The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 470 Huaguo Mountain Water Curtain Cave

Chapter 470 Huaguo Mountain Water Curtain Cave
"Amitabha, the four benefactors, although Yang Tianyou is me, the poor monk is not Yang Tianyou." Monk Unable to proclaim the Buddha's name.

"No, you are my husband."

"Daddy. Daddy." The children also called to the monk helplessly.

"All benefactors, please let go of your obsessions and let the poor monk go." Unable to move the monk, he forcibly broke free from the embrace of Yao Ji and the children.

"So farewell to all benefactors. The poor monk will pray for all benefactors in front of the Buddha. I wish you a safe and happy life." The monk was unable to salute, and then headed west with a determined expression on his face.

Zhu Cheng watched from the sidelines, but did not stop him.It's really not good for him to intervene in other people's affairs, and even if he can keep him, it's useless if he can't keep his heart.

"Come back! Come back!"

Yaoji and the three children were in tears, and Yaoji even passed out because of her injuries.

"Mom!" The three children rushed to help, but the three of them had four hands.

It was not Zhu Cheng who joined, but Yang Tianyou who stood up.

Fang Fo asked him, "Can you calm down?"

"Not quiet."

If he could really part with Yao Ji and the child, he could leave after Yao Ji gave birth to the child. If he could really part with her, why would he spy on him so that he was discovered by Zhu Cheng.

"Go, go." With a wave of the Buddha's hand, Yang Tianyou was resurrected, and the entire Yang family was gone.

Did the Buddha really show kindness?
How is it possible, that is just another calculation of the Buddha.

It was unexpected for Zhu Cheng to kill halfway, but wouldn't it be better, Zhu Cheng's strength is obvious.

Just think about it, if Tianting sees Yao Ji, a family who violated the rules of heaven, living in harmony and beauty, the old Jade Emperor can hold his face.

At that time, the grievances with Zhu Cheng and the Yang family will grow bigger and bigger, and the heavens will inevitably be unstoppable, and it will not prevent them from performing the drama of turning the tide.

Even because of Zhu Cheng's strength, Buddhism can make more demands.

Yang Tianyou couldn't die, not only he couldn't die, but he had to live a long life. It would be best if his whole family cultivated immortals and dangled under the eyes of Tianting all day long.

"I'm here to save her."

Healing a mere Yao Ji was easy for Zhu Cheng, Yao Ji woke up in minutes, and cried a lot when Yang Tianyou came back from the dead.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave here first." Zhu Cheng said.

The entire Yang Mansion was burned by the Great Golden Crow's real sun fire, and the Heavenly Court will definitely send people again, and the Yang Mansion needs to be relocated.

"It's all up to the brother-in-law." Yao Ji and Yang Tianyou listened to Zhu Cheng, and the whole family should be neat and tidy. As for the gold and silver, it is optional.

"Then follow me." Zhu Cheng immediately waved his sleeves, took all the Yang family into the spiritual mirror, and then came to the East China Sea Dragon Palace in a flash.

"Husband, are you back?"

"Yaoji, Dalang, Erlang, and Saner, are you all okay?" Zhu Cheng left suddenly and said that the Yang family was in trouble, but he worried Shanshan to the core.

"It's okay, sister, thanks to brother-in-law." Yao Ji said.

"You are the eldest princess?" The Dragon King of the East China Sea recognized Yao Ji.

"This is the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea!" Yao Ji was startled, wouldn't her whereabouts be exposed in this way?

"Dragon King, I hope to keep the whereabouts of them a secret." Zhu Cheng said to the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

"The old dragon obeys." The Dragon King naturally obeyed Zhu Chengyan. Looking at Yao Ji's husband and children with three thousand beauties, he also understood that Yao Ji was thinking of giving birth to a child and violated the rules of heaven.

I really didn't expect that Princess Yaoji had such a friendship with the saint, and she actually called her brother-in-law, so she needed to make friends with each other.

Yes, let's start with those three children.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea had an idea in his mind, and the best way to take down the parents was to take down the children first.

As for the Heavenly Court and whatnot, I'm hugging the saint's thigh just looking at the joke, Jade Emperor, stand aside.

"Dragon King, we need to find a new home, so let's leave here." After Zhu Cheng finished speaking, he was about to take the Yang family and Shanshan away, and then find a fairy mountain to resettle.

"Wait a minute. The old dragon has a good place above the East China Sea, and he just settles down." The Dragon King of the East China Sea said hastily.

"Oh, where?"

"Flower and Fruit Mountain."


"This mountain is located on an island. There is a poem that says: The sea is full of power, and the sea of ​​Weining Yao. The sea of ​​power is full of power, and silver mountain fish enter the cave when the tide surges.

The square corners of wood and fire are high, and the East China Sea is a towering peak.Danya strange rocks, cut walls and strange peaks.On the red cliff, the colorful phoenix sings together; before the wall is cut, the unicorn lies alone.

Listen to the crowing of golden pheasants at the top of the peak, and watch dragons come and go in and out of the grottoes every time.In the forest, there are longevity deer fairy foxes, and there are spiritual birds black cranes in the trees.

Yaocaoqihua does not thank, green pines and green cypresses Changchun.Immortal peaches often bear fruit, and bamboo leaves clouds every time.

A ravine is densely covered with vines, and the grass is new on all sides.It is exactly where Baichuan meets Optimus Prime, and the roots of the earth will never be moved. "

"It's such a good place, the Dragon King is willing to give it to us?" Zhu Cheng smiled.

"The sage was joking, this is not a gift, it is clearly to repay your kindness for saving the child's life. I will order all the spirits on the island to leave, so as not to disturb the lives of the eldest princess and her family." The Dragon King of the East China Sea said so , it really is unusual to be a king, she is very thoughtful.

"Since that's the case, I'll be disrespectful when I wait." Zhu Cheng is also willing to fulfill the "filial piety" of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Since he is willing to send Huaguo Mountain away, he will definitely not reveal the whereabouts of the Yang family to Heaven.

The Dragon King led the way, and Zhu Cheng and his wife, the Yang family, and Taiyi Zhenren, Yuding Zhenren and Xiao Nezha also followed along as if to join in the fun.

Huaguo Mountain is on the sea, everyone arrived in a short time, the scene inside is really like the old Dragon King's poem, it's a good place.

The most eye-catching thing on the island is a big waterfall, rushing down...the end looks beautiful.

"There is a cave behind the waterfall." Yao Ji opened her sky eyes and saw an extremely spacious cave behind the waterfall.

"Go, let's take a look inside."

Following Zhu Cheng's order, a group of people and the old Dragon King walked through the waterfall and came to the cave.

The cave is really spacious, and there is a small stream inside, not to mention the five members of the Yang family, even thousands of people can live there.

"This is a cave mansion bestowed by God, so we don't need to excavate it." Master Yuding said with emotion that he had spent a lot of time trying to open up a cave mansion.

"I'll fill in some furniture for you, congratulations on the housewarming." With a wave of Zhu Cheng's hand, the dark cave immediately brightened up.

I can only see: emerald green moss heaps of blue, white clouds with floating jade, light and hazy haze.Quiet room with empty windows and sliding stools.The dragon balls in the Ruku are leaning on the hanging, lingering and full of strange flowers.

There are traces of fire in the pot and stove next to the cliff, and the food residue can be seen in the jar by the table.The stone seat and stone bed are really lovely, and the stone basin and stone bowl are even more praiseworthy.See also the one pole and two bamboo poles, and the plum blossoms at three to five.A few green pines often bring rain, just like a private house.

"Thank you brother-in-law," Yao Ji sincerely thanked, and said: "I don't bother the two masters with one thing, why don't brother-in-law give this cave a name."

Dongfu must have a name, such as Jinguang Cave in Qianyuan Mountain and Jinxia Cave in Yuquan Mountain.

"Let's call it Water Curtain Cave."

After Zhu Cheng said, he wrote a couplet in front of the Dongfu gate with his hand as a pen: Huaguoshan blessed land, water curtain cave and cave sky.

(End of this chapter)

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