Chapter 120 Clay Bodhisattva (Two in One)

"I'm asking you a question, Tianmen Emperor Shitian." When Zhu Chengfang asked this sentence, the sores frightened by the clay bodhisattva broke out. If there were no fire monkeys here, the clay bodhisattva would surely die.

"Di Shitian is not a human being, but a god, an omnipotent god, and a god who can control the fate of all people." The mud bodhisattva said these words almost devoutly.

"So you've seen him?" Zhu Cheng asked.

"Not only have I seen it, but he has changed the destiny of my life." The mud bodhisattva said.

"Tell me in detail." Zhu Cheng took out his chair and sat down, as if listening.

"Let my granddaughter go out and keep her safe forever." Ni Bodhisattva said, this is the condition for him to tell the secret, but he did not mention himself in this condition.

"Yes." To Zhu Cheng, this is nothing more than opening the prison door, which is extremely simple.

"People in the world think that I am a fortune teller, but they don't know that I am just a magic stick that everyone shouts and beats..." Ni Bodhisattva began to tell the past. In this story, he is not a fortune teller who is respected and worshiped as a god, but A charlatan who pretends to be a ghost, cheats food and drink, eats the last meal and never stops.

The magic stick has only two possessions, the cover with the words "fortune-telling and measuring characters" in his hand, and the coarse sermon robe that looks neat but is full of patches.

"Fortune-telling, word-testing, and palmistry." The magic stick stood on the street, found a table from nowhere, sat down and yelled.

All fortune tellers take the bait, but it is rare to yell like him.The magic stick is also helpless, it is already past noon, and he hasn't opened yet. If he can't attract business, he will be hungry all day.

Shenzhu felt a little regretful, he shouldn't have eaten the three steamed buns he bought yesterday, he should have saved up a bite until today, so that he could top one at least.

But he couldn't help it yesterday, he hadn't eaten all day, if he didn't finish eating the steamed buns, he wouldn't have the energy to go out to do business today.

Going out, so he still has a home?

Pooh, he thinks beautifully.As long as he had a family, he would starve himself into this virtue, and would have sold the house for money.He wandered all over the world, basically living in ruined temples.

He really wanted to sell the ruined temple, but the problem was that the ruined temple was not his property, and no one would buy it.If you have the money, you can't afford to buy a house. Do you have to buy a ruined temple in the wilderness?
"The fortune teller, the fortune teller is over there." Xu Shi heard the magic stick yelling, and suddenly three men pointed at the magic stick stand and shouted.

Could it be a business visit?
"Oh, my mother." The magic stick didn't even want the pretense of his only property, and ran away.

Although he is not good at learning, he still knows how to look at people's faces. The three people were full of anger, and they rolled up their sleeves when they saw him. This posture was clearly about to hit someone. Can the magic stick run away?

"Follow me." The leader waved his hand, and the other two followed quickly.

Shen stick hadn't eaten for a long time, and his feet were very weak. He couldn't run past a well-fed and well-fed man, but he was blocked by three people in a dead end after a while.

"Huchihuchi..." Shenzhu hugged his legs and panted heavily, thinking wildly about ways to escape.

The alley wall was too high, and he couldn't climb it without the strength of a chicken. It would be better to kneel down and beg for mercy if he broke through the encirclement.It's even more useless to buy access with money. He would rather die if he has money, and smother the money to death.

"Fortune teller, lose money." The leading man has a round face, skinny, and his clothes are average. There is only a circle of white marks on his wrists. He should have been wearing bracelets or bracelets all year round. He stretched out his hand and asked. ask for money.

"My lord, why did I ever owe you money?" The mud bodhisattva asked with a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, I still want to renege on my debt. It seems that you don't know how powerful I am, so hit me." The leader gave an order, and the two stepped forward to give the god stick a fat beating.

"Woooo..." Shenzhu's face was so swollen that he couldn't even speak clearly, and only made a whining sound.

"Remember?" the leader asked again.

"No..." After only one word, the two of them punched and kicked the magic stick again, and the magic stick cried for father and mother and grandpa.

"Stop, stop, I remembered, I remembered." The magic stick couldn't bear it any longer, and his old life would be over if he continued beating like this.

"Stop." The leader called out to the two to stop and step aside.

"You, you are, you asked me to tell my fortune yesterday." The magic stick said, in fact, he recognized the stick when he saw the first glance, and he was very impressed with the few customers, especially because it was both troublesome and expensive. unwilling to give money.

The agreed upon ten coins, but he left with only two copper coins, and the annoyance was that one of them was fake.So as soon as he saw that this person was not kind, he ran away.

"Do you still remember what you told me?" The leader stepped forward and patted the bloated face of the magic stick.

"Say, I said..." Shen stick panicked, he really couldn't remember what he said yesterday.What he said was completely nonsense, and he came along with others' intentions. In addition, he was so hungry and dizzy at that time, and his brain was not working well, who knows what he said.

"You said that my money is in the southwest, but I lost, even the bracelet!" The leader shouted angrily.

"Ah ... this fortune moves because of the time. When I give you fortune -telling, we may be in the southwest, but after an hour of financial position, it may occur ..." A serious nonsense of the god stick. Of course, he said so. It was judged that this person was a gambler. Looking at the thick dark circles under his eyes, it was obvious that he had stayed up and gambled all night.

And there is a basis for saying this, if the leader had lost everything early in the morning, he would not have waited until now to find him, and would have come to set him up early in the morning, and would not have waited until the afternoon.The only explanation is that the leader won money at the beginning.

"Ah, you old boy, it means that my fortune is not good, so beat me hard." The leader was very upset, and ordered someone to beat him again, this time he stepped forward to punch and kick the magic stick.

After the three of them had a good time playing, they searched all over their bodies for the magic stick, but they didn't find half a copper plate.

"Take off his clothes, let's go." The three of them didn't give up after taking off their clothes, and spit on him.

Looking at the three people who walked away, only the sticks in their pants were left with itchy teeth. If he had a knife, he would have stepped forward to kill these three bastards and let them bully others.

Amidst the ridicule and cursing of the crowd, the god stick walked naked and struggled back to the ruined temple. Seeing the clay statue of Bodhisattva in the ruined temple, the god stick burst into tears immediately.

"Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva, you save the suffering, come and save me, come and save me." The magic stick abandoned the Taoist belief and cried to the Buddhist venerable.

Only the underpants were left, his whole body was bruised and purple from the beating, and several ribs were broken inside. If there is a Bodhisattva in the world, he must feel sorry for him.

"The god is here, the god is here hahaha..." At this moment, a man wearing an ice mask appeared in front of the god stick with a strange tone like a ghost.

"who are you?"

"I am Di Shitian. I am not a human being, but a god. I am the god who controls the fate of everyone. Do you want to have rice and meat for every meal, and do you want people who bullied you to die without a burial? , Do you want the rich and powerful to treat you as a guest?" Di Shitian's question was like a magic voice, and every sentence aroused the endless desire in the god stick.

"I want to! I want to! I want to!" shouted the magic stick, he wanted to get rid of his current life, he wanted to make those who looked down on him and bullied others pay the price, and he also wanted to become a master.

"Okay, okay, since this is the case, the god will be merciful and give you the ability to prophesy. From today on, you can follow what you say, and your wishes will come true." After finishing speaking, Di Shitian threw a pill into the mouth of the magic stick , and then with a stunning operation, he directly healed the injury of the magic stick, and gave him a set of clothes along the way.

The next day when Shengun came to the town, he heard the news that the three gamblers who beat him yesterday died across the street, their arms and legs were cut off.

"Ha, hahaha..." Even Shenzhu himself forgot when was the last time he laughed so happily.

"Di Shitian didn't lie to me, I can get what I want, and what I want can come true." Shenzhu was ecstatic in his heart, but at this time his stomach was growling uncontrollably, in fact, his stomach has been growling since last night until now.

"It would be great if someone invited me to dinner." Shen stick thought so.

"Sir, this way please, this way please." The owner of the breakfast shop graciously invited Shengun to sit down at this time, and served a basket of steamed stuffed buns, a bowl of tofu nao, two deep-fried dough sticks and a bowl of soy milk.

"Sir, you don't need money to eat." The boss said so.

"Crazy eating, crazy eating" the smile on the boss's face didn't even have time to restrain, the steamed stuffed bun, the tofu nao, and the fritters were all eaten up by the magic stick.

"I want more." Don't be polite to you even if you don't want Qian Shenzhu, just now he thought in his heart that it would be nice if someone invited him to dinner at this moment, but he didn't expect it to come true.

"Yes, yes." The boss hurriedly brought out food, steamed buns, pancakes and fruits...everything in the shop greeted him.

This breakfast took Shenzhu a full half an hour to eat.

"Comfortable." Shen stick stroked his round belly and let out a sigh of relief.

"Shopkeeper, let me give you a hexagram. You will be lucky today, and you will enjoy endless prosperity and wealth in the future." This is a good word, and it can be used as a fortune-telling, or as an auspicious word.

"Take your good words, take your good words." The shopkeeper smiled after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, Shenzhu went out for a short while, and when he came back, there was excitement in the street, saying that the son of the store owner had won the first prize, and he took the store owner away to enjoy his happiness.

"It's him, it's him..." A mob of people surrounded the god stick, and the god stick instinctively hugged his head, only to hear someone say: "Sir, tell me a fortune teller."

"Yes, sir, do the fortune telling for me."

"money is not a problem."

The magic stick suddenly became a sweet pastry, holding the money in his hand and saying repeatedly: "Okay, okay, take your time one by one, take your time."

This day, the magic stick counted a total of 100 people. If it wasn't for his hoarse voice, he really wanted to count Du Tianming directly.It's all money, it's money for food in the future, it's steamed buns and sesame cakes, soy milk and bean curd.

The magic stick is also frightened by hunger.

"Putong" returned to the ruined temple, and the magic stick was a big gift to the clay statue Bodhisattva, and his head hit the ground with a bang.

Save the suffering and save the living Bodhisattva, save the suffering and save the living Bodhisattva.

" does it feel to be respected?" Di Shitian reappeared.

"Thank you, Di Shitian." To Di Shitian, the god stick thanked him a thousand times.

"That's right, you should thank me, not her." Di Shitian pointed to the bodhisattva statue and said, "How can a clay bodhisattva compare to a true god like me, hahaha... From today onwards, you are a clay bodhisattva, you can only Pray to me, this clay sculpture god is not in the top class, not in the top class."

"Yes." The mud bodhisattva raised his head, only to find that Di Shitian was gone.

The next day, the fates of those 100 people were all accurate, whether they were rich or honored, or died of old age, or suffered hardships, it was simply a prophecy.

Since then, the clay bodhisattva has become famous and out of control, and truly achieved "every meal has rice and meat, and the rich and powerful are regarded as guests of honor".

Whoever is said to be born will live, whoever is said to die will die, wealth and glory will come from his mouth, poverty and disease will be spoken by him, and fate will be in his hands.

Gradually, the mud bodhisattva also realized that it wasn't about how powerful he was at all, but that Di Shitian was manipulating behind the scenes. Di Shitian was a god who controlled everyone's fate.

Finally one day, Xiongba came to the door, and at the same time Di Shitian also found him.

"Are the golden scales a thing in a pool? Once the wind and cloud change, the dragon will change. The dragon's singing at nine nights will startle the sky, and the wind and the cloud will swim in shallow water." These two comments were given to the mud bodhisattva by Di Shitian, and he asked him to follow the previous paragraph. Read it to Xiongba, and then read it to Xiongba ten years later.

"As you order, Indra."

Ten years ago, after telling Xiongba the previous comment, Ni Bodhisattva chose to disguise himself, hide himself in the world, and hide from Di Shitian.The older he gets, the more he knows how terrible Di Shitian is. He doesn't want to be a clay bodhisattva who knows everything, he just wants to be the little girl's ordinary grandfather.

It was also because of avoiding Di Shitian that he began to develop malignant sores on his face. When he felt pain, he scratched and scratched, almost tearing off the skin, but the pain seemed to be born in the bones, and there was no way to do it.

Fortunately, a monk passed by. He was a divine monk named 'Buxu'. He kept a fire monkey, which happened to be able to absorb malignant sores and relieve pain.

Therefore, there is a saying in the rivers and lakes, "If you want to find a clay bodhisattva, you must first find a fire monkey."

How did the mud bodhisattva know that the fire monkey was also deliberately arranged by Di Shitian.The clay bodhisattva can't die yet. Di Shitian has spent so long creating the image of divine fortune telling. Before he dies, the clay bodhisattva has to read the next comment with Xiongba.

The purpose of Di Shitian's doing this is obvious, it is completely preparing for the dragon slaying.

The magic soldiers have spirits, and each is their master.

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun were chosen by Di Shitian as masters of the divine weapon, but their strength was too weak. In order to make them stronger, Xiongba was pitifully reduced to Fengyun's whetstone.

As for this game, Di Shitian has been laying it out for 20 years, and the two magical weapons of Fengyun have gradually become sharper, and they are about to meet the requirements of dragon slaying.

"Di Shitian, what a Di Shitian." After listening to the story, Zhu Cheng couldn't help but praise him, he really had good means and patience.

Zhu Cheng thought to himself that he might only be able to surpass him in force, but his patience must be far inferior. It took more than ten years to plan and develop this ability. I really have to admire it.

 Two in one today, it's not too much to ask for tickets.I just want to ask, who else has this brain hole, who else?
(End of this chapter)

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