The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 403 What Does The Leader Want To Do?

Chapter 403 What Does The Leader Want To Do?
Of course, Zhu Cheng didn't really leave Nanzhao, but chose a good mountain to remotely monitor the Nuwa Temple with a spiritual mirror.

All the pots, pans, pans and beds were ready for his daily life, and he wanted to fight a protracted battle, but he didn't expect that something would happen that night.

I don't know what trick the leader of the Moon Worship Sect used. He stunned the unicorn as soon as he entered the door, and then destroyed the statue with a casual palm, and walked away swaggeringly with five spirit beads.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Cheng couldn't help frowning.

Is this over?

What about the good conspiracy, and the good statue is the bad guy?

My one, two, three, three doubts for a long time, could it be all my own imagination?

Fortunately, he was the only one who knew about this, otherwise it would be a big embarrassment.The dignified Patriarch of Shushan said one thing with reason and evidence, but it was proved wrong in the end.

"There must be something wrong with what he is doing with the Lingzhu." In order to save face, Zhu Cheng turned to monitor the leader of the Moon Worship Sect.

The screen of the spiritual mirror turned, and the screen of the leader appeared.

After getting the Lingzhu, the leader went to a cave. The cave was hidden deep in the mountains and was extremely hidden. There was no way up the mountain, so the leader was able to escape the hunt.

Although he lived the life of a wanted criminal, the leader still had that noble appearance. Not only was he spotless in white clothes, but his loose hair was also clean and smooth, not even dandruff could be found.

There was no other decorations in the cave except a futon. The leader sat cross-legged on it, adjusted his breath first to adjust himself to the best condition, then took out five spirit beads from his sleeve and placed them in front of him one by one.

As the leader kept chanting mantras and formulating formulas, the five spirit beads, the fire beads, were suspended in the air, and after a while, the earth spirit beads were suspended in the air. In just a quarter of an hour, all five spirit beads were suspended in the air by the leader.

"How could he?" Zhu Cheng's head was a little dazed. According to his observation, the way the leader controls the five spirit beads is exactly the same as the technique taught to Ling'er by the statue, and compared to Linger, the leader is more skilled.

Looking at the technique is definitely not a beginner, but seems to be familiar.In other words, the leader learned how to control the Lingzhu long ago.

The statue was indeed lying, saying that only those with the power of the earth can control the Lingzhu, and the leader obviously didn't have it.

"Spiritual mirror, immediately visualize this person's life, 1000 times faster." Zhu Cheng wants to understand this question, so that he may be able to understand his intention.

With Zhu Cheng's ability, even at 1000x speed, he can clearly see the life of the leader.

"Stop!" Following Zhu Cheng's call to stop, the screen of the spiritual mirror stopped at the section where the leader fell off the hillside and wandered to the Nuwa Temple. The statue taught him the self-cultivation skills by seeing him alone and helpless, and said that he wanted to change the world.

The leader's qualifications are very high, and under the careful guidance of the statue, he became a master of the primordial spirit in just ten years. The Moon Worship Sect was also established at that time, and soon swept the country.

In another scene, the leader is controlling the cultivation of the Lingzhu, a couple forced their way in, and started grabbing the Lingzhu without saying a word.

At that time, the teaching master had just completed his cultivation, and because he was attacked by surprise, he was robbed of the Water Spirit Orb and the Wind Spirit Orb by that couple. In addition, he was kicked away by the unlucky man. Strive to get back the Fire Lingzhu and Earth Lingzhu.

"I want you to die! I want you to die!" The leader, who had always been indifferent, jumped up in anger and vowed to kill the couple.

That couple was none other than Li Xiaoyao's parents, Li Sansi and his wife who violated the Shushan gate rules.

"Give me the Lingzhu." The statue ignored the teacher's injury and reached out to ask him for the Lingshi, with an extremely unfriendly tone.

I will give you five spirit stones in full, and you will bring me back two. I really want to kill you, and want to look good?

That is to say, from that day on, the originally neat five spirit beads were separated.

Time passed to the palace a few years later, Qing'er was besieged by soldiers and civilians led by the leader, and Li Sansi and his wife rushed into the crowd to rescue Qing'er and Ling'er.

But Qing'er did not choose to escape for the people of Nanzhao, but chose to turn into a statue to suppress the water monster. Li Sansi and his wife sat on the phoenix and took Ling'er and grandma away.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, the leader will not let Li Sansi and his wife go when they see them, and attack Fenghuang with full firepower.

"Honey, take them away first." Li Sansi jumped off the phoenix without hesitation and challenged the leader of Moon Worship to one-on-one. seriously injured.

"Think twice!" Seeing that her husband was in danger, Li Xiaoyao's mother jumped out of the Phoenix and joined forces with Li Sansi to deal with the Moon Worshiper.

In the end, they had a tragedy. They fulfilled the oath of "death in the same cave" when they got married, and their bodies were thrown into Ye Yuze by the Moon Worshiper to keep Qing'er company.

Papa, the statue of Qing'er is in tears.

Huo Fenghuang brought Ling'er and grandma to Xianling Island to settle down. Because of being wounded by the leader, coupled with the long journey, he died and returned to heaven and earth.

"It turns out that this is where you died, alas—" Seeing his apprentice and grandson end, Zhu Cheng let out a long sigh, but it was only a long sigh. They died for benevolence and death.

"Is the statue being backlashed?" After watching this scene, Zhu Cheng vaguely had an answer.

Although the leader is the statue's apprentice, the leader chose to betray the statue. After learning that she had five spirit beads, he immediately killed the generals, deceived the master and killed the ancestor, beheaded the teacher, and took away the five spirit beads.

"What does he want to do?" Zhu Cheng then had this question again.

What does the leader need the Lingzhu to do? Is this the catastrophe that the statue said meant to destroy the world?

No, no, something seems wrong.

One thing doesn't make sense, the main point of the teacher is to change the world, if he uses the power of the Lingzhu to destroy the world, then he himself can't live, so how can he change the world, he can't even see the change.

And Zhu Cheng still has a doubt, can the world be destroyed with five spirit beads?
Although the spiritual energy contained in the Lingzhu is very large, it is not easy to destroy a world of cultivating immortals. If it could be destroyed so easily, the world would have been destroyed long ago when the human race and the demon race fought.

He must have other plots.

The screen of the spiritual mirror flashed, and he began to monitor the leader again. It was exactly as Zhu Cheng guessed: after refining the five spirit beads, the leader did not make any movements, but closed his eyes and fell into meditation.

Zhu Cheng also thought about taking down the leader and searching for the soul directly, but this move would not work with the leader's cultivation base.

Once Zhu Cheng launches a soul search, people in their state will detonate their souls, not only destroying themselves but also hurting the enemy eight thousand, and they can even die together.

Zhu Cheng didn't want to hurt himself for an uncertain matter, let's see what he wants to do, anyway, Zhu Cheng is also ready to monitor the statue, now it's just a matter of changing the monitoring object.

"Lingjing, remind me immediately if he leaves the cave." Zhu Cheng gave Lingjing an order, and then he also fell into meditation.

Staring at the screen all day is exhausting, and it's not necessary for him not to be an author of web articles.

(End of this chapter)

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