Chapter 21 Apprenticeship
"Hey, let's fight." Gu Xiaotong challenged Li Zhengkai. He thought that Li Zhengkai was hiding his clumsiness and looking down on him.

"I, I." Li Zhengkai looked at Gu Xiaotong and then at himself.Just kidding with him, I will definitely lose badly, he is the heir of the sword……

Facing Gu Xiaotong, Li Zhengkai was extremely unconfident.

"Boy, you are too crazy. Xiao Li, come on, show your true strength, and teach this ignorant kid a lesson." Zhu Cheng encouraged him, and threw the sword in his hand to Li Zhengkai.

Holding Zhu Cheng's sword, seeing Zhu Cheng's encouraging face, Li Zhengkai straightened his face immediately, with a firm look in his eyes.This is the encouragement from Sword Immortal, and I cannot let it down.

"Come on." Li Zhengkai raised his sword and pointed at Gu Xiaotong.

"Don't cry." Gu Xiaotong drew his sword and stabbed.

At the beginning, Li Zhengkai used his family's swordsmanship to deal with the enemy, but he was obviously unable to resist, and he seemed to have insufficient actual combat experience, so he was a little flustered when dealing with it.

"Xiao Li, just pretend that you are writing." Zhu Cheng said.

Li Zhengkai paused for a moment, then moved his sword back to his pen, seemingly ignoring Gu Xiaotong's attack and only focused on writing. When Gu Xiaotong retreated for a while, a word could be clearly seen in the air, 'wen' the writing of a literati.

"Interesting, interesting." Gu Xiaotong was overjoyed.He inherited Gu Santong's obsession with martial arts, his hands would itch if he didn't fight every day, and he was very excited to see such an interesting sword technique.

Gu Xiaotong's sword technique is naturally the Heavenly Sword created by Zhu Cheng. Although the swordmanship is exquisite, Gu Xiaotong has only practiced martial arts for ten years after all, and it is difficult to display the power of the Heavenly Sword without strong internal strength.

When Zhu Cheng created the Heavenly Sword, his internal strength had been around for nearly a hundred years, so the swordsmanship he created naturally required the rational use of powerful internal strength.

Having said so much, I just want to say one thing, that is, Gu Xiaotong can't beat Li Zhengkai with his swordsmanship alone.

Others may not know it, but Li Zhengkai himself knows it very well. When he was composing poems, neither of them could beat Gu Xiaotong, but now, within five or six minutes, he was able to suppress Gu Xiaotong.


Sudden enlightenment is such an elusive word, it only exists in legends, legends say that as long as the sudden enlightenment of mortals becomes immortals and Buddhas immediately, what Zen meditation seeks in Buddhism is sudden enlightenment.

Li Zhengkai's epiphany, of course, is due to Zhu Cheng's slap in the face, but the most important thing is his 'foolishness'.Obsessed with words and poems, only obsession can master everything and realize everything.

"I've underestimated you. If that's the case, then I won't be polite." Gu Xiaotong retracted his sword, but when he heard a sound of 'Puff', his clothes were torn from the inside out by a huge force, revealing his eight-pack belly Muscle and golden skin.

"Vajra is indestructible."

Li Zhengkai knows this extraordinary skill. Back then, Gu San Tong relied on this skill to fight against the eight major sects. It is not surprising that this trick is a parent-child meeting of Gu San Tong, but he did not expect that Gu San Tong had been fighting for 19 years. It takes time to transform, but it took Gu Xiaotong only ten years to transform, his aptitude is so terrifying, so terrifying.

But Li Zhengkai misunderstood, Gu Xiaotong's martial arts qualifications are indeed better than Gu Santong's by a little bit, but it's only a little bit, there is no double the difference, so Gu Xiaotong can transform within ten years, Naturally, I wish you sincere credit.

Zhu Cheng can even create the upgraded version of the "Jade Body Skill" of the Vajra Immortality Magical Art. He naturally knows how to practice the Vajra Immortality Magical Art faster and better. This is a matter of vision. There is a word for it.

So, why didn't Zhu Cheng pass on Gu Xiaotongyu's body skills directly?I'm sorry, Gu Xiaotong's skills are not strong enough, and his foundation is not enough. Since Yushen Kung Fu is an upgraded version of Vajra Indestructible Magical Kung Fu, then you must know its initial version, otherwise, on what basis do you upgrade?
"Bang bang, come on." Gu Xiaotong bumped his fists and punched Li Zhengkai.

Li Zhengkai's eyes were fixed, he took a deep breath and then raised his sword to write the word 'avoid'.King Kong is indestructible and invulnerable to swords and guns, he will never be able to break through, and even if he can break through, he can't do so. Gu Xiaotong is always a guest, if he hurts a guest, the reputation of the giant whale gang will be bad.

"Hide and hide, if you have the ability, write it in and see." Gu Xiaotong chased after him. Although the Vajra Immortality Magical Art is unparalleled in defense, Gu Xiaotong is a little weak, and once it is cast, the speed will drop. With light work, the transformation will be canceled immediately, so it's very troublesome.

"Catch up with me." Li Zhengkai didn't pick up on it, and just followed his own ideas steadily, and his handwriting was more calm. Even if Zhu Cheng didn't know calligraphy, he could see that his handwriting was getting better and better, and he was quite like everyone. .

"No more beatings, no more beatings." Panting, Gu Xiaotong bowed down, put his hands on his knees, and looked annoyed.

It's meaningless to be so big, running around, punching each other if you have the ability, to see who gets down first.

Gu Xiaotong thinks so, but are you stupid for being someone else?Knowing that King Kong is indestructible and invulnerable to swords and guns, I still fight with you.

"Okay, then it's a tie." Zhu Cheng spoke as a referee. To be honest, he was a little surprised. He just said something random and wrote a few words with a sword. To be able to draw with Gu Xiaotong is really an anecdote.

But as a senior, as the number one master in the world, can he show his jaw dropping in shock? No, a master must have the demeanor of a master.

And the reason why he asked Li Zhengkai to compete with Gu Xiaotong was for a purpose. Gu Xiaotong is too arrogant, he does everything he wants and has no EQ at all. How can he find a wife with this personality in the future.Alright, now Zhu Cheng starts worrying about his apprentice and daughter-in-law.

But Gu Xiaotong has this character, it's all because of Zhu Cheng.

Who is Zhu Cheng, the number one expert in the world, whoever dares to provoke his apprentices, who can provoke him.Gu Xiaotong, as the young owner of Yuelai Inn, not to mention rich as a country, at least he is a millionaire.Compared with anyone else, Gu Xiaotong is superior to others, and his aptitude for martial arts is indeed good. There is nothing to say. He is the best among his peers, and you can't even see his ass.

"Senior, your sword." Li Zhengkai didn't care about the outcome, and returned the sword to Zhu Cheng with both hands.

"Silly son, quickly kneel down to your master." Li Xiaoyao rushed out suddenly.In fact, it wasn't sudden. He came when Gu Xiaotong snatched Li Zhengkai's poems and made a fuss in the courtyard. He wanted to come over to dissuade him but saw Zhu Cheng make a move. A master suddenly soars to a master.

Li Xiaoyao naturally knew what was going on with his son. Among scholars, Li Zhengkai could definitely be regarded as a good student and role model, but he was born in a Jianghu family, and he was destined to be the leader of the Giant Whale Gang in the future.

Under such circumstances, you are still obsessed with writing and composing poems. This is simply not a proper job. He whipped Li Zhengkai more than once to let him concentrate on martial arts. Can't you go for the champion?If the enemy comes to your door one day, you ask him to compete with you in poetry and prose, and see if he will slash you with a sword.

Therefore, in Li Xiaoyao's view, Zhu Cheng's deceit to Gu Xiaotong's rhetoric that "swordsmanship is hidden in the poem" is simply nonsense. It is preaching to his son, which is a great fortune.

"Ah?" Not to mention Li Zhengkai, but Zhu Cheng himself didn't realize it, so why is he the master.

But... Zhu Cheng looked at Li Zhengkai, Mr. Pianpian, gentle and gentle, unlike Gu Xiaotong's noisy monkey, he can also achieve epiphany, establish a new way of swordsmanship, good talent and beautiful jade, it seems not bad to become his apprentice, No, it should be excellent.

"Why, my master is not good enough for you." Gu Xiaotong said angrily.But it feels weird to say this.

"Ah, master, please accept three respects from my apprentice Li Zhengkai." Although Li Zhengkai is a bookworm, he is not stupid. He knows how much his strength has improved better than anyone else, and all this is thanks to Zhu Cheng.

Li Zhengkai is willing to be a teacher.

Everyone is happy, since then the head of the Giant Whale Gang has become the number one swordsman in the world, and will be the "book sword" in the world in the future.

"Hey, call me brother."

"You are younger than me."

"You started late."

 Ask for collection and recommendation


(End of this chapter)

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