Chapter 297
Fresh mountains are rich in gold and jade, without vegetation, and fresh water flows out, while Beiliu flows into Yishui.Among them is the Singing Snake, which looks like a snake and has four wings, and its sound is like a chime.

Ming Snake was the friend of Jinwu when he was in Kunlun. Jinwu perched on the hibiscus tree, and Ming Snake lived in the mists flowing under the hibiscus tree. Every morning, like Jinwu, she would emerge from the water to enjoy the first ray of sunshine.

Every day in Kunlun, they would say "good morning" to each other, they are the best friends.

Jin Wu was very reluctant to see her girlfriend die in Zhu Cheng's hands, so she stood in front of Ming Snake to prevent her from dying.

"Go away." Ming Snake didn't appreciate it, but seeing her sweep her tail, the Golden Crow was about to be swept aside.

Although she and Jinwu are best friends, they are much stronger than Jinwu.

"Chime!" The Snake roared angrily, and sprayed a line of water towards Zhu Cheng. Although it may be water, it definitely has the ability to cut gold and cut jade.

Zhu Cheng is not a masochist, so he dodged with the flying sword, circled behind Naming Snake, and pointed into a sword, and a sword qi sent out to hit Naming Snake.

"Ding" only heard a crisp sound, the snake's body was covered with scales, and its defensive power was even more amazing, it was able to block Zhu Cheng's sword energy.

Although it was said that Zhu Cheng did it casually, according to Jin Wu, they had just reached adulthood, and at this age, it was rare to be able to withstand Zhu Cheng's blow without being injured.

"Huhuhu——" Just when Zhu Cheng was slightly surprised, Ming Snake's tail swung down at her.

Zhu Cheng hurriedly dodged to the left, unexpectedly, Ming Snake seemed to know Zhu Cheng's movements, and before its tail fell, it twirled in the air, twisted its body, and bound Zhu Cheng with a rope.

This is the trump card of the Snake. After the person is bound, the body wriggles along with the body. If it is tightened, the person will be suffocated, and then all the bones will be crushed and eventually become a pool of rotten meat.

"It's quite strong." Zhu Cheng felt the huge force coming from all directions, and couldn't help but praise.

And Zhu Cheng can praise Naming Snake so calmly, he is naturally not in danger of life, even very relaxed.

Ming Snake is just very strong, but Zhu Cheng's vajra body has the power to pull mountains, so he doesn't care about her.

"Chime!" Ming Snake shouted loudly, exerting all his strength.

She also felt that this time the tying up was very different from the previous ones, and she received a lot of resistance.This man's body was harder than stone and stronger than steel.

"Hahaha..." Zhu Cheng smiled, lost the intention of playing with her, and slowly stretched out his arms. No matter how hard Snake Ming tried to contract, it couldn't stop Zhu Cheng from opening and stretching bit by bit.

Like a broken rope, the Ming Snake stretched too tightly and finally broke under Zhu Cheng's great force, but it was not completely broken, and the flesh was still connected.


Zhu Cheng then kicked on the head of Ming Snake, knocked her off the dust, and then landed, intending to cut off Ming Snake's head with a sword.

In Zhu Cheng's eyes, Ming Snake is a friend of Jinwu, but he is an evil god who enslaves the original people and should be killed.

If it wasn't for Ming Snake to control the people in this tribe, how could they endure hunger and would give Ming Snake the few wild fruits to eat.

"No, master." Jin Wu stood in front of Zhu Cheng and proclaimed his master.In order to save her best friend, she didn't care about keeping the secret that Zhu Cheng was the main one.

"Go away." Zhu Cheng flicked his fingers, and the poor Jinwu sent him flying.

Jinwu, Jinwu, you have to remember, I am your master, and you are my slave.It is only for me to order you to do things. You are not qualified to ask me to do anything, not even to beg.

Don't feel overbearing, this is the naked reality.

"do not want!"

This time it was not the Golden Crow that stood in front of Zhu Cheng, but those dozen or so people. They stretched out their arms to firmly protect the Naming Snake behind them, and their eyes were fixed on Zhu Cheng, with hostility in their eyes.

"Why? She enslaves you, and if I kill her, you will be liberated." Zhu Cheng asked puzzled.

"????" A dozen people looked at me and I looked at you, and they all saw confusion in each other's eyes.

An older woman said: "Master Ming Snake did not enslave us, on the contrary she saved us."

Al!Looks like it's been split.

Zhu Cheng didn't say a word, first gave Ming Snake a chance to save her life, and then listened to the women and the others tell stories.

The woman's name was Hua Xu, and she told Zhu Cheng: "Ten years ago, the gods returned to Kunlun, cut off the pillars of heaven, and poured the water of the Black Sea into the world, and the earth became a vast ocean in an instant."

"We women and children stayed behind the army. When we saw the flood, we ran desperately, desperately. But the more we ran, the more tired we were, and the flood was getting faster and faster. Finally, we were swallowed by the flood."

"I thought I was going to be drowned. It was Master Ming Snake. She appeared. She used her body to carry us through the flood for a whole year. After the flood receded, she took us to find him in Xianshan. settled everywhere.”

"We are grateful for Master Ming Snake's life-saving grace, and we often offer wild fruits as offerings, but Master Ming Snake refuses to eat each time, saying that she is not hungry, and that there are many fish, shrimp and crabs in the river for her to enjoy."

"But the water in this river is crystal clear, where are the fish, shrimp and crabs? Master Ming Snake has never had enough to eat all these years."

woo woo woo woo……

More than a dozen people cried together, but Zhu Cheng was too embarrassed to look at Ming Snake.

This matter is complete, you say, our image of saving people from suffering and disasters collapsed in an instant.

"Then what, I have something to eat." In order to restore his glorious image, Zhu Cheng took out food from the spiritual mirror and gave it to Hua Xu and the others. It was all fresh and delicious food.

Steamed buns, sesame seed cakes, white rice, beef, donkey meat, roast chicken, roast duck...

When they saw the food, people's eyes lit up, and they grabbed it and stuffed it into their mouths. They were so hungry that they hadn't eaten for two days, and their stomachs were full of sour water.

But before the food was stuffed into his mouth, he suddenly thought of something, put the food back on the dinner plate tacitly, and respectfully enshrined it in front of Ming Snake.

"Chime" sounded the snake and pushed the food forward with its head, which means that you are not hungry, so you can eat.

"Master Ming Snake, if you don't eat, we'd rather starve to death." People pushed the food over again.

"You guys, okay, okay." Ming Snake sighed, opened his mouth and ate a dozen steamed buns in small mouthfuls, and then people picked up the food and ate it.

While they were eating, Zhu Cheng found Chi You's head in an underwater cave, and all of Chi You's corpses have been found by Zhu Cheng so far.

Chi You's eyes were still open, and his pupils hadn't turned gray, they were as bright and energetic as before.

"Come on, let me sew you up." Zhu Cheng, the poor tailor, was about to pick up the needle and thread again.

 Thanks to the support of the 2019****657 monthly ticket, I finally did not shave my head today, thanks to you.Love you
(End of this chapter)

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