The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 452 3 Living Stones Named

Chapter 452 Name of the Three Lives Stone (first update)
"Sister Fengjiu, this is Mr. Ye, he is very nice, I think you two are very right."

Xiaotuanzi was about to put Feng Jiu's hand on Zhu Cheng's while he was speaking, just like a father solemnly handing his daughter's hand to his son-in-law at a wedding.

"Tuanzi!" Feng Jiu was upset, she quickly withdrew her hand, and grabbed Xiao Tuanzi's ears.

"Come here." Feng Jiu dragged Xiao Tuanzi to the side.

"Hey! Sister Feng Jiu, lighten up, lighten up, the little ears are going to fall off, fall off." Tuanzi wailed with her chubby little mouth, Zhu Cheng looked at it and didn't stop it, this little bastard deserved a beating .

"What's the matter with you?" Feng Jiu said angrily, "I picked someone up from somewhere and came to me... Your skin is itchy, right?"

"Mr. Ye is the court painter of Xihai. He is a very nice person. Tuanzi just got lost and brought me back. If he is my brother-in-law, Tuanzi will be very happy."

"I'm not happy." Feng Jiu gritted her teeth, scaring the dumpling into Zhu Cheng's arms.

"Come back to me." Feng Jiu scolded in a low voice, but Xiao Tuanzi hugged Zhu Cheng's thigh and refused to let go.

"Mr. Ye, I'm very sorry, my younger brother is too unruly." Feng Jiu apologized.

"It's okay," Zhu Cheng patted Xiaotuanzi's back and said, "Little guy, I've already delivered you, it's time to go."

"I don't, I don't." Not only did Xiaotuanzi not let go, but he hugged Zhu Cheng's thigh even tighter.

"You child, why are you so disobedient." Feng Jiu was furious, and was about to pull Xiaotuanzi when she came up.

At this moment, the next blind date came in. This handsome man was holding a gift box in his hand. As soon as he came in, he saw Xiao Tuanzi hugging Zhu Cheng's thigh. Feng Jiu walked over to grab Xiao Tuanzi.

"A happy family of three."

In an instant, the blind date's heart turned cold, and he bowed to Zhu Cheng and said, "Excuse me." Then he left crying.

Everyone already has children, so why bother me.

The male fairy thought: Presumably, it should be a child born out of marriage, then they broke up, and now they are reunited.

No wonder His Royal Highness Qingqiu Feng Jiu.They were born hooked and lost, and a blind date meeting was held, and it was the largest blind date meeting in history.


Well, it was a mistake that disrupted the blind date meeting.

"His Royal Highness Feng Jiu, can Xiaosheng ask you for a cup of tea?" Xiaotuanzi is so small, he can't kick it away, anyway, the blind date has already left, and there is still some time between them, just to drink a cup of tea , so that the ball on the leg can be unloaded.

"Ah oh," Feng Jiu was stunned for a while, then made a gesture of invitation and said, "This way please." Then she took a hard look at the little dumpling who was making faces at herself.

It is said that Feng Jiu invited Zhu Cheng to drink tea, but Zhu Cheng did everything from boiling water to making tea.

"Come on, try my craft." Zhu Cheng pushed a cup of tea in front of Feng Jiu, then poured another cup for Xiao Tuanzi.

"I have it too!" Xiaotuanzi was very surprised, the adults never had his share of tea.

"Try it."


One big and one small took a sip from the teacup, it was really good tea, seeing the happy expressions on their faces, Zhu Cheng also took a sip of tea with a smile, then put down the teacup and said, "His Royal Highness Feng Jiu already has a sweetheart."


"Hong Luan's heart is already moved by Xiaosheng Guan's face." Zhu Cheng took another sip of tea with confidence.

"Ah, is it so obvious?" Feng Jiu hurriedly touched her blushing pretty face, and only Qingqiu and a few foxes knew about it, and they had heard that people are good at looking at their faces, but they didn't expect it to be true.

"While I have time, let me tell a story with the two Highnesses."

"Okay, Tuanzi, I like listening to stories the most."

Feng Jiu also listened attentively, just to relieve some embarrassment.

However, it is said that 20 years ago, the Father God returned to Chaos, and the originally unified ten thousand races began to split, and gradually divided into two powerful races, one was the Celestial Clan and the other was the Demon Clan.

"I heard this from my grandfather. Back then, Emperor Donghua was the emperor of the Celestial Clan." When Feng Jiu mentioned Emperor Donghua, tenderness appeared in his eyes.

"En." Zhu Cheng nodded and continued to tell the story.

The Celestial Clan has two generals, Emperor Donghua and Mo Yuan. After years of fighting, they finally suppressed the Demon Clan. This is a feat that has been recorded in history.

But what I want to say is that in order to make himself invulnerable, Emperor Donghua personally destroyed his own name on the Sansheng Stone. After all, the demons are the best at charming people, even better than your fox clan.

"Sister Feng Jiu, what is the Sansheng Stone?" Xiao Tuanzi asked Feng Jiu with wide eyes.

"Dijun, Dijun..." Feng Jiu didn't answer Xiaotuanzi's question, but with tears in her eyes, she looked up at the direction of the Taichen Palace in the sky, which was the residence of Emperor Donghua.

The Sansheng Stone records the marriages of all living beings in the world. There is no name on it, which means that Emperor Donghua will never have marriages in this life, and it is impossible to marry a wife.

No wonder he abdicated the position of Tianjun.

Feng Jiu's greatest wish in this life is to marry Emperor Donghua, so she is over 7 years old and has not yet married.

Speaking of the emotional entanglement between Feng Jiu and Emperor Donghua, we have to start talking about it more than 300 years ago.

On that day, Fengjiu met a monster on the road, and was almost killed by the monster. Fortunately, the purple-clothed and white-haired Emperor Donghua passed by and rescued Bai Fengjiu.

It was a proper story of a hero saving the beauty, but unfortunately the hero had no intention of doing so, but the beauty couldn't help but fell in love with the hero.

Under the banner of repaying her kindness, Feng Jiu pretended to be a maid and sneaked into the Taichen Palace, hoping to get in touch with Emperor Donghua more and melt his hard heart.

In the end, Feng Jiu failed, but she was getting deeper and deeper. About a few years ago, Feng Jiu's father finally found out about this matter and ordered Feng Jiu to return to Qingqiu.

"Emperor Donghua is such a character, he can be your grandfather regardless of his age, and you still want to marry him, it's just wishful thinking!" Feng Jiu's father pointed at Feng Jiu and cursed.

"For us gods, age is not a problem."

Feng Jiu was determined to marry Emperor Donghua. He cried, made trouble, and hanged himself for several years. Feng Jiu's father also softened his heart. He went to the Taichen Palace and begged Emperor Donghua face to face, "My daughter is infatuated with Dijun. Don't give up, please fulfill the little girl."

"Alas—" the emperor sighed and said, "Second Prince, please go back."

After Feng Jiu's father returned to Qingqiu, he started a blind date meeting for Feng Jiu, and this is how the Xihai blind date came about.

My daughter was born such a fairy, can't she still marry?It is you, Emperor Donghua, who are ignorant.

"Hey!" Feng Jiu cut off one of her own tails suddenly, and became an eight-tailed fox, and the severed tail turned into a cold dagger.

The Nine-Tailed Fox Clan is favored by the Father God. Not only are they naturally beautiful, but their blood can keep the corpse from decaying, and each tail can be transformed into any magic weapon according to the mind.

"Sansheng Stone, I'll go and carve his name on the Sansheng Stone." Feng Jiu rushed to the heavens with the dagger in hand.

"Hey!" Zhu Cheng wanted to chase after him, but there was a little boy eagerly looking at him.

"Teacher." When Diexiang heard that Zhu Cheng was coming to the blind date meeting, he rushed over in a hurry, but even the maids couldn't catch up.

"It's just in time, Xiaotuanzi, you take care of it first." Without further ado, Zhu Cheng handed Xiaotuanzi into Diexiang's hands, and then turned Liuguang into chasing Feng Jiu together.


Xiaotuanzi and Diexiang looked at each other speechlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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