The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 441 Bai Qian is in Danger

Chapter 441 Bai Qian is in Danger

"Princess, the applicant for a painter is here." The maid in palace costume reported to the inside, and a Susu voice came from inside, "Okay, I got it."

Soon, seven maids in palace costumes, surrounded by a beauty, came out from the inside. The beauty has a pair of pink dragon horns on her head, which is very cute, and her figure is even more uneven.

Among the dragon girls, I would like to call him the most beautiful.

Mr. Xishui is not like other dragons. He is not shy. He only has one wife in his life, the mother of the dragon. Apart from the two princes, there is only this princess "Diexiang" left in the big dragon palace. The little princess can be said to be The jewel in the palm of the West Sea Dragon Palace.

"Xiaosheng Yecao, meet the princess." Zhu Cheng stepped into the role and saluted the little princess first.

"You are not from the Shui tribe." The little princess frowned. This gentleman looked like a Confucian scholar in the world. How could a person come to Xihai to apply for a painter?

"Xiaosheng is indeed a fairy who has been cultivated by human beings. He swam to the West Sea and saw the Dragon Palace Announcement, so he applied for it." Zhu Cheng replied.

"So that's how it is." The little princess said without doubting him, "Bring it up."

"Yes." Then a maid brought up the painting tools that had been prepared in advance, and placed them neatly in front of Zhu Cheng.

"Just draw her." The little princess pointed to the maid in palace costume who led Zhu Cheng, and asked him to draw a portrait of her.

Since Zhu Cheng came to apply for a painter, the little princess wanted to see his ability, and it was only normal for him to paint a portrait for someone.

"Xiaosheng made a fool of himself." Zhu Cheng did not refuse, put the folding fan in his sleeve into his sleeve, and said to the maid in palace costume: "Please, this girl, please turn around in the field."

"Turn around?" The palace attendant gave Zhu Cheng a suspicious look, and then looked at the princess as if asking for help. He has lived for thousands of years, and he has never heard of being a model who has to turn around.

"Turn." The princess also felt the novelty, and ordered the maid to do the same. Although the maid was reluctant in every possible way, but the princess ordered her to be obedient, and turned around in a circle.

After the maid turned around, Zhu Cheng began to write. The brushwork is skillful and sophisticated, and the color modulation is even a master.

After a quarter of an hour, the painting was completed.

A beautiful woman in a palace dress appeared on the paper, and the wind was blown by the rotation. The wind blew up the corners of her clothes and her hair. The hair covered half of her face, but only that half of her face was enough to show her beauty. The maid at the time was not happy, and reflected in the painting, it added a bit of aloofness, and because she was still holding the pipa half-hidden, it made people want to see the whole picture.

The portrayal of details is perfect.

"Okay." After reading it, the princess gave a compliment, saying that "people" are good at painting, if they don't deceive me, I knew that this recruitment list should be posted in the world.

"It's not over yet, please look at the princess." Zhu Cheng smiled slightly, and blew fairy air at that picture.

In an instant, a beauty in palace costume jumped out of the painting and danced lightly in the thin fairy mist.

In a word, paintings are more beautiful than people.


The audience was silent, everyone was shocked by Zhu Cheng's move.

They are not so shallow in the Dragon Palace, on the contrary, they are more knowledgeable than most people.

But Zhu Cheng's hand, let alone have seen it, even if they have never heard of it, it is a real wonderful pen.


The fog dissipated and the beauty disappeared, returning to the ordinary piece of paper.

"I don't know if Xiaosheng can pass the test." Zhu Cheng asked with a smile while holding a folding fan in his hand.

"Ah, oh, I've passed the test, I've passed the test." The little princess regained her composure, and saluted Zhu Chengying, "Die Xiang pays homage to the teacher."

"Teacher?" Zhu Cheng was a little confused. Didn't he apply for a court painter? Why did he become Teacher Lao Shizi again?

"Sir, don't you know that this court painter is Mr. Danqing specially invited by Shui Jun for the princess?" the maid in palace attire explained.

It turns out that the little princess has a hobby - painting. As the jewel in the palm of the Dragon Palace, she has this hobby and naturally receives strong support from Sui Jun and Dragon Mother, and specially set up the position of "court painter" for this purpose.

Immortals are not like ordinary people, they basically don’t need to draw, because someone invented a magic weapon called "Photography Bead" ten thousand years ago. It is convenient, but anyone with a bit of mana can be activated.

Gradually, the art of painting has become less and less marketable. As for abstract paintings and the like, they are not among the aesthetic values ​​of the immortals. Strange things come.

The leisure and elegance of painting is only suitable for people like little princesses who don't have to run around for a living, and who don't practice diligently to pile up the elixir.

"Okay." Zhu Cheng could only secretly suffer from this dumbness.

The teacher is the teacher, it's better than the master, otherwise there will be a karma with the little princess of Dixiang.

But now that I have become a princess teacher, I think that walking in this Dragon Palace should not be subject to much restrictions, which is a thing to be thankful for.

Although it is impossible for him to be discovered in front of Mr. Xihai as long as he uses the invisibility technique, but anyone who can swagger will not choose to be sneaky.

"The princess doesn't need to be polite."

In this way, Zhu Cheng automatically entered the West Sea Dragon Palace and became the chief court painter in the Dragon Palace, that is, the art teacher of the little princess Diexiang.

"Go and tell me that I have found the teacher, so the list will be withdrawn." The princess sent the maid in palace costume to go down.

"Sir, can this painting be given to me?" The maid in palace costume didn't leave immediately, but asked Zhu Cheng for her portrait.

"There are no rules..." The little princess was about to reprimand her, but she heard Zhu Cheng say, "If the girl dislikes it, just take it."

It is her portrait in itself, and it is impossible for Zhu Cheng to keep it, and it is better for her to keep it than to burn it by herself.

"Thank you sir, thank you princess." The maid in palace costume thanked again and again, rolled up the painting and left happily.

"It's Diexiang's lack of control, which made the teacher laugh." Diexiang said.

Zhu Cheng nodded and did not answer.

"Tweety, take your husband to the residence to have a look. If there is anything you don't like, you can correct it according to the teacher's wishes." The princess told a maid on the left.

"Yes." Tweety took the order, and said to Zhu Cheng, "Mr. Ye, please follow me."

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness, Xiaosheng." After Zhu Cheng thanked Die Xiang, he followed Cui Er to the residence.

"Princess, although Mr. Ye's painting skills are extraordinary, he is not my aquarium after all. To be safe, we need to send someone to check his details." An older Gong'e on the princess' right hand said.

"Well, let's go. Remember, before you figure it out, you must not offend Mr. Ye." The princess did not refuse, and these are necessary procedures to be born in the emperor's house.

After all, if something happened to her, although the world cannot be shaken, the West Sea Dragon Palace would still be in chaos for a while, and it might be a bloody storm.

"Mr. Ye, you can still be satisfied here, there are..."

"Satisfied, you can leave first." Zhu Cheng hurriedly sent Tweet away without looking at the decoration of the residence.

Bai Qian is in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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