Chapter 442
Tweety led Zhu Cheng to the residence, but he said he was satisfied without even looking at the furnishings of the residence, and sent Tweet away in a hurry.

Just now Zhu Cheng felt that Bai Qian's life was in danger.

See clearly, Bai Qian's life is in danger, not Suzhen's life is in danger, there is a big difference between the two.

Just because of Suzhen, a silly girl, she jumped to Zhuxiantai.

Zhuxian Terrace is a very special place, or a crack in space, it can swallow almost everything.

When Zhu Cheng discovered it back then, it was slowly expanding. The poor Zhu Cheng made a decisive decision and set up a formation to lock it and prevent it from expanding again. Otherwise, after tens of thousands of years, the entire world would have ceased to exist.

After the establishment of the Heaven Realm, this place was rationally used as a tool to punish those sinful immortals, and a high platform of white jade was built along this space crack, and it was named "Zhuxian Terrace".

But Zhuxian Terrace is in the heavenly realm, and Suzhen was clearly placed by Yehua in the lower realm's fairy mountain, there should be no intersection between the two.

This matter has to be talked about after the two of them returned to Xianshan from Taolin that day. Because the Celestial Clan was actively preparing for the war, Tianjun often asked Ye Hua, the prince, to discuss military affairs, but he sent people to find Ye Hua. I can't find it anywhere.

"Where's Ye Hua, where did you go?" Tian Jun asked the white-clothed guard who was following Ye Hua.

"Prince, prince..." The guard in white hesitated and couldn't speak.

"Speak!" Tianjun was furious, and the frightened white-clothed guards told the truth, telling Ye Hua and Suzhen privately for life, and later Ye Hua placed them in Xianshan, all about it.

"Okay, okay." Tianjun was furious, it's okay for the prince to have sex with a mortal, just treat it as a kindness from an immortal, but you can't be so ignorant.

Now that the family is about to face a big war, Ye Huagui, as the prince, doesn't want to make progress, ignores state affairs and indulges in gentleness all day long, it is really unreasonable.

Tianjun issued an imperial decree to bring Yehua and Suzhen up.

"Ye Hua, are you worthy of me?" Tianjun pointed at Ye Hua and scolded him. He poured all his efforts into Ye Hua. Ye Hua was his appointed successor of Tianjun, and he would never let a woman ruin him. future.

"Grandson knows his mistake, please forgive me." Ye Hua understands Tianjun's temper, he is used to being domineering, and he must not push back with him when he is angry, otherwise it will only backfire.

But hearing these words, Suzhen's heart turned cold, and pregnant women are more sensitive.

"Kill this mortal." Tianjun threw the sword to Ye Hua, the reality is so cruel, mortals are totally worthless in the eyes of immortals.

Ye Hua picked up the sword, the sword shone with a cold light, before it was cut off, Su Zhen's heart was already chilled.

When Lang Lang.

Ye Hua threw away his sword, knelt down to Tianjun and said, "Tianjun, this woman is pregnant with my flesh and blood."

"What!" Tianjun was startled and said, "Tell the imperial doctor."

Tianjun thought carefully, thinking that Yehua made up this excuse to save Suzhen.

Naturally, Zhu Cheng's imperial physician couldn't find any problems, and Suzhen was two months pregnant.

"Since that's the case, arrange it in your mother's palace, and let her return to the human world after the child is born."

"Tianjun..." Ye Hua wanted to distinguish something.

"This is my greatest benevolence." Tianjun is arbitrarily arbitrary, and said: "You take people to the Wing Realm, and tell Yijun to leave the mirror and go to the sky to discuss military affairs."

Prince Yehua didn't need to deal with such trivial matters, but Tianjun just wanted to spend hundreds of thousands of miles on it, so that he would have no time to be obsessed with Suzhen.

For the sake of Suzhen's life, Ye Hua couldn't respond.

"Susu, trust me, I will definitely not let you have any trouble." Ye Hua sent a voice transmission to Suzhen, and then set off for the Wing Realm, showing no concern for Suzhen.He thought about going back quickly, but in Suzhen's eyes, this was a naked abandonment.

Ye Hua, how could you leave me when I need you most, I am pregnant with your child.

Susu entered the palace of Empress Le Xu, and according to her seniority, she should call Empress Le Xu a mother-in-law, but Empress Le Xu did not give her the treatment of being a daughter-in-law.

"Come here, put this girl in the corner, and send someone to watch her, and don't leave the corner."

The so-called corner is the most remote courtyard in the palace, and no one has lived in it for tens of thousands of years.

Lady Le Xu loves Ye Hua very much, and this child Ye Hua has never disappointed anyone before. He is gentle, courteous and thrifty... he possesses almost all good qualities, but for this woman, he actually made a private decision for life and deceived others. things come.

This vixen must have seduced my son.

Empress Le Xu blamed all the faults on Suzhen. If Suzhen hadn't been pregnant, he would have ordered someone to throw her into the world, so that she would not have any more involvement with Yehua.

Suzhen was imprisoned in the corner, and she wanted to commit suicide many times, but she couldn't bear to end her unborn life after all, seeing her bulging belly.

"Son, you are their grandson, they will definitely treat you well." Suzhen rubbed her stomach.

On this day, Su Chan came to the Heaven Realm to see her daughter-in-law Le Xu. Unlike the original book, not only was her Sujin family not wiped out, but she was also a famous family of a family of generals, with a very high status.

When Ye Hua was very young, Tian Jun made a marriage contract for Ye Hua and Su Chan, the purpose was to win over those branches of the Celestial Clan and consolidate the internal stability of the Celestial Clan.

Suchan has always regarded herself as the princess concubine, but this time she went to Tiangong, but heard that His Royal Highness had a child with a mortal, and that mortal lived in the Goddess Palace.

Su Chan was so furious that she led someone to the door, forced her way into the corner, and even humiliated Su Zhen.

What Suzhen seduced her husband shamelessly, Suzhen's toad wanted to eat swan meat, a little sparrow wanted to become a phoenix, etc., and even slapped Suzhen.

"I fought with you!"

Under the teaching of Zhu Cheng's "revenge if you can get revenge", Suzhen's character is different from Susu in the original book. Susu's character is cowardly and accustomed to swallowing her anger, but she, Bai Suzhen, is a person who dares to love and hate.

Although Suzhen has a big belly, she is also very brave and throws Suchan down.

If Suzhen was really a mortal, she would naturally be able to do no harm to the immortal Suchan. The unborn Suzhen was pregnant, which caused the seal set by Qing Cang to loosen. The vast mana in her body.

Reach out and insert.

Suzhen directly pokes Suchan's eyes blind.

"Ah! I can't see, I can't see." Su Chan covered her eyes and wailed in pain, with blood all over her face.

"Pass the Imperial Physician!"

"This woman, this woman..." Empress Le Xu almost fainted from Suzhen's anger, and she was about to order someone to teach her a lesson, but she still held back when she thought of the fetus in Suzhen's womb.

"Hmph, even though I, Bai Suzhen, am an ordinary person, I am not someone who can humiliate anyone who wants to."

Mortals also have their arrogance.

(End of this chapter)

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