The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 471 Birth of the Lotus Lantern

Chapter 471 Birth of the Lotus Lantern

Since then, the Yang family has settled down in Huaguoshan Shuilian Cave. It is not the same name, but this is the Huaguoshan where Sun Wukong was born, but now Sun Wukong is far from being born, and it is still a stubborn rock on the mountain. .

Living with the Yang family, there is also Daoist Yuding.

This stinky and shameless person stayed here just to be a rogue. The Yang family thought this priest was interesting, and the master of the Dongfu let him go.

Of course, Daoist Taiyi also wanted to stay, and he was close to the saint Zhu Cheng. Just imagine if there were two saints covering his head, who would dare to mess with him for the rest of his life?

However, he was not as thick-skinned as the real Yuding, so he changed his strategy and let the kid Nezha play a rogue.

Hey, don't say it, it really made Nezha successful.His cute little appearance completely conquered the three children of the Yang family, especially Yang Chan. When she heard Nezha calling herself "Sister Yang Chan", she was very happy. She is the youngest in the family. No one ever called her sister.

"Stay here, stay here, stay here." Yao Ji was also delighted by this cute child every day, and nodded.

At the beginning, Nezha was forced to live by his master. After all, Zhu Cheng and his wife lived here, and he was afraid of Zhu Cheng.

But after three days, this little kid was not afraid at all, and followed Yang Chan and others to call him Uncle, and even in the end, in order to be able to call Uncle Zhu Cheng logically, he directly recognized Yao Ji as a godmother. Godfather.

When little Nezha was at home, even though he had two older brothers, they both went out to study art. Because he was the master of the General Military Mansion, no one played with him. To be precise, no one dared to play with him. Shuttlecocks are sparking, and they play with a hammer.

But it's different here. Not only are my brothers and sisters playing with me, but because I have Zhu Cheng watching, no accident will happen even if I play with all my strength.

Nezha began to miss Shu very much. At first, he didn’t go home for a whole night, and then he didn’t go home for a whole month. The family members were worried. The real Taiyi directly said that Nezha went to practice with him, and he would come back in a few years .

Well, then I won't go back for a whole year.

As for the old Dragon King, he gave away such a good place, so of course there must be something in return.

At the beginning, it was congratulations on the housewarming, and the dragons and dragons who brought the dragons first recognized the family, and then these dragons and dragons came to Huaguo Mountain to play every now and then, and the four princesses of the East China Sea became Yang Chan's girlfriends.

Later, Ao Bing, the third prince of the Dragon, became buddies with Nezha, but they really didn't know each other, and it was definitely a happy ending.

Yao Ji leaned against Yang Tianyou, watching the children frolicking with happiness on their faces.

Zhu Cheng and Shan Shan are so envious that they don't want it. The two hold back to have a baby, but they have been tinkering for several years without success.

For a character like Zhu Cheng, if he wants to have a child, his soul must be congenital, and it is definitely not the reincarnation of the soul of the underworld. In other words, if he has a child, it must be first-hand.

It's a pity that by now, the power of the soul in the world is basically gone, and if you want to create a human, you have to brew it.

"Shanshan, let's continue our journey."

It's too bad to see other people's children and grandchildren here all day long, so let's continue traveling around the world according to the plan.In this way, after living in Huaguo Mountain for three years, Zhu Cheng and his wife sailed away in a small boat and continued their journey around the world.

"Children, come, come, let me tell you something today..." As soon as Zhu Cheng left, Daoist Yuding also left.

Without Zhu Cheng's suppression, the real Yuding can be regarded as completely liberated. With that small mouth, he can talk all day long, and with the addition of extensive books, he is really knowledgeable, and he became a storyteller in an instant gentlemen.

And oh, the favorite of this Yuding real person is to sit on a big rock and tell a book, and the Monkey King just lives in that rock.

After a year of babbling, Master Yuding had no stories to tell, so he started to talk about exercises. The distraction method... catches everything.

Among the children, Yang Jiao was the fastest learner, followed by Yang Jian, followed by Nezha, and the third prince Long. The worst was Yang Chan. Although she was a girl with high aptitude, she loved female celebrities and did not like martial arts.

Some judges might say, this is wrong, didn't the Yang family not let the three children practice, why are they letting it go now?

After a catastrophe that destroyed her family, Yao Ji figured it out, she had to be strong if she didn't want to be bullied.

If each of the three children has the ability to reach the sky, the Heavenly Court will count as a ball.So children, go learn, open up your studies, and if you don’t learn enough, go home and mother will make up for you.

If you want to say that Master Yuding himself is not very good, he can teach his apprentice skills to a full level. You can take the last Yang Chan as an example. He taught him to become a loose immortal in three years.That guy was so depressed to Master Yuding, he almost crashed to death on the tofu.

I have worked so hard for hundreds of years to become a Sanxian, why did you become a Sanxian in three years?Just because you are beautiful, so is I, Yuding Daoist... Well, you are beautiful.

But what everyone doesn't know is that Monkey King in the stone also listened to the sermon, and this prenatal education is extremely well done.

Let's put it this way, Monkey King is stronger than the original book.

"Sister Yang Chan, I haven't seen Master for a long time, and I miss him a little, come with me to see." Nezha said, holding Yang Chan's hand.

"Okay, but we have to be careful when we go here, and we must not let people in the heavens find out." Yang Chan did not refuse.

After that, holding hands with big hands, the two of them disappeared from Huaguo Mountain and came to Golden Light Cave.

There is a lotus pond in the Golden Light Cave. There are lotus roots, lotus leaves and lotus flowers in the lotus pond, but the lotus has been just a flower bone for hundreds of years and has never bloomed.

But as soon as Yang Chan entered the Golden Light Cave, the pond was filled with lotus flowers in full bloom, and golden light was emitted from the Golden Light Cave.

"Boom!" A seven-color lotus lantern was born and fell into Yang Chan's hands, and the momentum shook the universe.

"The predestined person, you are the predestined person."

"The Lotus Lantern is finally born!"

Daoist Taiyi was very excited, the treasure that he had kept for hundreds of years finally ushered in his destined person, and it was also Yang Chan, who was really beautiful, very beautiful.

"What in the lower world is making such a noise? Go and check it out quickly." The Jade Emperor issued an order, and a valued official went to check it out, but saw a beautiful and incomparable female fairy, holding a shimmering lamp The colorful lotus dances in the clouds.

"It's so beautiful," the officer was stunned for a moment, "No, she is the eldest princess's daughter." He recognized Yang Chan, and quickly reported to the Jade Emperor.

"Order the nine golden crows to follow her to see where their family is hiding, and then wipe them all out." The Jade Emperor ordered so, and the nine golden crows led the army to set off.

Huaguoshan is about to usher in the first encirclement and suppression.

(End of this chapter)

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