Chapter 462 Real Man Yuding
In the next few days, the two families got along just like ordinary people visiting relatives. They ate and drank all day long, chatted about homework, or walked around here. bye.

Five or six days later, Zhu Cheng and Shan Shan set off on the road in a carriage and continued to travel around the world.

The plan for this trip has been going east. After arriving in the East China Sea, they will sail out to sea. If the drifting is boring, they will fly directly to the shore. These will be decided later. Anyway, the two of them do not have a clear goal, and they will go and watch.

The world is so small, and they have a lot of time, enough to see clearly and carefully.

The sun is shining today, so it is a good time to set up a stall. The town is a hub between the mountains, and it is also during the slack season. This season is very lively. Zhu Cheng's carriage is walking slowly on the street. superior.

"catch him!"


Not long after, the streets began to riot. An old mixed-haired Taoist in a blue Taoist robe was running ahead with a freshly roasted pheasant in his hand. A dozen or so big men with sticks were chasing after him.

"Catch that thief!"

With a cry, more people joined in, chasing the old man's team, and even the people in front stretched out their feet to trip him.


The miscellaneous-haired old man looked at his old arms and legs, and his skills were quite flexible. With a jump, he easily avoided the stumbling block of justice, and then very proudly made a face at the person behind him, and then continued to sway run.




This move of the miscellaneous old man really angered the big men, even the righteous men who saw injustice on the road were furious.

Never seen such an arrogant thief.

"Not fun, not fun."

The miscellaneous-haired old man was wheezing and panting, he couldn't run anymore, and he was still chasing after him.

"Da da da" And at this moment, the miscellaneous old man saw a carriage in front of him.

"Hehe, we're saved." Seeing the hope, the miscellaneous old man regained his energy, and when he raised his breath, his feet felt windy, and he quickly caught up with the carriage.

But it can be seen that there is no driver in the carriage, and they just trust the horse.

"It's just right." Miscellaneous old Taoist thought, there is no unparalleled road, and immediately got on the carriage, sat in the driver's seat, pulled the rein, and said "drive".

"Gada, Gada..." The carriage ran forward quickly, leaving behind the chasing man in an instant.


"I'm going to your mother!"

"What the hell, can you afford a carriage, but can't afford a pheasant?"

A group of pursuers yelled at the direction of the carriage.

I've seen people who are so stingy, but I've never seen such a slicker. I can afford a carriage but I'm not willing to pay for a pheasant. It's been a long time.

"Hahahaha..." The miscellaneous old man looked back, seeing that no one was chasing him, he laughed heartily and stopped the carriage under a camphor tree.

"It's delicious, it's really fragrant." The old miscellaneous hair smelled the pheasant in his hand, and was about to bite it, but suddenly remembered something, tore off a chicken leg, and handed it into the carriage.

"Whoever sees it has a share. I am willing to share this delicacy in the world with the benefactor." Zamao Laodao said very generously.

"This horse still needs a groom. If you let it go like this, it's easy to bump into people. Even if you don't hit people, it's easy to take you into the ditch. Be careful next time." Remind the owner of the carriage.

Sitting in this carriage is naturally Zhu Cheng and Shan Shan. The two of them were leisurely and leisurely. Suddenly they heard the commotion behind them. They wanted to open the curtain to have a look, but they didn't want the old man to get into the carriage, and he was willing to do it. Get up the coachman.

The two thought it was interesting, so they let the miscellaneous old man go to see where he would take them. Originally, the two were aimless.

When the miscellaneous old man stretched out a chicken leg, the two of them almost didn't laugh out loud.This old way is really interesting, is it possible to use a chicken leg to seal the mouths of two people?And it's still dusty chicken legs.

Apparently the chicken had dropped to the ground and was picked up again by the miscellaneous old man.

As gods, Zhu Cheng and Shanshan don't need to eat. If they don't meet a good friend they can chat with, they don't bother to eat, let alone this dirty chicken leg, so neither of them picks it up.

The miscellaneous old man saw that he had finished his two sentences, and the people in the car still hadn't taken his chicken leg, so he said: "If the benefactor doesn't like chicken, then I won't be polite."

The old miscellaneous hair hadn't finished speaking, so he hurriedly pulled back the chicken leg, put it in his mouth and blew off the dust on it, and then ate it happily, and praised it while eating: "Ah, it's delicious in the world, it's delicious in the sky." It's hard to find."

"Bobobobo..." After eating the chicken, the old man began to suck his greasy fingers one by one to relish the taste just now.

"Master Daoist, you are also a loose fairy anyway, how can you steal chickens from mortals?" Zhu Cheng wanted to ask this question for a long time. just ask.

"Steal? Who said I stole it! How can I steal it, the real Yuding, I picked it up from the ground." The righteous words of the real Yuding, a cattail fan frantically fanned to extinguish the fire.

Daoist Yuding, speaking of it, is not a small one. He is a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun. He has a very high seniority in the Three Realms and his aptitude is also extraordinary, but it is because of his outstanding aptitude that he is arrogant.

There are three thousand ways of Taoism, all of which can prove the way. Ordinary people only choose one way to work hard, and there will be success, but he doesn't. He wants to use all the three thousand ways for himself.

The result is: greedy and chewing, so that the seniority is extremely high, the cultivation level is extremely low, and it is only a mere Loose Immortal after 500 years of practice.

He is a loose immortal, and he is different from the other loose immortals. The other loose immortals can also travel in the morning and evening, but he may not be sure.

Why not?

Because he thinks too much and can't concentrate, he often loses his mind when casting spells, so that the spells fail.

He was flying in the sky this time, smelling the aroma of roasted pheasants floating up from below, he could not help but think of the appearance of pheasants in his mind, and he even had a clear idea of ​​its cooking techniques.


Immortal Yuding couldn't do two things at once, so when Dang even fell from the clouds, he just landed on the grilled pheasant stall.

Thanks to his loose skin and thick skin, otherwise he would have been smashed to pieces.But the stall suffered a disaster. It was smashed to pieces by such a big lump of real Yuding, and all five pheasants fell to the ground.

"I'll beat you to death!" The stall owner wouldn't give up on him, so he swung his fist and hit him. Thanks to the rich experience of being beaten, Master Yuding escaped a punch by dodging left and right.

"Hey——" Immortal Yuding had run away at first, but suddenly came back with his pursuers, picked up the pheasant on the ground and said, "Don't waste it, don't waste it." Then he started running again.


Only then did the scene where the real Yuding was chased by a group of big men just now.

The arrogance of this fellow has never been seen in ancient times.

"Ah, why is it a man!"

Master Yuding turned pale with shock, and left in the air.

He only felt that there was only one person in the car, and it was a woman, but the person who asked him just now was obviously a man.

 Thank you, thank you, style, a begins at first sight, Lin Lindou, book friend 2020***292 monthly ticket support
(End of this chapter)

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