The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 418 Li Jing wants to take Bai Qian to elope

Chapter 418 Li Jing wants to take Bai Qian to elope

Zhu Cheng, a worried uncle, would not know what his two nephews were thinking, he only thought that he had a clear understanding of the details, understood the world and did things according to his nephew's wishes.

Three days later in the morning.

"Si Yin." A hoarse voice came from the foot of Kunlun Xu Mountain, and quickly reached Zhu Cheng's ears, and then reached Bai Qian who was asking about Mo Yuan's health, serving tea and water, and wearing his clothes.

Bai Qian was feeding soup to the master at this time, when she vaguely heard someone calling her, she subconsciously turned her head to look, only to see that there was nothing behind her, and there was no one at all.

"Cough cough cough..."

This shaggy little fox was feeding Mo Yuan medicine with a medicine spoon in her hand. When she turned her head like this, her subordinates would miss the point and directly smashed the medicine spoon on Mo Yuan's face. yes.

"Oh, master, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Bai Qian hurriedly went to find a handkerchief to wipe Mo Yuan's face, while scolding herself for being stupid, she couldn't even do such a small thing as taking care of others, and said she wanted to repay the master's kindness.

"Si Yin!" The call came from the foot of the mountain again, and Bai Qian blamed herself for not hearing it because of rummaging through the boxes and cabinets, but instead it reached Zhu Cheng's ears.

"Who doesn't know how to find my nephew and daughter-in-law, it's so annoying." Zhu Cheng felt a little upset. He finally created such a good opportunity for Mo Yuan and Bai Qian to be alone, and for this reason, he specially restricted Mo Yuan from talking. , Which annoying brat is this disturbing.

Zhu Cheng stroked his hand angrily, and a picture appeared in the water of the lotus pond. A handsome man in red with horns on his head was calling for Si Yin from the bottom of the mountain.

"It turned out to be him." Zhu Cheng recognized that this man was the second prince of the Wing Realm 'Li Jing' who he saw in the spiritual mirror a few days ago and shared the bed with Bai Qian.

"Oops, he came to look for little fox because he wanted to elope, right? Yes, yes, my nephew likes little fox, but little fox doesn't necessarily like him, it's more about the relationship between mentor and apprentice." He couldn't help but feel that it was a brilliant idea for him to arrange Bai Qian to serve Mo Yuan.

"The little fox is able to sleep with this mirror and clothes. The relationship between the two must be extraordinary. Seeing that he can catch up with Kunlun Xu, he must be good at sex. Could it be that the two are already boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"No, no, he must not be allowed to succeed."

It can be said that Zhu Cheng's heart was broken because of Mo Yuan, and after thinking about it, he immediately set up a soundproof ban on Kunlun Xu, so that the sound from the bottom of the mountain could not be heard from the mountain.

"Your father hurt my master, my Siyin and your Yi clan are incompatible, so leave quickly." Zhu Cheng felt that the restraint alone was not safe enough, imitating Bai Qian's voice, and sent this passage into Li Jing's ears.

"Ayin, my husband is different from me. I have no malice towards the Celestial Clan or you. I like you. As long as you nod, even if you give up your cultivation, I am willing to go to the world with you to be a mortal. Ah sound."

Zhu Cheng listened to Li Jing's infatuation, which made him upset.

Sure enough, he came here to elope with the little fox, this bastard, if it wasn't for the deity not meddling in the affairs of your various clans, he would have slapped you to death.

"Get out!" Zhu Cheng imitated Bai Qian's voice and yelled at Li Jing.

"Ayin..." Li Jing felt miserable, her mouth kept moving, explaining something.

I don't listen, I don't listen.

Not only did Zhu Cheng not listen, he didn't even look at Li Jing anymore, so he let him confess his love to the air at the foot of the mountain, and express his love to the air, and when his patience was worn out, he walked away in despair.

"I've been nurturing you for three consecutive days, why are you ignoring me?" Zhu Cheng said to Jin Lian resentfully.

He couldn't figure out why this kid was so depressed and buried himself in the water all day long.

What else could Jinlian be doing, all he could do was cry.

Watching his sweetheart greet Mo Yuan all day long, serve tea and water, and the one who serves him is called Yin Qingtie, he feels so uncomfortable to death.

There is also this instigator, who is nagging in front of me all day long, who can understand the torment in my heart.

Woooooo...Father God, when will I be born, I will defend my love.

At night, Li Jing talked a lot of love words and made a series of vows at the foot of the mountain, really dry mouth and exhausted physically and mentally.

"Second prince, let's find a place to rest first, and come back tomorrow." There is a child next to Li Jing, who is the auspicious beast of the Wing Clan 'Huo Qilin', who has followed Li Jing since childhood like a school boy.

"Okay." Li Jing was exhausted, and dragged his heavy body away, and not long after, the two of them came to a cave.

"That's it."

Li Jing stepped in first, followed by Huo Qilin.

The cave is very deep, at first the entrance of the cave was dark, but the more you go in, the brighter it becomes, and the temperature is also rising.

"Zhi!" There was only a cry from the depths of the cave.

"Not good!" Li Jing suddenly felt something was wrong, yelled, and rushed to run away with Huo Qilin.


A fire phoenix flew out from the depths of the cave and attacked Li Jing with its sharp claws, Li Jing hurriedly fought back with his sword.

"Ding ding dong dong..." Li Jing fought with the fire phoenix, but the fire unicorn wanted to help but couldn't.

After dozens of moves, there was only a 'bang' sound, the sword shattered and Li Jing was defeated.

"Boom" the fire phoenix flapped its wings, and a gust of wind with phoenix flames blew up, not only blowing Li Jing and Huo Qilin out of the cave, but also setting them on fire.

Seeing that the two of them were about to be reduced to ashes, Huo Qilin made a 'meet' sound, and a flame more domineering than Feng Yan burst out - Red Lotus Karma Fire.

The red lotus karma fire was originally the supernatural power of Huo Qilin, because he was young and couldn't use it freely, and because Huo Qilin's life was in danger, it was inspired.

"Ahhh!" Li Jing was burned to the ground, crying and rolling on the ground.

"Second prince!" Huo Qilin hastily urged Honglian Yehuo to devour the Feng Yan on Li Jing's body, but because the red lotus karma fire consumed him so much, he was exhausted and fainted after Li Jing finished saving the fire. land.

"Huo-qi-lin" Li Jing stretched out his hand to help, but because of the severe pain all over his body from being burned by the fire, he passed out together.

"Hey!" Seeing this, Huofeng flapped her wings angrily, scratching her claws non-stop, but she couldn't get out of the cave no matter what.

It turned out that the cave was banned.

One day, the "Lingbao Tianzun" of the Tianzu clan accidentally picked up a phoenix egg in the mountains, brought it back to the sky and hatched it, but didn't want the phoenix to be unruly and often hurt people, so Lingbao Tianzun came to Kunlun to borrow a place The cave was used to imprison Huofeng, hoping to use the peaceful spirit contained in the holy land of the heavenly clan to kill Huofeng's wildness.

This place was also listed as a forbidden area by Mo Yuan, and Kunlun Xu's disciples were not allowed to get close to it, but they didn't want to be hit by Li Jing and Huo Qilin today and entered the cave by mistake, and almost lost their lives.

Zhu Cheng looked at the moonlight, stroked the lotus pond with his hand, and Li Jing was no longer visible in the picture of the foot of the mountain reflected in the water.

"Little young man, you don't even have this little patience to fight with this deity, hehehe..." Zhu Cheng laughed, and with a wave of his big hand, he removed the soundproof restriction, and then tiptoed into Moyuan Cave Mansion to listen to the base of the wall. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

Thanks to Xuanyuan Dark Blood, Ling, Yishi Zhuixeng, Chunqiu, and Muhua for their monthly support in 1993.

This is the third change today, three changes a day to make a base, depending on the data to add more changes.

(End of this chapter)

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