Chapter 296 Kunlun
On the top of Fuyu Mountain, Zhu Cheng stood with his hands behind his back, and there was a woman in black standing beside him, as obedient as a maid.

Even though the Golden Crow was reluctant in every possible way, he still signed the contract under Zhu Cheng's coercion, and even hurriedly changed the white uniform of the celestial maiden into black because of Zhu Cheng's words, "You have black feathers, why are you wearing white clothes?"

Zhu Cheng's contract ability is very powerful and domineering: no matter whether you agree or not, as long as you sign your name on it, the contract is completed.

"Tell me about Kunlun." This is one of the main reasons why Zhu Cheng takes the Golden Crow as a pet, but it's definitely not because it's cute.

"No, no, no..." The Golden Crow shook its head like a rattle, "This can't be said, it can't be said. Heaven and man are different, and everything about Kunlun is not allowed to be told to others."

"I am your master now, and everything about you is mine, including your memory." When Zhu Cheng had a thought, the Golden Crow felt a mountain pressing on him, and he couldn't breathe in an instant.

"I say!"

Zhu Cheng looked at her and made a gesture of listening.It is said that people do not shed tears when they see a coffin, and it seems that this bird is no exception.

Jin Wu said: Kunlun towers above the clouds, the top of all peaks.Surrounded by the boundless Black Sea.

In the garden, bead trees and jade trees compete to bloom, and white deer and cranes live under crimson and green trees.Walking through the undead tree is the gate of heaven, and there is the home of the sun.

Every day the sun will return to Kunlun and sink into the Black Sea, and when the sun sleeps, Kunlun will usher in the night.

In the early morning, one of the most honorable celestial maidens will beat the heavenly drum to wake up the sun from its deep sleep, and Kunlun ushers in a new day.

I perched on the hibiscus tree in Tanggu, absorbing the first rays of the sun to cultivate, and looked at the heavenly girl who beat the drum in the distance every day——Amber, she is beautiful, gentle, powerful, and kind...

"Stop," Zhu Cheng didn't want to hear Jin Wu talk about her idol, it would be endless, he stopped and said, "Who rules Kunlun? Or who is your king."

"!!" Jin Wu was so frightened by Zhu Cheng's question that he turned into his original form, and hid in Zhu Cheng's arms shivering.

"That's a taboo, it's a taboo." Zhu Cheng could clearly feel the fear of the Golden Crow, which came from the depths of his soul.

"With me here, no one can hurt you." Zhu Cheng comforted.

Trembling... The Golden Crow was still too scared to speak.

"Quack quack..." The question has come to this point, of course Zhu Cheng will not give up, grabbing the golden crow's neck and slipping it out of his arms, and using the soul-stirring technique on it.

This is a spell that can spy on people's memories.

In Jinwu's memory, a graceful lady appeared: dressed in a phoenix crown and Xiapei, holding a jade ruyi handle in her left hand, and a seal formula in her right hand, with divine light blooming above her head, she was very dignified.


All of a sudden, the image of the woman changed drastically, from graceful and luxurious to a huge white tiger, with a whole body of white and a white tail, but the tiger's head was still a human face, and the pair of big copper bell eyes shone with a frightening coldness.

After being yelled at by her, Zhu Cheng hurriedly withdrew from Jinwu's consciousness.The Queen Mother of the West deserves to be the lord of Kunlun, but she is so powerful.

"Boom! Boom!" In an instant, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and thunder bursts came from the clouds.This is when Queen Mother Xi realized that someone was spying on her, and she became angry.

"Let's go." Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhu Cheng immediately took the Golden Crow to flash. His top priority now is to find the mountain instead of causing trouble, especially when facing a powerful enemy, he might die.


The Queen Mother of the West opened her eyes that had been closed for ten years and looked at the world. Seeing that Zhu Cheng disappeared with the Golden Crow, she closed her eyes again. The dark clouds also dissipated in an instant, and the earth returned to silence.

Since that day, Zhu Cheng took Jinwu to many places and saw many magical objects and magnificent rivers and mountains, but he still couldn't find the mountain.

On the contrary, it was Chi You's corpse, and now only the head remains.

In Beishan, Zhu Cheng beheaded the ear mouse to get the left foot, and wrote: Another two hundred miles to the north, it is called Danxun Mountain... there is a beast, its shape is like a mouse, and its head is like a moose, and its sound is like a dog.Because of its tail flying, it is called ear mouse, and if it is ignored, it can ban all kinds of poisons. "

In Zhongshan, Zhu Cheng beheaded a green bull to get his right hand, and wrote: 120 miles to the west, it is called Lishan, with many jades in its yang and sou (sōu) in its yin.There is a beast, its shape is like a cow, its body is green, its voice is like a baby, it is a cannibal.

"Jinwu, you dare to betray Kunlun, you will die!" Qingniu cursed Jinwu viciously.

"I'll peck you to death, I'll peck you to death..." Seeing that Qing Niu hadn't breathed out, Jin Wu violently pecked Qing Niu's head in anger, pecking out a big hole in her head, and then devoured her brains before stopping.

The matter of acknowledging Zhu Cheng as the Lord must be kept a secret, and it must be kept a secret. Kunlun must never know, otherwise she will die a miserable death.

This time Lilai was in Dongshan, and Zhu Cheng was pleasantly surprised to find a tribe beside a big river.

The tribe is very small, only a dozen or so people, most of them are women and children, all of them are sallow, limp and tortured by hunger.

Now that the earth has just recovered, there is no way to find much food. As for hunting animals, their strength is too weak, and it is a miracle that they can survive until now.

What surprised Zhu Cheng was that they did have food in their hands. Although they were just some wild fruits, they could still fill their stomachs.Instead of eating it, they came to the river with the fruit.

They kowtowed down to the river, and kowtowed.


A head poked out from the river.It was a snake head, as big as a boat, with a slightly protruding top, a pair of vertical eyes staring at the fruit as big as fists, and the red letter spit out a cold air.

"Snake! Snake!" Golden Crow flew in the air, and when he saw the giant snake, he shouted excitedly, thinking that it should be her acquaintance and friend.

The giant snake looked up, and saw the golden crow fluttering its wings in the sky, and Zhu Cheng stepped on his sword to hang in the air.


The giant snake rushed out of the water and went straight to the sky. She actually had wings.

After getting out of the water, I got a glimpse of the whole thing. It turned out to be a ten-foot-long yellow snake with two pairs of fin-like wings on its back, but longer and bigger than the fins, so it could fly.

"Jinwu, why are you here? Shouldn't you be guarding Chi You's body?" the giant snake asked.

"I, I..." Jinwu couldn't say that she had betrayed Kunlun, she really didn't have the courage to say it in front of her old friends.

The giant snake saw Jinwu hesitating, turned to Zhu Cheng and asked, "Who is he and why is he with you?"

"This, this..." Since Jinwu dared not say that he recognized Zhu Cheng as the master, he naturally did not dare to introduce Zhu Cheng to the giant snake.

"I am Zhu Cheng, and this time I only came here to take Chi You's head." Zhu Cheng knew the character of Jinwu very well, so he stated his purpose openly.

"Qing! Get out of here!" Hearing that Zhu Cheng was coming to take Chi You's head, the giant snake immediately became angry, roared at Zhu Cheng, and let out a pair of vertical eyes.

"Ming Snake, don't!" Jin Wu knew that Zhu Cheng was powerful, she really didn't want to see her friend die in Zhu Cheng's hands, so she stood in front of the giant snake.

"Get away from me." With a sweep of the giant snake's tail, the Golden Crow flew aside.

(End of this chapter)

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