Chapter 14 Zhu Ignores

"Death!" Gui Hai Bailian is a swordsman, and he pays attention to going forward relentlessly, so he won't be scared off by a single move.

The blade was sharp and bloody, he attacked, attacked, and kept attacking, without defense at all.

Zhu Cheng was really frightened by Gui Hai Bailian's ruthlessness. After all, he came from the 21st century, and he would not choose to kill unless he had to, so Zhu Cheng chose to avoid Gui Hai Bailian who was desperate. Prepare to find a chance to subdue him.

"Come on! Come on!" Gui Hai Bailian couldn't cut Zhu Cheng and became angry from embarrassment, roaring again and again.

"Forget it, forget it." Zhu Chengzhen didn't want to get entangled with Gui Hai Bailian.

"I'll help you!" The first masked swordsman stabilized his injury and helped Guihai Bailian to fight Zhu Cheng.

"Brother Fat, I'll help you." Gu Santong was delighted to see Lie Xin, and rushed up to block the first masked swordsman.

When Zhu Cheng was fighting with others, the battle between the Jianghu people and the beggars' gang had reached a fever pitch. Although the Jianghu people had few people, their martial arts were not weak.

"Quickly kill the sword demon." The suspected leader of the beggar gang shouted in this direction.Gui Hai Bailian and Zhu Cheng, the masked swordsman who killed Zhu Cheng, came here to help. If the two masters join the battle, the Beggar Clan will surely win quickly.

"..." Gui Hai Bailian was speechless, if I could kill him, it would have been so long, I didn't see that I couldn't even touch the hem of his clothes.

One minute after the proclamation, the head of the beggar gang looked at the corpses all over the ground, and finally couldn't sit still, drew out his sword and performed light kung fu, and came towards Zhu Cheng.

"Come on, I really think I have no temper!" Zhu Cheng was instantly upset. It's fine if I don't interfere with your dogs biting dogs. If you still provoke me for no reason, then don't blame me.

"噗" the sword came out so fast that he had no friends, relying on his lightness kung fu and that unparalleled kung fu, he almost instantly arrived in front of the leader of the beggar gang, with the blade of the sword against his neck.

This so-called gang leader is not even as good as those two knives, so why should he fight Zhu Cheng?
"King... sect master!" The beggar sect disciples exclaimed, and stopped their hands one after another.People in the Jianghu thought that Zhu Cheng was helping him, so they stopped. There was an obvious Chuhe-Han boundary between the two parties.

"Let our leader go, and we'll let you go, or you'll die." A masked man with bare hands said.

"I don't want to kill people, and I don't like killing people, so rest assured that your leader will be safe." Then Zhu Cheng whispered in the leader's ear, "I want Tianxiang cardamom."

Since it's delivered to your door, don't let it go for nothing.

"How do you know!" The gang leader was so shocked that he almost dropped his mask.Impossible, impossible, even the royal family members don't know much about it.

Well, at this point, the identity of this gang leader is about to be revealed. It is the future iron and courageous god Hou Zhu, the biggest villain in the world's No. [-] school, who is as treacherous as loyal.

He originally planned to let Gu Santong be late for the Taihu Lake appointment, and he would mix in the crowd to suck up the skills of the masters of the Eight Great Schools. When Gu Santong came, he could only see corpses all over the floor.This not only gives a reasonable explanation for the killing of a master in the martial arts, but also allows him to become a grand master and number one in the world by relying on the skills of masters from the eight major schools.

Then, in the name of subjugating demons and eliminating demons, he will kill Gu Santong openly, and directly snatch his cousin and fiancee Su Xin. At that time, the court will also reward him. Double income plus beauty in arms.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and Zhu Cheng, the sword demon's power, drew Wu Chi Gu Santong out so that he could go to the appointment on time.

Zhu Wushi is also an extremely smart person, so he immediately thought of another target to blame - the beggar gang.As the largest gang in the world, the Beggar Gang has tens of thousands of people, and it is completely an army, which is a great factor of instability.And for the court, the more beggars, the more incompetent the court is, unable to lead the people to well-being and happiness.

So Zhu ignored the decision, and the eight major factions of the Battle of Taihu Lake were pitted together with the Beggar Gang.Let the six gates quickly pretend to be the gang of beggars, and then send a few people to bring back the news. At that time, the eight major factions will definitely unite to attack the gang of beggars. Suppress Wulin.

The plan was nothing short of perfect.

But Zhu Cheng is too strong, too strong to make people despair.

"Is your life more important than Tianxiang cardamom?" After Zhu Cheng finished speaking, he couldn't help but exert some strength.

"Guild Master!" Seeing that Zhu ignored the blood on his neck, the disciples of the Beggar Clan shouted in fright.If Zhu Wushi died here, his whole family would die.

"I'll give it." Zhu ignored no choice, reached into his bosom and took out a wooden box.

Zhu Cheng took it and confirmed that it was undoubtedly Tianxiang cardamom, and then put it in the box.

"Ah, since we've reached this point, then both parties should withdraw. There are so many corpses that are enough for the body collectors. What do you say, gang leader." Zhu Cheng said the word gang leader very emphatically.

"Let's retreat." Zhu Wushi waved his hand, and the disciples of the beggar gang retreated with a whimper, leaving only six people, two knives, and four famous arresters (the four of them changed their costumes to join the battle group at the beginning of the battle, In order not to expose his martial arts skills, he deliberately imitated the martial arts of the beggar gang)

"Although I don't like you guys, I don't want to see blood. Let's all go. After all, I only have one life." Zhu Cheng said this to all the people in the world.There is also a reason why the imperial court hates the Jianghu people. After they have learned martial arts, they are dragged like anything.As the owner of the largest catering group in the country, Zhu Cheng also hates this kind of person.

Some people may say that Zhu Cheng knows martial arts, but he is also a man in the world.Wrong, he is just a chairman of the group who knows martial arts, and martial arts are just a way to save his life.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhu."

"I admire you."

Although Zhu Cheng's words are not very nice, but there is a saying that is true, there is only one life, don't look at the people in the rivers and lakes licking blood, they also cherish their lives.So if they can't fight with their lives, how can they court death in a daze, and retreat after singing praises to Zhu Cheng.

Zhu Cheng's sword demon's name was also changed instantly, becoming "Sword Immortal", Zhu Cheng expressed his satisfaction.

"So, can you let me go now?" Zhu Wushi said.

"Oh, of course, of course." Zhu Cheng put away his sword, walked to Gu Santong and walked away, and then left the bank of Taihu Lake with Gu Santong.

"Master, shall we chase?" Chengfeng asked.

"It's no match, and the goal has been achieved, let's start the next step. Pass the order down, and find out this Zhucheng, and find out the Yuelai Inn." Zhu ignored the order.

In a place where no one else could see, Zhu Wushi secretly performed the great method of absorbing energy on Zhu Cheng, but the true energy in Zhu Cheng's body was like a rock, and he couldn't suck it out no matter what.Otherwise, he would not be willing to hand over Tianxiang cardamom, after all, it is a treasure that can bring the dead back to life.

It is precisely because of this that Zhu Wushi is even more afraid of Zhu Cheng.Although Zhu Cheng did not reveal that he seemed to want to stay out of the matter, this time bomb must be eliminated.

Absolutely, people in the Jianghu must not be allowed to know the truth, otherwise all the casual cultivators of the Jianghu, the major sects, the beggar gang, and the eight major sects will unite to fight against the imperial court. This force can shake the foundation of the country.

He, Zhu Wushi, will take away his nephew Jiangshan, but he will definitely not harm Daming Jiangshan.

After all his subordinates left, Zhu Wushi murmured: "Could it be that he can also absorb Dafa." For a moment, Zhu Wushi's eyes flashed, and he thought that as long as he absorbed enough internal energy, he could reach the level of Zhucheng.

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(End of this chapter)

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