Chapter 478 Crisis
Hongjun, who was able to face death directly, bowed down to Zhu Cheng, which was completely beyond Zhu Cheng and Shanshan's expectations.

"Fellow Daoist, please get up quickly, why are you here, why are you here." Zhu Cheng hurriedly stepped forward to help Hongjun up.Now that you have turned hostility into friendship, you should be more polite to your respectable opponent.

"Fellow Daoist, listen to me slowly..." Hongjun stood up, led everyone to a 'school', and told a secret that was unknown.

Four or 10,000+ years ago, Pangu woke up and opened up this world. At the moment when he stood upright, Hongjun knew that the foundation of this world was too weak, and he couldn't last long.

At first, there was no order at all, but he was the first creature in the world. Although he felt this way, he didn't know how to establish the so-called order.

The most important thing is that the original power of this world is too weak, too weak. The so-called original power has been mentioned before, so I won’t expand it too much here. In a word, the lack of original source restricts the development of this world.

Based on the above two points, Hongjun was extremely eager for someone to guide him, so he built a "Zixiao Palace" outside the world and in the chaos.

One is as a place for lectures, and the other is to expect to get a little bit of signal from other worlds. It would be great if we can intercept some sources.

Yes, he firmly believed in aliens.

The hard work paid off, and after waiting for tens of thousands of years, Shan Shan's soul came to him.

"It's done, it's done, my way is done." Daozu, who was as indifferent as Hongjun, couldn't help shouting up to the sky, and he hurriedly cast a magical method to attract the floating soul of Shanshan to Zixiao Palace.

That's what Shanshan recalled: seeing three thousand futons and an old Taoist, I can't remember what the old Taoist looked like.

Daoist Hongjun wanted to understand the outside world through mountains and mountains, and learn from it to build a good order and world system.

It's a pity that at that time, Shanshan was exiled by Haotian for too long, too long, his soul was extremely weak, and he was already dying.

Hongjun put Shanshan's soul into a piece of Yin jade to warm up. When Shanshan recovers, Hongjun will watch her memory in order to understand the world of Haotian.

Later, Yin Yu gave birth to Ling Zhi, that is, Yao Ji.Her older brother, the Jade Emperor, is a piece of Yang jade, a child of Zixiao Palace.

The Heavenly Court, the Three Realms, the Underworld... and so on were all born in this world because of reference, but there is one thing that Hongjun very much rejects Haotian's approach: Thousand Years of Eternal Night, annihilating all things.

Everyone's practice will consume the essence of the world, so the stronger a person is, the faster the world will perish.In order to reduce consumption, Haotian can only fiddle with a once-in-a-thousand-year catastrophe to prolong the life of the world.

It has to be said that this is tantamount to a very rational approach, but Daozu Hongjun deeply loves this world, which was created by him. If possible, he hopes that those lovely creatures will not die.

He thought of a way: put the soul in the way of heaven, in this way, the world will not be destroyed, and the soul will not be destroyed.

It's a pity that this road is too difficult, too difficult, only a saint can do it.And the most important thing is that the way of heaven is not enough to carry too many souls due to the lack of origin, seven at most.

As the world's comprehension civilization develops more and more, even the seven may almost be unable to bear it.

When the Dao of Heaven is overwhelmed, the world here is about to be destroyed. Although Hongjun tried his best to search for the original power in the chaos, but with little success for hundreds of thousands of years, his financial situation is somewhat beyond his means. (Those saints have not yet been able to intercept the original power)

In desperation, Hongjun had no choice but to imitate Haotian and bring down a catastrophe.It's just that compared to Haotian World's catastrophe of Dao that day, when all members were wiped out, Hongjun seemed much gentler, it was a catastrophe of demons.

Before human beings were born, there were three races that ruled the world here, the Feng clan ruled all the birds in this world, the dragon clan ruled all the water clans in this world, and the Qilin ruled all the beasts in this world.

Hongjun incarnated as a demon, and provoked the three tribes of dragon, phoenix, and kylin, so that the kylin and the phoenix clan joined forces to attack the most powerful dragon clan, which was known as the "dragon and phoenix catastrophe" in history.

None of the three clans of the dragon and phoenix catastrophe got a bargain. It can be said that both sides suffered losses, and they had to withdraw from the stage of history and lick their wounds.

The dragon clan moved out of the inner river and entered the four seas, the Feng clan retreated to the undead volcano, and the Qilin clan retreated to the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

After the dragon and phoenix catastrophe, Hongjun finally breathed a sigh of relief, the world can run smoothly again, but after a few years of stability, the world of comprehension is booming again.

Di Jun established the monster clan with his supreme cultivation, and ruled all the scaled and armored creatures in this world with his supreme supernatural powers (of course, the three clans don't agree with it), and he even wanted to use this power to attack the saint realm.

Hongjun was frightened into a cold sweat when he learned that if Dijun really became a saint, the way of heaven would collapse in minutes, and the world would be over.

Hongjun hurriedly thought of the countermeasures. He did the same for the dragon and phoenix catastrophe that year, and provoked the relationship between another big clan, the "Witch Clan" and the Monster Clan, and then triggered a war between the two clans.

Historically known as: Lich catastrophe.

In the catastrophe of the Lich, the demon emperor Jun fell, and the twelve ancestor witches of the witch clan also fell, except for the earth-body reincarnation primordial spirit who survived.

Oh, by the way, those bull-headed and horse-faced people in the underworld are Wu clan.

The lich withdrew from the stage of history, and after that, now, it has become a world dominated by humans.

Hongjun Daozu discovered an extremely terrifying thing. Although human beings are much lower than the innate gods, their reproduction speed is extremely fast. , The qualifications are extremely high.

Take Yang Jian for example, he can reach the Golden Immortal Realm after a few years of practice.


Hongjun immediately thought of a countermeasure, and sent the boy under his seat to the throne of the ruler of the Three Realms, making the boy the Jade Emperor, stepping up to the stage to take charge of the rules of heaven, and becoming the spokesperson of the way of heaven.

That's why, it is clearly written in the sky: Immortals are not allowed to marry mortals.

It's a pity, after all, a boy is just a boy, not even a registered disciple. Those saints are all Hongjun's personal disciples, so they don't take him seriously.

The saints such as Sanqing did not overthrow the heavens because of Hongjun Daozu's face, they only maintained superficial respect, but they didn't listen to the tune or the announcement.

When Zhu Cheng came to this world, Hongjun naturally knew it. He thought the world was about to collapse, but he didn't expect Zhu Cheng to have a way to seal his mana, so Hongjun felt more at ease.

Because he finally found some origins and was intercepting them, he didn't greet Zhu Cheng immediately, so that when they met for the first time, he came to the chaos to do a fight, and almost lost his life.

"Also ask fellow Taoists to save this world." This is what Hongjun asked for.

Because with the development of Taoism and Buddhism, the world is facing the danger of collapse. If it continues, he will have to create a "Conferred God Tribulation".

"I understand, but what should I do?" Zhu Cheng asked.

 Thank you Wutian Zhizun Monthly Ticket Support

(End of this chapter)

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