The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 463 Mistress, please accept my worship

Chapter 463 Mistress, please accept my worship

"Ah! There's another man!" Daoist Yuding vacated, wanting to run.

Even with his spiritual sense, he couldn't detect that there was a man in the car. This person must be far more cultivated than himself, so it's better to go first.

"Ah!" It's a pity that he was too nervous, so he flew to the top of the tree, and hit the ground with his face down.

Just a roast chicken can make it fall into the clouds, let alone face this kind of life-and-death horror, just like swimming when people are nervous, they tend to cramp.

Zhu Cheng lifted the curtain of the car and said with a smile: "Master Daoist, I don't eat people, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

"Husband, this Taoist priest is really interesting, don't make things difficult for him." Shan Shan also said.

"Cough cough cough..." Master Yu Ding heard that he was not in any danger, immediately stood up, patted the dust on his body, and then fanned himself gracefully.

"Just then I remembered that there is something important to do in the cave. Since the fellow Taoists are asking to stay, I will have a few more words with the two fellow Taoists."

Pretending to be a wolf with a big tail, Zhu Cheng recognized him as the number one real Yuding.

"Okay, okay," Zhu Cheng suppressed a smile, and said, "Daoist friends haven't said yet, why steal other people's pheasants."

"Ah, I told you, it's on the ground..." Master Yuding still wanted to quibble, but seeing Zhu Cheng staring at him with deep meaning, he suddenly thought that Zhu Cheng's power was unfathomable.

That's all, that's all.

Real person Yuding showed another advantage—knowing the current affairs. He chose to tell the truth, telling how he fell into the cloud and how he escaped with the pheasant.

"Hahaha... Fellow Daoist is really a wonderful person." After hearing this, Zhu Cheng and Shan Shan all laughed heartily, making the face of the real Yuding Daoist blush.

"Secret, keep it secret. If my senior brothers find out about this, they will have to laugh at me for hundreds of years." Master Yuding begged for mercy.

"Brother? But you don't know who your friend is?" Zhu Cheng asked.

Hearing Zhu Cheng's question about his master, Immortal Yuding immediately held his head high and said with great pride: "I am the disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, Master Yuding of Jinxia Cave in Yuquan Mountain."

Oh, no, Guankou said it smoothly, and told others about his own residence.

Don't panic, don't panic, within the Three Realms, any practitioner who hears the teacher's name will be courteous to me and will not make things difficult for me.

"It turned out to be a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun."

Yuanshi Tianzun is well-known in this world. Zhu Cheng had heard about it when he was in Emei. He was one of the seven sages of heaven and earth, and his status was extremely honorable.

"However, Yuanyuan Tianzun's disciple, what's the cultivation base..." Although Zhu Cheng didn't finish the sentence why is it so bad, Master Yuding knew his subtext very consciously.

Immortal Yuding immediately defended his master and said: "Don't slander my master. My master Yuanshi Tianzun is a first-class famous teacher in the world. My brothers are all golden immortals. It's just that I am so ambitious and don't obey discipline. Low, it has nothing to do with my master."

Didn't realize that he was still a responsible old man.

"Fellow Daoist really respects teachers." Zhu Cheng glanced at Daoist Master Yuding, and asked again: "Fellow Daoist is a disciple of a sage, and his aptitude and cultivation skills are top-notch, no matter how slack he is It takes 500 years to be a Sanxian."

"Hmph, my way is to be inclusive of all rivers, to learn from others' strengths, to be unified in all phenomena, and the realm of cultivation is like floating clouds to me." After Yuding Master said this, he was moved.

"It's so incisive!"

Only real Yuding took off the 'hairpin jade pen', took out a roll of blank bamboo slips from Qiankun's sleeve, and wrote down what he said just now.

In fact, not to mention the real Yuding, even Zhu Cheng was stunned by his words.I didn't expect that a mere loose immortal could have this kind of thinking, and found his own way early on.

It's just that this is destined to be a difficult road, because Zhu Cheng is exactly walking the road of "three thousand roads in one body", so he knows the difficulty of this road.

It took Zhu Cheng more than 40 years, and he was able to get through with the help of the Heaven Swallowing Kungfu, a powerful weapon that can devour everything. It is probably impossible for the real Yuding to get through Zhu Cheng's path.

"I have a word, which may help fellow daoist." Zhu Cheng said this while Master Yuding finished writing.

"Let's talk about it first." Master Yuding was ready to record.

"Fellow Daoists, why don't you transform into thousands of bodies, go through hundreds of calamities, and become the supreme Dao?"

blah blah blah!

The jade pen, bamboo slips, and jaws all dropped in shock.

Zhu Cheng's words were like enlightenment to Master Yuding, and instantly opened up his two channels of Ren and Du. He had never seen so clearly the way he was pursuing.

"I'm going to reincarnate right now." But seeing Master Yuding chanting formulas and incantations, he was about to kill himself, and his soul went to the underworld to report.

How can one person be transformed into thousands of bodies?

One is the art of transformation, but after all, the art of transformation is only one person, thousands of people use the same brain, and it is impossible to experience the calamity of a hundred generations.

Then there is only the second type: reincarnation, a soul is reincarnated thousands of times, isn't this the incarnation of thousands of bodies?

Real person Yuding is obsessed with academic research, he does it when he thinks about it, and kills himself on the spot.

"Wait a minute!" Zhu Cheng hurriedly stopped, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, you don't need to be so extreme. I have a magical method that can help you become enlightened."

After Zhu Cheng finished speaking, a ray of light sank into the eyebrows of Master Yuding, and there was an extra practice method in the mind of Master Yuding: the method of distraction, which can divide one primordial spirit into two. In theory, as long as the primordial spirit is enough Powerful, can be divided into tens of millions.

"Ah, please accept my disciple's worship." Master Yuding knelt down to Zhu Cheng on the spot.

Zhu Cheng did not dodge, and accepted his gift with peace of mind.

"Master, please also accept my worship."

The real Yuding worshiped Zhu Cheng, and then turned to worship Shanshan.

Calculated according to age, Shanshan is indeed much older than Reverend Yuding, but Reverend Yuding is gray-haired, a young girl Shanshan really feels uncomfortable being worshiped by him like this.

In fact, don't talk about mountains and mountains. If the real Yuding was beaten to death in the past, it would be impossible to kowtow to a "little girl". too heavy.

With one word, Zhu Cheng paved the way for Daoist Yuding, and another rule was to directly provide Daoist Yuding with a carriage and a driver.

This coachman is himself, Daoist Yuding himself.

Assuming that Daoist Yuding can only divide one Yuanshen as a trumpet, he can use this trumpet to reincarnate, leaving a large one in his body.

The most difficult thing after reincarnation is the newborn's road to immortality. How many people have been seeking immortality since ancient times, but they have never even seen the side face of an immortal, and the tuba has become a guide. Even if they cannot teach the trumpet in person, they can still He can show the way.

Where does the fairy gate open, the Jade Cauldron real person can tell.

The trumpet is like a carriage, and the large one is the driver. He can correct the course of the carriage and prevent the carriage from going astray.

In this way, a lot of time can be saved, and no matter how long the road is, there will be a moment when it reaches the end.

Master Yuding felt that the realm of saints was beckoning to him. He even saw his brothers welcoming him with flowers in their hands. He repented for his contempt for him and asked for forgiveness. Yuanshi Tianzun touched his head and said: "It is indeed I am the disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun."

"Back to God, back to God."

(End of this chapter)

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