The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 453 2 If you are happy with each other, you should stay together

Chapter 453 If Two People Are Happy, They Should Stay Together (Second)

Diexiang really didn't expect that he came to the blind date meeting to 'grab a husband', so why did he have an extra child in his hand.

"Where did Mr. Ye go?"

"I went after my sister Fengjiu." Xiaotuanzi said truthfully.

Teng Teng Teng, Die Xiang was quite shocked, and took three steps back, feeling depressed, as if something was about to come out.

Heaven, outside Taichen Palace.

Fengjiu was dripping with blood, clutching a dagger in her hand, and yelled recklessly: "Donghua! I know you love me, and the reason why you don't want to accept me is because your name is not on the Sansheng Stone. Carve our names in one place."

Feng Jiu yelled loudly, and after finishing her declaration of love, she flew to Sansheng Terrace, where the Sansheng Stone was placed.

Because she didn't care about it, Feng Jiu said this very loudly, and everyone in Taichen Palace heard it, including Emperor Donghua who was fishing by the river in the palace, and Lord Siming Xing who was serving beside him.

"Emperor, Your Highness Feng Jiu..." Si Ming Xingjun wanted to intercede for Feng Jiu.

"Pour tea." Emperor Donghua refused to let him finish, and pointed to the empty teacup on the coffee table.

"Ah——" Siming Xingjun had no choice but to obey the order to refill the cup for Emperor Donghua, mourning for His Highness Feng Jiu in his heart: His Highness Feng Jiu, His Highness Feng Jiu, how can you add the name on the Sansheng Stone.

It is easy to erase, but difficult to write on.

In an instant, the whole world stopped, the dragonfly on the fishing pole stopped moving, even the tea pouring out of the teapot stopped, and it should have been uncontrollable when it poured down, but it was hanging in the air, keeping two distances from the cup. cm distance.

Who used the space confinement technique.

Emperor Donghua turned his head and saw Mr. Ye standing there smiling.

"Donghua pays homage to Da Tianzun." Emperor Donghua bowed respectfully to Mr. Ye.

Although Zhu Cheng has the appearance of Mr. Ye, the only one who can approach him quietly in the sky and earth, and perform the art of time and space imprisonment without his knowledge.

"Little Donghua, how's the harvest?" Zhu Cheng poked his head over and looked in the fish basket. There were only three fine fish in it, which was not at all the standard of the past.

His heart was disturbed.

"Do you love her?" Zhu Cheng had returned to his original appearance when he asked.

"Love." Emperor Donghua replied firmly without hesitation.

He loved Feng Jiu, and he didn't know when this little girl broke into his heart, but even if she stayed, she couldn't be driven away.

When Feng Jiu's father came to beg him to let him fulfill Feng Jiu, he really wanted to agree.

However, he couldn't give Feng Jiu happiness, and he was doomed to have nothing to do with her.

The little girl was just beginning to fall in love, and she came and went quickly, so I left this suffering to this old man, and I will go to the bar for the rest of my life.

Besides, Feng Jiu, she came to Sansheng Terrace.

"Emperor Donghua, Emperor Donghua..." Feng Jiu searched for the Sansheng Stone for a while, but sure enough, he did not find the name of Emperor Donghua on it.

"Bai Fengjiu, Baifengjiu..." I found it, but the name of the one next to it, who was married with it, said "Emperor Wenchang".

"Ding!" Feng Jiu saw the word Wenchang and stabbed it down. She wanted to cut off Wenchang and replace it with the word 'Donghua' that she was thinking of.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

It's just a pity that no matter how sharp Feng Jiu mobilized all his mana, no matter how sharp the dagger was, he couldn't leave even a single scratch on the Sansheng Stone.

If the Three Lives Stone could be easily destroyed like this, wouldn't the marriages of all races be in chaos, perhaps it would be a woman matching a woman, and a man matching a man, the world would be reversed.

It is impossible for non-top gods, non-top high gods to leave marks on the Three Lives Stone. As for writing down names, even the top high gods can't do it.

The Sansheng Stone is not a stone, but a magic weapon.

"No, I don't believe it, I don't believe it." Feng Jiu cried and continued to stab, she knew in her heart that even if she died here today, she would never want to turn Wenchang into Donghua.

"Wuuuuuu...I don't want it, I don't want it." Feng Jiu lay limp on the ground, crying heartbrokenly, heartbrokenly, making people feel distressed.

"Little girl, can you lend me the dagger." Zhu Cheng walked up and held out his hand to Feng Jiu.

Feng Jiu stopped crying, "Here" handed over the dagger.

Zhu Cheng looked up and down the Sansheng Stone with the dagger, ready to strike.

Feng Jiu sobbed, "You came here to change your name too? This rock is very hard, I can't cut it...Wow!"

But I saw that Zhu Cheng was holding a dagger, cutting off the word "Wenchang Emperor" like cutting tofu, and then found a free place to paste it.

"Ding ding ding..."

Zhu Chengtie drew a silver hook and wrote the words "Emperor Donghua" next to Bai Fengjiu's name. The process was smooth and smooth, without any stagnation.

"How did you..." Surprised, Bai Fengjiu finally saw Zhu Cheng's face clearly.

"Feng Jiu pays respects to Elder Master."

She has seen Zhu Cheng, Feng Jiu was working as a maid in the Taichen Palace when Zhu Cheng prevented the heaven and Qingqiu from fighting 300 years ago, Zhu Cheng's primordial spirit projection is so large that all the immortals in the heaven can see it.

"When two people are in love, they should stay together forever." After Zhu Cheng left a sentence, he threw the dagger in his hand, and the dagger turned back into a red tail in an instant, and it grew back completely on Feng Jiu's body.

"Thank you, Master, for fulfilling it."

Feng Jiu knocked her head on the ground, tears welling up in her eyes.

It feels good to have a long-cherished wish come true.

"Little fox, be happy, I'll go." Zhu Chenghua hurried back to Xihai together with Liu Guang.

Xiaotuanzi and Diexiang had already quarreled, and they were about to fight.

"Jiu'er!" Emperor Donghua called Bai Fengjiu, this was the first time he called Bai Fengjiu like this.

Emperor Donghua could see that beside Bai Fengjiu's name, his name was written squarely.

Just now by the river, Zhu Cheng told him so.

"The first generation of creatures created by Xiao Jin, your love path is the most bumpy. Since you are in love with Feng Jiu, that little fox, I also wish to be beautiful as an adult."

"The custodian told you that the ten-thousand-year-old iron tree blossomed and beared fruit."

Then Zhu Cheng came to the Sansheng Stone and wrote down the words Donghua Dijun, while Donghua Dijun himself was stunned for a moment.

"That's right, the Sansheng Stone was refined by the Great Heavenly Lord, and it is originally the magic weapon of the Great Heavenly Lord."

For Zhu Cheng, changing his name on the Sansheng Stone is really easy, even without a dagger, it only needs a thought. The reason why he asked Feng Jiu for a dagger was just to satisfy her infatuation.


Emperor Donghua and Feng Jiu met each other's eyes, and then hugged each other tightly.

"Tomorrow I will go to Qingqiu to make an appointment," Emperor Donghua said.

"Yes, will it be too soon?" Bai Fengjiu blushed, shyly.

"Oh, you don't want to? That's fine."

"You are bad, you are bad."

Bai Feng's nine small fists beat Donghua Emperor's chest, and the nine red fox tails shook happily, wagging, wagging, wagging.

(End of this chapter)

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