her strength is still above Fengyun. .

"I've underestimated you." Xiongba fixed his body, only heard a big shout of "Three points return to vitality", and the zhenqi bullet blasted towards the woman.

"Heaven and earth are ruthless!" The masked woman also used her unique move, slashing with a powerful knife, trying to split the Xiongba's true energy.

"Ah!" It's a pity, it's a pity, the masked woman's skill is too weak, not only failed to split the zhenqi bullet, but was blown away by the zhenqi bullet and lay down with Nie Feng.

The veil was also shaken off her face, revealing her face.For example, the peerless appearance may be a little exaggerated, but the appearance of the school girl is still worthy, especially the heart-shaped birthmark on the cheek, it is simply the makeup gifted by God, adding a bit of beauty to it.

"Mingyue." Nie Feng was stunned when he saw the masked woman's appearance. This was clearly Mingyue from Wushuang City, his beloved one. It turned out that she didn't die when she fell off the cliff, which is really great.

"I'm not Mingyue, I'm the second dream." The masked woman shook her head.

"Meng, you are Meng." Nie Feng was even happier when he heard that. Meng and he were old acquaintances. When they met for the first time, Meng stepped forward to save him and help him heal his eye disease. It's a pity that Nie Feng's eye disease has not recovered yet. , The nunnery where the dream left.

I thought I would never see each other again, but I never thought that a letter from Fei Ge would make the two of them become pen pals. Although Nie Feng has never masked his face, he has always regarded him as a confidant.

It should have been a very pleasant thing to see the pen pal, when I went to a restaurant to have a good drink, but unfortunately the timing was not right, maybe I would die here today.

"You look so much like Mingyue." Except for the birthmark on her face, Nie Feng still couldn't tell the difference between her and Mingyue.

Maybe it's God's pity that Mingyue was reborn with another identity, so that Nie Feng could have a second dream.

"It's so boring to still love each other here at the end of death." Xiong Ba sneered at this, of course a person like him who only cares about grand plans and hegemony would not understand this.

"Junior Brother Feng, you go first and I'll stop him." Bu Jingyun stood up holding his peerless sword, and with all his strength under his feet, he charged at Xiongba.

It's just that with Bu Jingyun's current weak state, even if he sacrificed his life, so what, how can he stop Xiongba, Xiongba just dodges and comes behind Bu Jingyun, and with a knife in his hand, Bu Jingyun completely stops.

"Senior Brother Yun, I will fight Xiongba with you." Regardless of his own injuries, Nie Feng stood up and wanted to fight Xiongba with all his might.

"Tiangang protects the body." Xiongba moves his true qi to form a body-protecting stellar qi, no matter how the two of them use their sword skills, they can't break through its defense.

"Sky Frost Fist." Xiongba didn't even need to use the three-point return to vitality, he just used the Sky Frost Fist to knock Nie Feng and Second Meng into the air.That Nie Feng had been seriously injured before, and after receiving another Tianshuang punch, he stopped like Bu Jingyun, but the second dream was still awake, but he was also seriously injured, and anyone who came to the third-rate martial arts would take it her life.

"Hahaha... Those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will perish. Let me see who else dares to go against me." Xiong Ba laughed, and today is the time for him to change his fate against the sky.

"Xiongba, you have such a big tone." When Xiongba was full of ambition, a voice came out of nowhere, it was Zhu Cheng who was riding a fire unicorn.

He arrived just now, but missed a big show.

"Sword Immortal." Seeing Zhu Cheng, Xiongba seriously showed a look of deep fear, not to mention that he consumed a lot of energy in the battle with the three of them, even in his heyday he was definitely not Zhu Cheng's opponent.

"Sword Immortal's visit to our Tianxiahui really brings glory to our Tianxiahui. I also invite you to drink tea in the flower hall. I will entertain you after I understand the traitor." Xiongba was extremely respectful.

"Like, it's so similar, how can there be such a similar person in the world?" Zhu Cheng didn't say this to Xiongba, but to Second Meng.Although Zhu Cheng has never seen Mingyue in this world, he has seen it on TV. The only difference from Second Dream is that there is a birthmark missing on his face. Is this really a coincidence?
"If you fall in love with this woman, you can do whatever you want." Seeing Zhu Cheng look up and down at Second Meng, Xiong Ba thought that Zhu Cheng had become lustful and fell in love with Second Meng.

"A gentleman doesn't take away what others love, and he doesn't take what others love." Zhu Cheng waved his hand. He was purely out of curiosity, but he didn't think about it. He doesn't say that he is ascetic, but ordinary women But it didn't arouse his interest.

"You take Fengyun and Fengyun away, and tell them a word, you have to do what you can, go." Zhu Cheng gave orders in front of Xiongba, let Ermeng take Fengyun and Fengyun away, and did not send Xiongba at all. Put it in your eyes.

Xiongba is worthy of being a hero of the generation. Although his teeth were itching and the veins on his forehead were bulging with anger, he did not stop him, allowing Second Dream to leave Tianxiahui swaggeringly with the wind and clouds on his shoulders.

"It's a good solution for lovers to get married. It's not good to beat mandarin ducks." Zhu Cheng taught Xiong Ba a lesson.

"You're right, you're right." You have big fists, so you have the final say.Xiongba has already lowered his posture to the lowest level, and his flattery almost catches up with Wen Chouchou.

"But I don't know what orders you have come here?" Xiong Ba asked.

"It's not a big deal for me here, I just want to use you for Tianxiahui." Zhu Cheng said, he wanted to use Tianxiahui's intelligence network to find Tianmen.

"I can't do it." Xiongba straightened up and replied with three words.The world will be his family property that he has worked hard for half his life. Even if he dies, he will not surrender it to anyone, even if that person is number one in the world.

"Then there's no other way, I'll let you make the move first." Zhu Cheng didn't pay attention to this martial arts overlord at all.

"Three points to the vitality!" Xiongba also knew that Zhu Cheng was leaving, so he amplified his first move, and a huge zhenqi bomb was thrown at Zhu Cheng.

Zhu Cheng sat on the fire unicorn, neither dodging nor dodging. He only stretched his left hand forward, and the zhenqi bomb disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and disappeared in less than a moment.

Zhu Cheng performed the Heaven Swallowing Skill and swallowed this zhenqi bullet.

"It's my turn." Zhu Cheng let out a sword energy while speaking, and Xiongba wanted to hide, but suddenly found that his body was not in control, and his feet couldn't move at all.

"Boom" a burst of sword energy destroyed Xiong Ba's dantian, directly cut off his martial arts path, and all the true energy from years of hard training dissipated, completely turning him into an ordinary person.

"Congratulations to the new leader, congratulations to the new leader." Seeing Xiongba's defeat, Wen Chouchou was the first to come out to congratulate Zhu Cheng, with that smile and tone of voice, no one could afford to kill him.

"You know the current affairs, and you are still in charge of the world society." Zhu Cheng is very satisfied with Wen Chou Chou's performance, and the reason why he just abolished Xiong Ba's martial arts instead of killing him is because Zhu Cheng needs to save his life , Ask him some news channels that even Wen Chouchou doesn't know.

Another point is that if Zhu Cheng kills Xiong Ba rashly, the world will definitely be torn apart, which seriously violates his original intention.

This last point is because Zhu Cheng is not a bloodthirsty person. Although he came to grab things, he doesn't necessarily want to kill people.

"Pass down the order, and nothing here will be spread outside, and those who disobey the order will be killed without mercy." After Zhu Cheng gave the order, he said to Xiong: "You are still your gang leader, don't even think about leaving, and don't even think about making trouble, you know, you It can't get out of my hands."

Xiongba didn't reply, just stared blankly with a haggard face.

The era of tyrants is over.

(End of this chapter)

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