Chapter 419 Mysterious Girl
But he said that Zhu Cheng thought that Li Jing had lost his patience and went back to his Daziming Palace in desperation. He didn't know that Li Jing and Huo Qilin were injured by Huo Feng, and now they were lying at the entrance of the cave.

The next day was a sunny morning. Xuannv, who escaped from marriage and took refuge in Baiqian's residence, decided to go down the mountain for a walk because of the boredom of staying on the mountain, and picked a few small flowers to decorate the room.

The apprentices taught by Mo Yuan were indeed as disinterested as he was, and all of them kept a respectful distance from Xuannv, and the only one who could talk to Bai Qian also took care of Mo Yuan all day long.

While looking at the scene, Xuannv picked flowers, but before she knew it, she came to the entrance of Huofeng Cave, and saw Li Jing and Huo Qilin fainting on the ground.

"Hey!" Huofeng roared angrily when she saw Xuannv approaching.

"Don't eat me!" Xuannv was so frightened that she dropped Xiao Hua and ran away.

Her cultivation base is too weak.

After running far away, seeing that Huofeng was not chasing her, Xuannv patted her chest to calm herself and said, "It's dangerous, it's so dangerous, I was almost eaten by Huofeng."

"Ah, there are still two people at the entrance of the cave." Xuannv thought of Li Jing and Huo Qilin lying at the entrance of the cave, and she couldn't help worrying about them, feeling a little anxious in her heart.

"But I'm not Huofeng's opponent." Xuannv was very anxious, thinking of going to the mountain to find Diefeng but there was no time, they were at the entrance of Huofeng's cave, and Huofeng could eat the two of them just by sticking out her head .

"No, why haven't they been eaten by the fire phoenix?" Xuannv suddenly realized that the matter was not simple.

The two of Li Jing were lying there before she left, and Huofeng had a lot of time to eat them, so why did he survive until he arrived?

And just now, he ran by himself, why didn't Huofeng catch up, with Huofeng's cultivation base, he only needs to flap his wings lightly to catch up with him.

"The fire phoenix, could it be the fire phoenix that Shangxian Si Yin mentioned?" Xuannv recalled something that Bai Qian told her when she was just on the mountain, saying that there was a place below the mountain where the fire phoenix was imprisoned, which was very dangerous. Xuannv don't come near.

If it was that fire phoenix, then everything would make sense.

Xuannv took a deep breath and boldly returned to the cave. Seeing Huofeng scratching the cave crazily, she became more certain of her judgment.

"Hey!" Huofeng saw Xuannv again.

Although Xuannv knew that Huofeng couldn't get out of the cave, she didn't dare to go too far. She just circulated her mana from a distance and attracted the spirit mirror and Huoqilin.

"It's fine, it's fine, it's still alive." After some investigation, Xuannv confirmed that Ling Jing and Huo Qilin were still alive. She immediately took them out of Huo Feng's sight range, and found a cave on the left nearby mountain. Place the spirit mirror and fire unicorn.

"The anger on the two of them should be the result of being burned by Fengyan." After Xuannv made a preliminary judgment on the two people's injuries, she used the water spirit energy to water the two people's bodies.

Because most of the fire energy was absorbed by the fire unicorn and red lotus karma fire, it was only effective for Xuannv to pour water spirit energy, and the injuries of the two of them healed, and the blackness on their faces that was burnt by the fire faded away.

"It looks good." Seeing Li Jing's true face, Xuannv couldn't help but praise her, and her face immediately turned red.

Sensing the change in her mood, Xuannv immediately shook her head to get rid of those distracting thoughts, touched her hot cheeks, and went out of the cave to find some herbs.

"who are you?"

Huo Qilin woke up in the evening, and because of the red lotus karmic fire protection, he suffered much less damage than Li Jing. When he opened his eyes, he saw the strange Xuannv, and immediately shrank back and asked a question.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I saved you." Xuannv pointed to Li Jing beside her.

"Second prince!" Seeing that Li Jing was unconscious, Huo Qilin was very worried, and quickly crawled over to check.

"Second prince, where is the second prince?" Xuannv asked.

"Wing Realm." Huo Qilin replied casually, and then shook Li Jing with his hand, trying to wake him up.

It turned out to be the second prince of Wing Realm, no wonder he was so handsome.

"Take it easy, you will hurt him with such force." Seeing Huo Qilin shake violently away from the mirror, Xuannv stepped forward to stop him.

"Sister, what should I do then?" Huo Qilin looked at Xuannv tearfully.

"Rest well, you should be able to wake up tomorrow, and you can recover after waking up with some elixir. You are also injured, so you should rest first. I can rest assured that I will watch over you."

"No, I want to guard the second prince." Huo Qilin guarded Li Jing faithfully and did not go to sleep. Xuannv persuaded him a few times and let him go, thinking that the child was sleepy and went to bed But unexpectedly, she fell asleep first.

It was a day of watering the spirit of water, picking herbs, and scrubbing their bodies, so I was really tired.

On the second day, when Xuannv was sleeping drowsily, Li Jing suddenly stretched out a hand to hold her in his arms.

"I thought you wouldn't see me." Li Jing looked at Xuannv affectionately.
"Hmm—" Xuannv's eyes widened, her expression was astonished, she wanted to struggle, but her cultivation level was too far from the mirror, and she couldn't break free.

Huo Qilin is extremely skilled at guarding outside the cave, which he often does.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." Say important things three times, while leaving the mirror
Xiaozui lifted the seal, and Xuannv wanted to call for help, but she choked back when the words came to her mouth.

This is the second prince of the Wing Realm, and his status is a hundred times higher than the black bear that his mother forced him to marry; and he is so handsome, and he is far behind that blind bear. He is really a good match for my mysterious daughter.

"You, are you willing to marry me?" Xuan Nu asked.

"Yes, yes."

Li Jing caressed Xuannv's cheek and said, "Ayin, I didn't expect you to be a woman. Let's go, don't care about the grievances between the Celestial Clan and the Wing Realm, just you and I will stay together forever."

"Ayin? I'm Xuannv."

"What!" Li Jing hurriedly let go of his hand, keeping a distance from Xuannv, as if he had seen a ghost.

It turned out that Li Jing had identified the wrong person, and Bai Qian regarded Xuannv as Si Yin.

Li Jing is blind, how could he mistake two people?
This matter has to start from Bai Qian's childhood, because Xuannv is Bai Zhi's eldest son, wife and sister, she played with Bai Qian when she was young.

Seeing Bai Qian's beauty, Xuannv was extremely envious, and the words she often said were 'I wish I had your beauty'.

Bai Qian was tired of hearing this, and happened to know that Zheyan's old phoenix had the magic of changing face, so she took Xuannv to Shili Taolin to give her plastic surgery. It is eight or nine percent similar to Bai Qian.

Li Jing was burned by Feng Yan, woke up dizzy at night, was rejected by 'Bai Qian' during the day, and suffered emotional injuries, and there was a woman dressed as a voice sitting next to her

Xuannv did not choose to resist because she had taken a fancy to the prominent status of the second prince from the Mirror Wing Realm and his handsome face.

It's just such a blunder, two people who were supposed to never meet each other, ended up getting together.

Only this time, Bai Qian will not be hurt by this playboy Li Jing.

(End of this chapter)

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