Chapter 454 A good show is on (third)

Xihai, the scene of the blind date meeting.

The blind date disappeared, and it became a battlefield for two children.

"You are bad, you are bad."

"You are bad, you are bad."

Xiaotuanzi scolded Diexiang and kept making funny faces. Diexiang was so angry that he wanted to spank him until his ass blossomed, but was stopped by the maids.

Xiao Tuanzi is His Royal Highness Qingqiu, the son of Ye Hua, the prince of the Celestial Clan, has an unusual status, his mother is still there to treat the eldest prince, and Die Xiang is regarded as the elder of Tuanzi, so it's hard to lose his demeanor.

So why did they quarrel?
This is not Zhu Cheng chasing Feng Jiu to the Heavenly Palace, and Die Xiang asked, "Where is Mr. Ye going?"

"I'm chasing after my sister Feng Jiu."

"Why are you chasing Feng Jiu?"

"I like my sister Fengjiu." Xiaotuanzi took it for granted, "Oh, I will have to call Mr. Ye my brother-in-law soon. Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, brother-in-law, it's so vivid."

"Impossible, how could Mr. Ye like Feng Jiu." Diexiang thought that her beauty was not inferior to Feng Jiu, or even surpassed. In terms of identity, Feng Jiu was His Royal Highness Qingqiu, and she was also the third princess of Xihai. , after all, the status of the Celestial Clan is higher than that of Qingqiu.

Mr. Ye has been with me for so long, and he doesn't even like me, so how could he like Bai Fengjiu who he met for the first time.

Mr. Ye is only infatuated with his deceased wife. Even if he likes him, he is finally moved by my infatuation. It will never be Bai Fengjiu's turn.

"Why not, my sister Fengjiu is so pretty," Xiaotuanzi looked at Diexiang's appearance, and added, "I'm a hundred times prettier than you."

"What did you say! Say it again!"

The so-called women are honored by those who please themselves, and by the same token, women are angry by those who destroy themselves, not to mention that Xiaotuanzi compares it with Feng Jiu, a 'rival in love', which is still a hundred times different. Diexiang will quit immediately.

"Slightly slightly..." Xiaotuanzi ran to the side, made a big grimace at Diexiang, pulling his eyelids and sticking out his tongue, and said, "You are a hundred times uglier than my sister Fengjiu."

"You, you..." Diexiang was furious, and he picked up the corner of his skirt to chase Xiaotuanzi.

"Princess, absolutely not, that is the young Highness of the Celestial Clan." The maid came at this moment, and held Princess Diexiang tightly.

"You scoundrel! Hmph!"

"You bastard!"

"You are bad, you are bad."

"You are bad, you are bad."

Xiaotuanzi really treated this as a game, but almost blew Princess Diexiang into a rage. The saddest part is that Mr. Ye really went after Fengjiu, and the fact hurts the most. most perfect Mr. Ye that day, come back, come back.

Hey, I'm really back.

"Mr. Ye!" Diexiang exclaimed.Mr. Ye fell from the sky and came between Diexiang and Xiaotuanzi.

"Mr. Ye!" Tuanzi grabbed Mr. Ye's thigh first, and said coquettishly: "This woman bullied me."

"You little bastard, the wicked will sue first." Die Xiang wanted to explain.

"Okay, okay," Zhu Cheng said with a smile: "Third Princess, Tuanzi is still a child, and I will apologize to His Highness on his behalf."

"Ah oh." Hearing what Mr. Ye said, Princess Diexiang was no longer able to say anything, and what Mr. Ye said was what she said.

Mr. Ye is a loving friend.

"Hmph!" Xiaotuanzi was not angry, pouted and raised Lao Gao.

"Princess, someone Ye is leaving."

"Okay, I'll go back with my husband." Since Zhu Cheng is the teacher of Diexiang, their residences are not far away.

"No, what I mean is, please resign from His Highness, His Highness has already left his teacher." In terms of painting skills alone, Die Xiang has already left his teacher, Mo Yuan is about to wake up, and Zhu Cheng doesn't need to stay in Xihai anymore.

"You really like that Bai Fengjiu." Diexiang was heartbroken and sad.

"What?" Zhu Cheng looked confused, why did he bring me together with that little fox.

"Hee hee." Seeing that Diexiang was about to cry, Xiaotuanzi looked very happy, but he still won in the end.

"You did a good job," Zhu Cheng nodded a little on Xiaotuanzi's head, and then said: "Your Highness misunderstood, Bai Fengjiu and Emperor Donghua have become a couple, I just went to heaven to be a witness. In Xihai 300 Years, I should really leave too."

"Then, can the gentleman take me?"

Zhu Cheng smiled apologetically, shook his head, then bowed his hands to Die Xiang and went away together.

"Come back, you come back!"

return?It was impossible to come back.

Zhu Cheng's ray of light is going to Yingzhou Island in the East China Sea.

"Ho ho ho, baby baby, woof woof..." The four fierce beasts were so happy to see Zhu Cheng's arrival, they rushed forward and threw Zhu Cheng down.

"Okay, okay, okay..." Zhu Cheng teased the four fierce beasts and said: "When someone comes, you need to cooperate with him in a play."

The four fierce beasts looked at Zhu Cheng in a daze.

"You just need to be like this, like this."

"Hmm..." The four fierce beasts nodded in agreement repeatedly, and seemed very excited.acting?It's the first time they've lived this long.

The name of this play is - Bitter Meat.

You see, the main character is here.

Dressed in black clothes and born with the appearance of Mo Yuan, he is the prince of the Tian clan, Ye Hua.


Seeing Ye Hua, the four beasts only thought it was Mo Yuan, but it was their little master, so they wanted to throw him down like they did Zhu Cheng, rubbing and licking him.

"It's him, call me." Zhu Cheng hurriedly sent a voice transmission to the four fierce beasts.

"Roar!" The four fierce beasts were taken aback for a moment, but they still faithfully followed Zhu Cheng's order and started to attack Ye Hua frantically.

"噗" Ye Hua unsheathed the sword in his hand and confronted the four fierce beasts.

Why did Ye Hua come to Yingzhou Island so well?
The matter has to start from yesterday, Ye Hua went to Xihai with Bai Qian and his party, because he is the prince of the Celestial Clan, the accommodation conditions are the best.

Zheyan diagnosed that the root cause of Mo Yuan's delay in waking up was that Die Yong's cultivation base was too weak to nourish Mo Yuan's primordial spirit. Under the obedience, Die Yong's cultivation base will inevitably skyrocket, which is enough to nourish Mo Yuan's primordial spirit, and it won't be long before Mo Yuan wakes up.

I have to say that Zheyan's prescription is good and feasible.

Zhu Cheng naturally thought of this back then, but this recipe would only save a few years of time at most, and it is not worth mentioning for more than 300 years.

But Ye Hua didn't know, all he knew was that his chance to perform had come, and what Bai Qian cared most about was Mo Yuan, if he could refine the Shenzhi Pill and send it to him, the relationship between him and Bai Qian would be reconciled, always It can be relieved a lot, maybe you can live in the fox hole.

As soon as he thought about it, Ye Hua went to the Heaven Realm and reported to the Lord of Heaven, "Although the Shenzhi grass on Yingzhou Island has magical effects, it hurts the peace of heaven. My grandson is willing to go to Yingzhou to destroy the Shenzhi grass and restore order to the world. "

"Go, this is what a king should do." Tianjun was quite relieved, approved the play, and followed Ye Hua to go alone.

This will be a big test for Ye Hua to officially become the crown prince.

Fight for one pass and start.

 Thank you for the support of Wang Wenchang's book and the decadent monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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