Chapter 293 Left Leg
"Ah~ah~" After traveling for a few hundred miles, Zhu Cheng suddenly heard a beautiful song, let go of his senses, and was pleasantly surprised to find that there was Chi You's mutilated body in the direction of the song.

The owner of the singing voice is a beautiful woman in white clothes. She is singing loudly to the sky on a rock, and her image and temperament are very consistent with the goddess in Chacha's mouth. Presumably she is the goddess who guards Chi You's body.

Zhu Cheng didn't shy away from it, and walked over swaggeringly.

"Who are you?" The singing stopped abruptly, and the girl found Zhu Cheng and asked immediately.

"My name is Zhu Cheng, and I'm only here to collect the corpse." Zhu Cheng pointed to the thick myrtle tree behind the goddess.Chi You's left leg was buried under the Migra tree.

"I didn't expect that there were still people who survived the flood, so let me purify you." The celestial girl sang after she finished speaking, but this time the singing was no longer melodious, but a magical sound that filled the ears and captivated people. Soul.

Zhu Cheng couldn't help shaking when he heard the singing, and his spirit was a little dazed.At this moment, Tiannv seized the opening and punched Zhu Cheng.

"Boom" Zhu Cheng was hit hard with a fist.

But the result was unexpected, it wasn't Zhu Cheng who was knocked into the air, but the heavenly girl who punched Zhu Cheng, she was blown away.

"Why are you harder than a rock?" Tiannv squeezed her red and swollen fists.Could it be that the person in front of him has awakened the bloodline of Vajra, which is why the physical defense is so terrifying.

Tiannv's attitude towards Zhu Cheng changed from initial contempt to fear.She knew that relying on her physical body, she was definitely not Zhu Cheng's opponent.

"Why, are you afraid?" Zhu Cheng laughed seeing the fearful expression of the celestial girl.

"Ah~" The celestial girl's eyes narrowed, and she sang again.It's still the magic sound, but it's a pity that when I first heard it, it really can make people in a trance, but Zhu Cheng is prepared, how can I be tricked again.

"Not bad, not bad, your singing voice is very nice." Zhu Cheng smiled and applauded, like an audience after a concert.

"Damn original people!" Seeing Zhu Cheng's cynicism, the goddess was very angry, and she turned from a beautiful woman into a white horse with a height of one foot, but the tail was fiery red.

"What a mighty mongrel, it turns out that the so-called heavenly maidens are demons." Zhu Cheng raised his eyebrows, and had a new understanding of heavenly maidens.


Very angry at Zhu Cheng's contempt for the red-tailed white horse, it rushed towards Zhu Cheng with a roar, and was about to use its sharp teeth to bite Zhu Cheng in two.

It is said that the white horse can indeed do it, it is as tall as one foot and Zhu Cheng is only one-third of its size. Not to mention biting Zhu Cheng in two, it can be done with a little effort even if it swallows Zhu Cheng in one gulp.

However, Zhu Cheng would not just stand there and let him attack.I saw that Zhu Cheng's cat waist seemed to avoid the culling of the white horse dangerously and narrowly, but in fact he landed in the belly of the white horse just right.


With an uppercut, Zhu Cheng hit the white horse firmly in the abdomen.Just look at the white horse, its eyes are protruding, its tongue is sticking out, and its hair is all over its body.

"Ho Ho Ho..." Bai Ma rolled on the ground in pain. If she was pregnant, Zhu Cheng's punch could directly abort her.

"Heavenly girl? Really weak." Zhu Cheng shook his head, he needed to re-evaluate the strength of this world god.

How did Zhu Cheng know that the goddess who was sent to guard Chi You's body was just the most inconspicuous character among the celestial maidens, so inconspicuous that God never thought of them when he retreated.She doesn't even have a title.

Are you really in a good mood to be this goddess, singing on the rocks?She desperately contacted Kunlun, begging Kunlun to take her back.

The Tianzhu is broken, and she cannot return to the sky by herself with her strength.

When Chi You was divided into pieces by five horses, God randomly assigned five goddesses with the lowest cultivation level to bury Chi You's body in five directions.

This is a very simple matter. When they come to the place, they dig a hole and put the remains in the hole, and then fill it with soil, so that they can come back.

But who knew that the original people, seeing their leader being brutally murdered, aroused the power of their blood regardless of their lives, broke through the cage and started a fierce resistance, and there was a great tendency to turn defeat into victory.

The gods were terrified, they were superior, and they didn't want to fight these lowly species with their lives, so they retreated to Kunlun, cut off the pillars of heaven, and sent floods to purify the world.

The poor five heavenly girls who were sent to bury the corpses were almost drowned by the floods from their own homes just half way back.

This celestial girl is a white horse, she can neither fly nor survive in the water, so she ran desperately, desperately, and ran to this Mount Fuyang.The mountain here is high, and it was not submerged by the flood at last, and it survived by luck.

The white horse has been in contact with Kunlun all the time, but Kunlun doesn't seem to have heard her call at all. There has been no response for four years. She can only stay here and watch over Chi You's body and wait stupidly.

She seemed to have no choice but to guard Chi You's body and wait for Kunlun's response.

Of course, I don't know the above mentioned Zhu Cheng.He only knew that the so-called celestial maidens were a group of demons, but they were born in this world earlier than humans and could transform into human forms, so their identities seemed more noble than the original humans.

However, in essence, Tiannv is no different from Yuanren, they are all animals with bloodline abilities.

"You don't want to snatch Chi You's body, unless I'm dead." The white horse uttered words, endured the abdominal pain and swung the red tail whip, and beat Zhu Cheng fiercely.

This tail whip is ten meters long and one meter thick. Just looking at its thickness and length, it looks more like a pillar than a tail.


Zhu Cheng pointed at the sword and pulled it lightly from top to bottom, like cutting tofu, the thick red tail of the white horse was cut off.

In an instant, the ground was stained with blood, and the white horse screamed in pain.The pain of tail docking is like the pain of severed fingers, heart-piercing and heart-wrenching.

"Ah! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you." The white horse completely lost its mind, and kept stepping, pouncing, biting, tearing, pulling at Zhu Cheng...

But Zhu Cheng always dodges in a thrilling yet graceful manner. In the end, Zhu Cheng lost the interest in playing, so he raised his sword and dropped the white horse's life.

"If you want to kill me, I should take your life." Zhu Cheng will never be merciful just because the person he killed was a beautiful banshee. The people he killed probably could form a city, let alone one. only demon.

Looking at the extremely thick maze tree in front of him, Zhu Cheng said: "You must be the only maze tree left in that flood. If you are lonely, let me go."

Zhu Cheng used his mental power to uproot the maze tree and put it into the spiritual mirror.A section of Chi You's remnant body was exposed in the tree pit, and Zhu Cheng's induction was correct, it was indeed a left leg.

It's just that this leg is golden yellow, like gold and copper, and the blood remaining in the wound is also golden yellow.

"The body of King Kong, this is Chi You's ability? No wonder the heavenly beings use methods such as dismembering the body with five horses, the sword is hard to hurt." Zhu Cheng murmured.

"No, no."

Zhu Cheng took a closer look and found that the thumb of his left foot was moving.Although it is slight, it is indeed moving, Zhu Cheng is sure of this.

After performing the Heaven Swallowing Kungfu, Zhu Cheng found life in this left leg.If it is a corpse, then there is absolutely no vitality.

The only explanation: the left leg is still alive.

Zhu Cheng has a bold idea, if Chi You's body is sewn up, can Chi You be resurrected.

No wonder God wanted to bury Chi You's body in five directions, because he was afraid of his resurrection.

Zhu Cheng kept his left leg, and wrote on the paper: "The mountain of Yiyi is 370 miles east, and it is called the mountain of Fuyang. Its yang is mostly red gold, and its yin is mostly platinum. There is a beast, which looks like a horse and has a white head. Its writing is like a tiger with a red tail, its sound is like a ballad, its name is Lushu, and it is suitable for descendants to wear."

 Just one update today, so sleepy.

  Thank you Phantom, Master Chief 117, Trace monthly ticket support
(End of this chapter)

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