Chapter 402 Mr. Child
"I have this too." Zhu Cheng, Shenggu, Li Xiaoyao, and Ling'er all spoke.

They took out the spirit beads one after another. The colors of the spirit beads are different, and they all represent an element that makes up the world.

Zhu Cheng took off the gourd at his waist, unplugged it with a 'boo', and patted the gourd lightly, and a purple spirit bead was spit out by the gourd.

It was Lei Lingzhu. This Lingzhu was originally in the spider spirit who almost poisoned Jin Yuan to death. Later, Zhu Cheng collected it into the demon refining gourd. The spider spirit was refined, but the Lingzhu remained in the gourd.

Because it was of no use to Zhu Cheng, he put it inside and didn't care about it.

What the aunt took out from the magic storage container was a khaki-colored earth spirit bead.The five spirit beads were originally kept by Nuwa's descendants, but they were lost for many years. The only remaining earth spirit pearl was also given to Shenggu by Qing'er for safekeeping.

What Li Xiaoyao took out was a blue water spirit bead, and he said, "Auntie said it was left to me by my father."

Zhu Cheng felt that when Li Xiaoyao took out the Water Spirit Orb, the statue's breath was a little unstable, which was in a state of anger.

Zhu Chengxin said: "It seems that Li Sansi had a wonderful story in Nanzhao back then." '

What Ling'er took out was the last spirit bead 'Wind Lingzhu', which was blue in color, and it was given to her by Li Xiaoyao, which was regarded as a betrothal gift from the Li family.

When Li Xiaoyao left Yuhang Town that year, his aunt solemnly handed over the water spirit beads and wind spirit beads to him, and told him, "Our Li family has nothing of value, but these two beads can be handed out. For the girl you like, just use the beads as a betrothal gift."

My aunt only knows martial arts but doesn't know how to practice, so she naturally doesn't understand the preciousness of Lingzhu, which is a treasure for practitioners.

After Li Xiaoyao practiced, he realized that the Lingzhu was precious, and when he was in Shushan, he gave Linger the Fenglingzhu as a dowry gift.

"That's all the collection?" Jiu Jianxian felt that at this time, it is necessary to improve his presence, otherwise this trip will be in vain.

What he said is right, the five spirit beads are said to be treasures that can save the world. It is really unexpected to collect them all in such a simple way.

"God's will, God's will." Even the statue has to express this emotion.All of this is God's will, so what I did was adhering to God's will, and I must succeed, I must succeed.

The statue is more confident and determined in its own plans.

"I have the Lingzhu, what's next?" Zhu Cheng asked.

"Ling'er, I will teach you how to control the Lingzhu now. You need to master it in the shortest possible time." The statue said.

"Ling'er must work hard." For the whole world, for her elder brother Xiaoyao, and for her unborn daughter, she will definitely do her best.

"Let's all go out." Zhu Cheng said very kindly, telling the rest of the people to leave the Nuwa Temple to protect Ling'er outside. This may be the most powerful team of Dharma protectors in the world.

Ling'er sat cross-legged under the statue, with five spirit beads lined up in front of her. She was chanting the formula in her mouth, and kept pinching the formula in her hand, and the statue would point out Ling'er's movements from time to time.

About half an hour later, the Feng Lingzhu moved, and it established a connection with Ling'er, floating in the air from the ground.

"Very good, that's it." Seeing this, the statue praised Ling'er.

Ling'er was encouraged, and after a while, she successfully established a connection with the water Lingzhu and suspended it.

It was supposed to be getting better, but when it reached the third one, Ling'er suddenly felt abdominal pain and couldn't concentrate. Not only did she not hang the fire spirit beads in the air, even the wind spirit beads and water spirit beads fell off together. on the ground.

"Ah!" Ling'er covered her stomach, grinning in pain.

"Linger!" Li Xiaoyao couldn't sit still, he rushed in, hugged Linger into his arms, and said distressedly: "Linger, how are you?"

Zhu Cheng then came in, and found out that Ling'er was fine, but the fetal gas was a little unstable. He secretly passed some vitality, and Ling'er was no longer in pain.

"Are you pregnant?" The statue asked Ling'er in surprise.

"It's been five months." Linger replied.Although she doesn't show her bosom very much, her belly is getting bigger every day, otherwise the King of Nanzhao would be so anxious to let her marry a bastard like Li Xiaoyao.

"Five months? It's really not the right time for this child to come." Although the statue didn't show any complaints in its eyes, its tone of voice made even a thick-skinned existence like Li Xiaoyao a little embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean she won't be able to practice?" Zhu Cheng asked.

"We can only practice after the child is born, otherwise we will lose two lives. However, during this period, Ling'er can become more proficient in the art, and practice can get twice the result with half the effort." The statue said regretfully.

"Do you have to be Linger? Can't this kid do it?" Zhu Cheng pointed to Li Xiaoyao, and Li Xiaoyao puffed out his chest cooperatively.

Linger's business is my business.

"No, I sealed the five spirit beads with the power of the earth, so only Ling'er, who is a descendant of Nuwa, can activate them." The statue immediately rejected it.

"So that's the case, but is there still time?" Zhu Cheng asked again.

"In half a year, we can catch up." The statue gave an affirmative answer.

"That being the case, let's leave here and come back in half a year."

"Okay, let me put these five spirit beads here first." The statue agreed with Zhu Cheng and others to leave first, and also put all five spirit beads into the statue.

In this way, everyone left the Nuwa Temple and took Ling'er back to the palace to raise a baby. They had no doubts about the identity of the statue and everything they said. Only Zhu Cheng was 100% sure that there was something wrong with the statue.

If Zhu Cheng didn't have the power of good fortune, he might not be able to discover the flaws of the statue, but Zhu Cheng, who has the power of good fortune, is very clear. With the power of good fortune, he can easily perceive whether Ling'er is pregnant, or even whether it is a man or a woman. It's all clear.

The statue claimed to be Nuwa, how could she not have the power of good fortune, and how could she not know that Ling'er was pregnant with her daughter for five months, and she was not blind.

There is only one truth: she is lying.

Another point, Zhu Cheng asked her: Waiting for Ling'er to give birth to a child five months later, and then practice five Lingzhu, will there be time to save the world? She answered with certainty, "I can catch up."

Perhaps the Empress Nuwa in her prime had such a great prophecy ability, but with the current state of the statue, Zhu Cheng is 100% sure that she cannot do it.

Even if it is a spiritual mirror, in this world, it can only go back in time at most, and cannot predict the distant future.

The third point is that the statue was very eager for the Lingzhu, and took away all five Lingzhu without saying a word, fearing that others would steal it from her.

With the above three points, Zhu Cheng is enough to identify the statue as an enemy, but he doesn't know what the statue wants to do.

If you want to find out the truth, you still need to wait, the fish has already bit the hook, and you can immediately reel in the rod.

"Your Majesty, everything is over, and I will take my leave now." Zhu Cheng bid farewell to the King of Nanzhao on the same day, and deliberately flew a flying sword over the Nuwa Temple, telling everyone that Zhu Cheng had left Nanzhao.

It was day and night, when the leader of the Moon Worship Sect came to the Nuwa Temple, he patted the statue into powder with a single palm, and he also took five luminous spirit beads into his pocket.

"Roar!" Qilin roared and chased away.

(End of this chapter)

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