Chapter 121 You Ruo
"Di Shitian, what a Di Shitian." Zhu Cheng couldn't help but praise Di Shitian after listening to the mud Bodhisattva tell about the past. He is definitely the number one when it comes to playing tricks on the world.

"So you obey Di Shitian." Zhu Cheng laughed.

"Obey, I'm just an ordinary person, how can I be qualified to obey God, there are many gods and immortals under his seat, and I'm just a speck of dust." The mud bodhisattva smiled wryly.

"Where is he now?" Zhu Cheng asked.

"I don't know, it's the first time I've heard of it even if it's Tianmen." The mud bodhisattva replied.

"I will take good care of your granddaughter." Zhu Cheng also knew that since Ni Bodhisattva was regarded as an insignificant pawn by Di Shitian, how could he know his whereabouts.

"Thank you." Ni Bodhisattva pulled the granddaughter behind him to him, faced Zhu Cheng and said, "Aying, from now on you will follow him, listen to him, and don't mess around..." Ni Bodhisattva instructed like this.

"No, I just want to be with grandpa." Aying cried, and she seemed to have a premonition in her heart.

"Grandpa also wants to be with you, but grandpa has no time, no time." The mud bodhisattva wiped away the tears from Ah Ying's cheeks, stroked her little head lovingly, and then said meaningfully, "It's just plain and plain." Really."


A generation of clay Bodhisattvas with fortune telling has died since then.

From the moment he entered the dungeon, Zhu Cheng realized that there was not much vitality left in the body of the mud bodhisattva. Di Shitian really had a good plan. The poison of 'Jiuzhuanxindan' accumulated in his body broke out in an instant, killing the mud bodhisattva.

Speaking of Ah Ying, her name is 'Ying Zi', not the granddaughter of the mud bodhisattva, but picked up by the mud bodhisattva.When Ni Bodhisattva met her, she was three years old and was squatting on the corner of the street crying.

"Baby, why are you crying?" The mud bodhisattva has never been married but is a person who likes children. Seeing such a little baby wiping tears there, he couldn't help but feel distressed, so he went up to ask.

"Ah Qiang, Ah Zhuang snatched my food, woo woo woo..." After Yingzi finished speaking, she cried even louder.

"Ah, don't cry, don't cry, grandpa hugs, grandpa hugs." The mud bodhisattva couldn't see such a pitiful child.

Coaxing a child is actually very simple, just give one candy, if one is not enough, then give two, not to mention that Ni Bodhisattva bought an entire candy stand in order to coax Yingzi.

After some understanding, the clay bodhisattva knew Yingzi's life experience.This world favors sons over daughters, unlike the 21st century girl Jin Gui who lives with the second son of Xiqi, Yingzi has been planning to throw her away since she was born. Walk and talk.

Poor Yingzi Niang failed to give birth to a boy for her husband's family, and she also died of illness because of being abused by her husband's family. Yingzi's father married another woman, Yingzi became an unwanted child, and was immediately kicked out of the house, living a life of her own. Begging vagabond life.

Originally, it was so easy to get a steamed bun, but it was snatched by two older beggars, so I couldn't help crying.

"It's okay. From now on, you will follow Grandpa, and Grandpa will support you."

In this way, Ni Bodhisattva and Yingzi's grandson want to call each other, and Ni Bodhisattva also thought about coming to the door to express his anger for Yingzi, but Yingzi is too young, and it is good enough to be able to talk, and he can't remember where his home is at all, so he can only forget it.

Yingzi has been with Ni Bodhisattva for eight years, and Yingzi has regarded Ni Bodhisattva as her real grandfather in the past eight years, so when she found out that Ni Bodhisattva passed away, she kept crying, crying, and finally passed out from crying.

Humans are more ruthless than plants and trees, even the fire monkey shook the mud bodhisattva vigorously when he saw him dead, as if to wake him up, and when it was finally determined that the mud bodhisattva would not wake up, the fire monkey also burst into tears.

"Squeak, squeak..."

Zhu Cheng walked out of the dungeon holding Yingzi who fainted from crying, and the fire monkey followed behind. Zhu Cheng ordered Wen Chouchou to arrange for someone to bury the mud bodhisattva Haosheng, and then took Yingzi to the room to rest.

It took Yingzi a full month to calm down, and this was thanks to a girl—You Ruo.

You Ruo is Xiong Ba's daughter, Xiong Ba knows that he has made too many enemies over the years, so in order to protect his daughter's safety, he arranges her to live on an isolated island in 'Xiaozhu in the Heart of the Lake'.

Wen Chouchou brought Zhu Cheng to familiarize himself with the Tianxiahui, so he had to introduce the small building in the middle of the lake.

"You Ruo, it's time to meet up." Zhu Cheng took Ying Zi's hand and flew directly from the shore to the isolated island without taking a boat.

"Who dares to die, dare to break into my old lady's small building in the middle of the lake!" You Ruo was drawing a picture in the study at that time, and the picture was exactly the appearance of Xiongba.Hearing the movement outside the door, he hurriedly squeezed the painting into a ball, threw it into the wastebasket next to the table, and then yelled at her, without any girlish appearance.

"Who are you?" You Ruo opened the study and saw Zhu Cheng's face, and asked.

"The world will meet newcomers..." Zhu Chengben wanted to say something, but unexpectedly, You Ruo ignored him and instead focused on Ying Zi.

"Damn, how can you be so cute, let my sister hug you." You Ruo didn't know whether it was because of the flood of maternal love, or because Yingzi was so cute that everyone loved her, so she gently hugged Yingzi.

It's strange to say that without Zhu Cheng, even if the servant girl wanted to get close to Yingzi, she would resist extremely, but she didn't want You Ruo to hug her. Not only did she not resist, but she smiled and played with You Ruo.

"Sister, you are so beautiful." Yingzi spoke in a rare way, and she was telling the truth. Xiongba has good genes and gave birth to a daughter who is also tall and beautiful. If Zhu Cheng were to rate her, she would give her a nine. Ermeng Zhucheng only gave her seven points.

"Is it because I'm too ugly?" Seeing the little girl Yingzi having fun with You Ruo, Zhu Cheng couldn't help touching her cheek, and took a look in the mirror while the two were not paying attention.

He was still the handsome guy who fascinated thousands of girls, he was so handsome.

"Little sister, what's your name?" You Ruo asked.

"My name is Yingzi, and my grandfather is a clay bodhisattva." You Ruo quickly gained Ying Zi's trust, and she really knew everything without saying a word. Fortunately, she didn't know much, but she didn't let You Ruo know that the Tianxiahui had changed masters. Otherwise, with You Ruo's temper, he might have to fight Zhu Cheng desperately.

"Hey, who is it? Did my father send you here?" You Ruo said this to Zhu Cheng, with a very bad attitude.

"Yes yes yes, it was the guild leader who sent me to protect Miss." Zhu Cheng didn't know why, maybe he had been bored for a long time, so he humbly smiled and called You Ruo Miss.

It's time to put your acting skills to the test.

"Because you can protect my old lady?" You Ruo was imprisoned in the small building in the middle of the lake for several years, and she had a very bad temper. She would strike at Zhu Cheng as soon as she said she wanted to.

"Sister You Ruo don't want it, don't hit Big Brother Zhu Cheng." The Yingzi little girl opened her arms to block Zhu Cheng, preventing You Ruo from hurting Zhu Cheng.

The little girl's move inevitably moved Zhu Chengxin, warm and warm, I didn't love you in vain even as a brother.Why are you so considerate, if I have a child in the future, I will definitely give birth to a girl, and I will definitely not have a man with a pig's trotters.

"Okay, I'll listen to Xiaoyingzi." You Ruo retracted her hands and knelt down, pinched Yingzi's face with a smile, then raised her head, and said angrily, "Why are you still standing there, why don't you give me some fruit refreshments? Is my old lady starving to death?"

"Yes, yes, the younger one will go right away, and the younger one will go right away." Zhu Cheng pretended to be in a hurry and retreated to prepare a set of items.

"Hee hee hee..." Yingzi laughed when she saw Zhu Cheng's embarrassment. During this time, she only saw Zhu Cheng instructing others, but it was the first time she saw someone who could instruct him. It was so funny.

"Hahaha, little Yingzi is gone now, let's play over there." You Ruo smiled and took Yingzi to play.

"Ah yo, ah yo. Let me come, let me come." Zhu Cheng finally found all the fruit snacks and tea, and was about to send them to You Ruo. It's serious, so I hurriedly said to let him go.

"If you dare to stretch out your hand, I will kill you." Wen Chouchou, who was frightened by Zhu Cheng's words, quickly withdrew his hand.

"From today onwards, I will live in the small building in the middle of the lake. You only think of me as a guard protecting Miss."

"Ah!" Wen Chou Chou didn't understand what Zhu Cheng was doing.

"Do you hear clearly?" Zhu Cheng said coldly.

"Listen, this subordinate obeys."

Zhu Cheng restrained his momentum, bent over to look for You Ruo with a tray on his waist, and said, "Here, fruit snacks and tea are here."The frightened Wen Chouchou was trembling all over, and the frightened Huxin Xiaozhu guard's liver trembled.

"Look, what to look at. I have memorized everything the master said. When the time comes, my head will be gone. Don't blame the manager for not reminding you."

"Yes, yes, yes." The guards responded quickly, wiping the cold sweat from their foreheads.

(End of this chapter)

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