The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 292 The Book of Life and Death and the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 292 The Book of Life and Death and the Classic of Mountains and Seas

The practice of mind power requires time and experience accumulation, especially comprehension.Although Chacha has lived for 150 years, her experience is not enough, and she is only a child among the original people at her age, even if the sea of ​​Qi and snow mountains are vast, she still cannot get rid of the child's thinking, so she has only cultivated to the realm of perception in the past three years.

Of course, because of the power of gathering souls, Chacha is much stronger than ordinary people in the realm of perception.

Now she can perceive the power hidden in her sea of ​​qi and snow mountains, and she can also slightly mobilize a little bit of soul-gathering power, just this little bit is enough to condense the ghost body into substance.

Ghosts from the underworld can touch people from the underworld.

While waiting for Shanshan's soul to arrive in the underworld, Zhu Cheng taught Chacha, and registered a group of ghosts in his free time.

The ghosts were huddled together in a pile without any appearance, Zhu Cheng looked very troubled.

The left and right are also free, so Zhu Cheng recorded their names one by one, and arranged their residences according to the degree of solidification of the ghost bodies. The new ghosts have to come to Zhu Cheng's report as soon as possible: first to see if it is Shanshan, and second to ask if they have seen Shanshan.

At the beginning, Zhu Cheng still used ordinary paper to record, but with more and more ghosts, the paper became more and more expensive, and Zhu Cheng suddenly remembered something-the heavenly book.

Instead of using the heavenly book as a registration tool, there is no need to write Zhu Cheng, just a thought, and everyone who lives and where is recorded on it, which is extremely convenient.

How did Zhu Cheng know that the book of heaven is not just paper, its strongest ability is calculation.

According to the names of these ghosts, the book of heaven can calculate how long they lived after reincarnation and how many evils they committed.

Hundreds of years later, the Book of Heaven has a new name—Book of Life and Death.

The life and death book records the birth, old age, sickness and death of all creatures, but any soul that is not in the book means that Zhu Cheng has never seen him before, and this is the soul Zhu Cheng is eager to find.

Unfortunately, no.

In order to find Shan Shan, Zhu Cheng traveled to every corner of the world.

After three years in the underworld, the venerable Zhu Cheng left the underworld to search for the dead soul of his lover.

"Bingbing, protect Chacha." Zhu Cheng left Bingbing in the underworld to protect Chacha before leaving.

For three full years, Zhu Cheng had no patience to wait any longer, so he decided to leave the underworld alone to search for it.

Chacha can't leave the underworld. Firstly, if she leaves the hundred thousand ghosts, she will go with her at a very slow speed. Secondly, if the mountain ghosts are on their way to the underworld, wouldn't it be a miss?
So Chacha stayed in the underworld, and for the safety of Chacha, Zhu Cheng left Bingbing to protect Chacha.

"Chacha, I promise you, I will definitely get your brother's body back." No matter what world people are in, they all value a person buried in the ground, intact.

It was too cruel for God to divide Chi You's body into five horses, but he hatefully scattered Chi You's body in five directions, which is really abhorrent.

Zhu Cheng wants to help Chacha and his lovely apprentice.He got the tiger tooth accessories that Chi You had polished for Cha Cha from Cha Cha, and he remembered the aura that belonged to Chi You, as long as Chi You's corpse appeared within a hundred miles of him, Zhu Cheng could feel it.

Every world is different, and Zhu Cheng's power of perception has been somewhat suppressed in this world.In this world, the spiritual mirror seems to only have the function of storing things, and there is no way to make predictions.

At least Zhu Cheng let it show Chi You's body and Shan Shan's soul, and the screen of the spirit mirror only has snowflakes and no human figure.

"Master, come back earlier." Chacha cried and bid farewell to Zhu Cheng.During the three years of getting along with her, she became attached to Zhu Cheng, and took Zhu Cheng as her reliance, replacing Chi You's position in her heart.

"Don't worry, I'll go." Zhu Cheng stepped on his sword and left, flying through the yellow sand for [-] miles like light, and came to the vast sea.

Compared with three years ago, the world seems to be different, it is no longer so quiet, and occasionally seagulls, sharks and other creatures can be seen, but very few.

On that day, Zhu Cheng crossed the West Sea and saw a continuous mountain range.The reason why Zhu Cheng is attracted is that there are some black dwarf trees growing on the mountain. Their trunks are black, their branches are black and even their leaves are black, but they emit a holy light.

The light was very warm, like a street lamp when you go home in the dark.

Zhu Cheng lowered his head from the clouds, and realized that there were some osmanthus trees growing beside the black tree, but they were too small, as small as weeds.

"This tree is a bit strange, so dig it out first." I think everyone knows that this black tree is a treasure, and Zhu Cheng is certainly not so stupid as to dismiss it.

I saw Zhu Cheng exerting his mental power, carefully uprooting the black tree with soil and putting it into the spiritual mirror, thinking about studying it when he had time.

Zhu Cheng would never do such a stupid thing like exhausting the river for fishing, but just pulled up five or six black trees.

"This is gold, this is jade." The tree was pulled up, revealing several big pits.It turned out that there was not much soil on the mountain range. After Zhu Cheng pulled it out, the rock covered with soil was directly exposed. Zhu Cheng's sharp eyes immediately found that there were gold and beautiful jade buried under the black soil.

It's just that they are all raw ore, and they have to go through several refining processes to make them into beautiful accessories.

For future generations, this place may be a treasure mountain, but gold and silver are not attractive to Zhu Cheng. You must know that there are dozens of tons of gold in his spiritual mirror. (In the magic sword life and death chess world, Zhu Cheng took the golden chess piece)

For Zhu Cheng, the value of gold and jade is not as good as those green leeks growing on the ground.

Zhu Cheng looked up at the sun, it happened to be meal time, and there happened to be leeks, so why hesitate?Cook on the spot, and try a scrambled egg with leeks.

It's just that Zhu Cheng overlooked one thing. Usually leeks have white flowers, but the leeks here have blue flowers.

After the picnic, Zhu Cheng set out again, and on the way he broke off a branch of a black tree to study in his hand.

The mountain was high and foggy, and Zhu Cheng walked into the mist before he knew it. At this moment, the branches in Zhu Cheng's hands began to change. The light was no longer soft but became penetrating, repelling, and domineering. All the fog within ten meters around him dissipated.

"So that's what it is, that's how it is." Zhu Cheng smiled knowingly, and it turned out that the black tree was actually useful for 'pointing out the maze'.It is inevitable to get lost during a long journey, and this is a practical thing for Yu Zhucheng.

Stop and go to learn a lot. Although Zhu Cheng is only in this mountain, he can also see the recovery of everything in this world.

"I haven't eaten for a few days?" Zhu Cheng suddenly remembered something, calculated that he hadn't eaten for a month, but he didn't feel any hunger in his stomach.

Think carefully about what you ate a month ago.

Chives, blue and white leeks.

But he didn't expect that the seemingly ordinary leek could replace Bigu Dan, and if ordinary people got it, it would be regarded as a fairy grass.

With such a magical thing, Zhu Cheng couldn't help but want to record it, maybe it will be used in the future.

I saw Zhu Cheng write on the paper with a pen: the head of Nanshan is (què) mountain.Its first name is the mountain of swagger, which is on the west sea.More osmanthus, more gold and jade.There is Cao Yan, its shape is like a leek and green, its name is Zhu Yu, and it will not be hungry if you eat it.There is a wood Yan, its shape is like a grain (gū) but black, its flowers shine four times, its name is Mi Gu, and it is not fascinated to wear it.

Zhu Cheng later named this self-recorded book "Shan Hai Jing"

"Ah~ah~" Zhu Cheng suddenly heard a beautiful song after traveling for a few hundred miles. He let go of his senses and was pleasantly surprised to find that there was Chi You's mutilated body in the direction of the song.

 Thank you for the support of Lonely Muxin, Happy Tour, and Drinking Alone Monthly Pass.

(End of this chapter)

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