Chapter 22
But he said that when Zhu Cheng came to the Giant Whale Gang, he unexpectedly accepted an apprentice.As for who is the senior brother, Zhu Cheng saw that Gu Xiaotong and Li Zhengkai were arguing endlessly, and then he waved his sleeves, "Xiaotong, you are the junior brother."

"Obviously I got started earlier." Gu Xiaotong murmured dissatisfied.

"Hmm~" Zhu Cheng glared at him, but Gu Xiaotong didn't dare to speak immediately.

"I've seen my younger brother."

"You are so small, the master only has two apprentices, why not add any small ones." Gu Xiaotong vented his anger on Li Zhengkai, and then went back to his room to sleep angrily.

It's time to sleep at night, so I went out for a walk and found a brother for myself.Obviously I got started earlier, but I can't be the senior who bullies the juniors.sleep.

Gu Xiaotong was very depressed.

The next day, Zhu Cheng set off with Gu Xiaotong and Li Zhengkai, and Li Zhengkai acted as the guide for the trip.

"Zhu Daxia, do you want to inform the navy, so that we can take care of him?" Li Xiaoyao asked.

"The court, forget it." Zhu Cheng doesn't like dealing with court people, and things that can be solved with a single sword, why bother with the court people, just take two disciples to go.

Show them to see and see, he Zhu Cheng will be a Taoist protector.

There are three people in a small boat, and there is no need for a boatman to row the boat. Gu Xiaotong's internal force serves as the engine to drive the boat, and the speed is as fast as an arrow that leaves the string.However, it can be seen from his darkened face that he is very unhappy.

If there were only Gu Xiaotong and Zhu Cheng, Gu Xiaotong would definitely not feel wronged or unhappy, after all, his disciples would do his best, and Zhu Cheng is still a very lazy person.

But, now that Li Zhengkai is here, why should I do all the chores while he blows the wind in the bow of the boat?The master is eccentric!

Don't worry about scarcity but inequality.

"Master, that is the small island ahead." Li Zhengkai pointed to a small island ahead.The small island has no tall vegetation, but it is surrounded by cliffs that are easy to defend and difficult to attack. The rocks are eroded by the sea and are as sharp as knives. There is only one place opened up as a port to stop ships.

"Junior brother, slow down, don't make too much noise." Li Zhengkai said.Because Gu Xiaotong was angry, he drove the boat too fast, and the water splashed by the stern of the boat also flew high, which was too easy to attract attention.

"Hmph." Gu Xiaotong snorted coldly, but he didn't listen, and went his own way.

Li Zhengkai smiled awkwardly, and looked at Zhu Cheng to ask what he meant, but seeing that Zhu Cheng closed his eyes and rested his mind, he ignored it at all.

Well, let the younger brother toss about it.

Senior brother Li Zhengkai doesn't have any prestige at all right now, so it would be no problem if someone discovers him with his master, the sword fairy.

The three of them are all masters of martial arts, so they would not choose the port to stop the boat, but sailed to a relatively low cliff, and they only needed to use light kung fu to climb the cliff.

"what is that!"

"Release the arrow! Release the arrow!"

As expected, there were pirates guarding and patrolling the island, and Gu Xiaotong turned the boat into a speedboat. Unless the pirates were blind, they couldn't see it in broad daylight.

"Ding ding ding" the rain of arrows poured down, Li Zhengkai drew his sword at the bow to resist, Gu Santong sailed behind the boat with a face of gloating, and secretly activated the indestructible magic of King Kong to prevent the arrow from hurting himself.As for Zhu Cheng, well, he doesn't bother to care about it, this stinky master, don't worry about it.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." When Li Zhengkai wrote a shield in the air with his sword, the arrow could no longer enter the boat.

"Woo~" Seeing that the incoming man was strong, the pirate blew the conch shell to give an early warning.Soon, a large number of pirates appeared on the cliff, and two pirate ships sailed towards this place.

"Xiaotong, rush up." Zhu Cheng opened his eyes.

"Come on!" Gu Xiaotong was like a child who fell out of favor, getting attention again, eager to express himself.

Gu Xiaotong turned into a golden man and jumped onto the cliff with a thud, even though the pirates stabbed with axes, knives, swords, he only had one left uppercut and one right uppercut to knock them all down.

Seeing the fallen pirates, Gu Xiaotong proudly shouted down the cliff: "It's okay, I'll take care of it in a while." After speaking, he glanced at Li Zhengkai provocatively, meaning you can see that I will take care of it in minutes. You drew your sword, but you haven't killed a single person.

"Master, this seems to be different from the plan." Li Zhengkai said.Originally they planned to sneak in from the rear, kill the master and leave, but now that their whereabouts are exposed, they will definitely be besieged in the pirate base camp.

"The matter has come to this point, the only way is to force it. Let Xiaotong open the way, so that he can have a long memory." Zhu Cheng had expected this to happen, so he didn't stop Gu Xiaotong from messing around, just wanted him to learn a lot of wisdom. .Don't always go on the rampage just because you have a little bit of force, you have no brains at all.

Xiao Tong, this is the first lesson Master taught you after you walked the rivers and lakes.

Of course, Zhu Cheng chose to force his way because he was extremely confident in his martial arts.Being number one in the world is not a vain reputation, not to mention that Gu Xiaotong and Li Zhengkai are also masters.

With a leap, Zhu Cheng and Li Zhengkai climbed onto the cliff.What they didn't know was that at this time, two cannons had been aimed at them, and the shells would be fired as long as they were ignited. Not to mention people, even the cliffs would be destroyed under the bombardment.

"Stop! Stop!" The captain kicked away the pirates who wanted to light the fire one by one.

"Prodigal bastard, you are not worth a cannonball if you sell it, and you actually want to bombard me with three people." The captain angrily scolded the gunner.

As pirates, they can have cannons, which are definitely the only ones among the pirates. They bought it with an unknown amount of money and through countless connections. When it's exhausted, the cannon is just a lump of iron.

The captain thought that Zhu Cheng was no more than three people, and bombarding them with cannons would be a waste of waste.Moreover, after the bombardment, the cliff will definitely fall down, and when the stone falls into the sea, it will set off a huge wave, which may even overturn the pirate ship, which is completely worthless.

Master, let the master deal with it.

Of course, Gu Xiaotong didn't know that he just brushed shoulders with death, but pointed to a group of pirates and said, "Master, you don't need to do anything at all, I can take them all by myself."

"Okay, then it's up to you, Zheng Kai and I will be on the sidelines for you." Zhu Cheng said.

When Gu Xiaotong heard this, he immediately looked at Zhu Cheng bitterly.Although he has the magical power of invulnerability, it won't last long. Just as he is speaking, dozens of pirates are rushing up. He will deal with them one by one, and he will eventually be exhausted.

"Why, man, do you want to go back on your word?" Zhu Cheng said excitedly.

"No, master just sit in peace." In order to save his energy, Gu Xiaotong dispelled the Vajra Immortal Art, drew out his sword and slashed and killed the pirates crying for their parents and throwing away their armor.

"Hahaha, there is no one in the crowd." Gu Xiaotong looked at the fleeing pirates and laughed.Seeing this, Zhu Cheng couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. How could this group of mobs rob a merchant ship?
Soon, Zhu Cheng's doubts were answered, and a middle-aged man led a group of ninjas in black.They lived in the middle of the island, farther from the cliff, so they arrived slowly.

"I don't know who it is. It turns out that it's the swordsman coming. Wang Zhi is far away to greet him and hope to make amends." The middle-aged man recognized Zhu Cheng, and even bowed to Zhu Cheng.

"Wang Zhi?" As a modern person, Zhu Cheng still has some understanding of Wang Zhi.In history, he was a big pirate, and colluded with Japanese pirates, a typical traitor, he can be called the man of One Piece.

"I originally wanted to kill that expert under you, but now I have changed my mind."

"Oh?" Wang Zhi was curious.

"Your name is Wang Zhi, so you must die."

(End of this chapter)

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