Chapter 13 Two Knives
Liao died because of being pierced by an arrow in the chest.Everyone is dumbfounded, throwing cold arrows is the most taboo thing in the world, who dares to do this in front of the heroes of the world.

"who is it!"

"Who stabbed in the back!"

All the people in the rivers and lakes showed their weapons and looked around.But he heard the sound of "boom boom boom" orderly footsteps approaching step by step from the dense forest, and he could clearly see that the person coming was surrounded by thousands of masked men.

A group of masked men were dressed in tattered clothes, exuding a stench all over their bodies, and armed with various weapons.Calculated by the army, they can't even be called a motley army.

"The Gang of Beggars, it's the Gang of Beggars!" Someone from the Jianghu shouted.Then more people noticed that their clothes were more or less sewn with pockets, which is a distinctive sign of the disciples of the beggar gang.

"It's definitely the Gang of Beggars." The people in the Jianghu are convinced that the Gang of Beggars is not considered the Eight Great Sects, and the social status of a group of beggars is naturally not that high, but the Gang of Beggars is indeed the number one gang in the world.

Although it has a loose organizational structure, it has a large number of people, and even the eight major factions combined do not have as many members as the Beggars' Gang, and only the Beggars' Gang has the ability to form such a large team.

"You beggar gang, why did you kill me because of my uncle!" Shaolin disciple said angrily.

"Smelly beggar, why do you interrupt my martial arts competition?" Gu Santong was also very upset, even if he was beaten to death with a pestle, he would be dead, but this stab in the back was too much.

"That's right, be careful that we unite to destroy your gang of beggars!"

"Kill these stinky beggars!"

"Wuliang Tianzun, Master Fan is here, please see Wudang Kaiyang." The person who spoke was Wudang Kaiyang Master, an elder of Wudang, and he is considered to be the master uncle of the contemporary Wudang sect master, with a Tai Chi sword in his hand, known as the unparalleled defense.

"Kill me, and leave no one behind." The beggar gang didn't give Kaiyang real face, and ordered the massacre.



Just like that, the two gangs fought together, among them the Shaolin disciples fought the most fiercely, vowing to take revenge for Yin.And once the battle started, the four famous arresters disappeared.

As for Zhu Cheng and Gu Santong, they became outsiders here.Gu Santong wanted to do a big fight, but he didn't have much physical strength after a big battle, and his inner energy was almost exhausted. According to the game, there was neither blue nor red, how could he fight like this.

Zhu Cheng, he just didn't want to kill people, and besides, he didn't know these Jianghu people well, so if he really said it, he still had a bit of hatred, and he actually caused trouble at the Yuelai Inn.

"How are you, are you okay?" Zhu Cheng asked Gu Santong.

"It's okay, it's okay, I can't die." Gu Santong panted heavily, he just wanted to sleep well now.

"Eat this." Zhu Cheng handed Gu Santong a pill, which was a holy medicine for healing that he had the world's number one genius doctor refine. .

"Gudong" Gu Santong was not polite, took the pill and swallowed it raw, then sat cross-legged to digest the medicine.

"Let me help you." Zhu Cheng slapped Gu Santong on the back of his heart, and Gu Santong suddenly felt a surge of true energy rushing into his body, and the pill melted instantly to heal his injured part extremely quickly.

Of course, Zhu Cheng's action was not just to help him dissolve the pills, but also to open up his stagnant blood vessels and guide Gu Santong's true energy to circulate along a certain route.

This set of true qi route is Zhu Cheng's improved version of Vajra Indestructible Magical Art. The original Vajra Indestructible Magical Art was too ugly in Zhu Cheng's opinion. Not Shaolin Eighteen Bronze Men.

After learning a lot of magic skills and martial arts, Zhu Cheng improved the King Kong Immortality Magic Skill. Not only will it not turn golden yellow after use, but it can even make the skin fairer. The most important thing is that the fighting time is also shorter than the original version. lasting.

"Jade Body Kung Fu" is the name Zhu Cheng gave to this kung fu.

Of course, this is not to deny Tianchi strange man, Zhu Cheng also stands on his giant shoulders to go higher and farther.

As for why Zhu Cheng passed on the Jade Body Kungfu to Gu Santong.There's no reason, it's just that Gu Santong is pleasing to the eye, as the protagonist, he is so self-willed, no one cares about him.If you have the ability, you release "Second Master Xiqi".

After only one big week, Gu Santong felt that his injury was half healed.Gu Santong stood up, looked at Zhu Cheng, then patted his thigh and said, "I knew it, I knew it. Since you can..." Gu Santong said: Since you can tell me "ice in water, ice The fire in the fire, the martial arts in the fire" How come the Tianchi strange man didn't inherit it? Before he finished speaking, a sword slashed towards Zhu Cheng from behind.

"Be careful!" Gu Santong exclaimed.

"Ding!" Zhu Cheng was stabbed solidly, but was not injured at all.

"Xiao Gu, take a good look, this is the jade body skill." Zhu Cheng started the on-site teaching, threw the Tianchi sword in his hand to Gu Santong, and used only a pair of fleshy palms to face the masked swordsman.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang" Zhu Cheng's palm is like steel, even the precious sword in the hands of a swordsman is no match for it, and there are many cuts on the blade.Seeing this scene, the ancient Santong is straight-up, he can tell that the jade body skill is better than the magic skill of King Kong, and as a martial idiot, he is more excited to get this kind of magic skill than to get a beauty.

"Okay, let's stop here." Zhu Cheng had done more than a dozen tricks with the swordsman, and the teaching purpose was achieved, and he didn't bother to entangle with the swordsman.

With a palm of "Boom", the masked swordsman was sent flying.It's not that he is not strong, but that Zhu Cheng is the pinnacle of the world.

"You're good, but not cruel enough, not heartless enough." Zhu Cheng defeated the masked swordsman, and pretended to give the swordsman some advice.But he didn't know that with a single sentence, he created a unique art "Unfeeling Slash", and also made a master "Ba Dao".

"Hero dominates the world!" Zhu Cheng just defeated a masked swordsman, and here comes another masked swordsman.Although he couldn't see the face of the swordsman, his eyes were filled with deep hatred.

"Guihai Bailian, do I have any grudge against you?" Zhu Cheng wondered in his heart.When the masked swordsman uses his power to dominate the world, he knows that the swordsman is a return to the sea.As a time traveler, he has a prophetic ability that no one can match.

But hatred, Zhu Cheng is a big-headed person, indifferent to things, drunk all day long, how can he remember that he wounded Gui Hai Bailian when he first met him, and it was still in front of his lover.

Over the years, Guihai Bailian worked hard to refine and forge knives just to avenge Zhu Cheng and get back the face that belongs to a man. If he didn't have this inner demon, he would not accept the Xiongtian Dao technique.But Zhu Cheng has not been in the arena for so many years, and he has nowhere to find someone after returning to Haibailian.

As soon as he heard the description of the sword demon's appearance, Gui Hai Bailian was very excited. He felt the trembling of the master's emotional sword and was about to draw it out of its sheath.

Facing the domination of the world, Zhu Cheng did not take it hard.After all, it is a magic knife, Zhu Cheng is not sure if it can break through his defense, if it hurts, he will be the one who hurts.

"Sword!" Zhu Cheng shouted, Tianchi sword turned into a flying sword and shot towards Guihai Bailian's eyebrows.

"Ding" Feijian came to kill, Gui Hai Bailian had no choice but to fight back with his sword.In the clash of swords and swords, even if Guihai Bailian learned to dominate the world, he was shocked by several feet.

"Sword control! Impossible!" Gui Hai Bailian was sweating all over in shock, this was the trick of a god.

Of course, this is not real swordsmanship, but a technique of using true energy. It is similar to fetching objects from the air. It was created by Zhu Cheng referring to "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi". In addition to its powerful power, it can also bluff people. It's great, isn't it? .

"A Bi Dao's three knives are the ultimate swords. Dominating the world is not enough, not enough." Zhu Cheng put the sword back into its sheath, and shook his finger.

(End of this chapter)

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