The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 479 Intercepting the Source

Chapter 479 Intercepting the Source
"Understood, what do I need to do?" Zhu Cheng asked.

"Fellow Daoist seems to have a skill that can swallow the sky and eat the earth." Hong Jun said.The reason why he knew that Zhu Cheng would swallow heavenly powers was naturally because he saw that Zhu Cheng swallowed tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals in the Yang Mansion.

"You want to learn my Tun Tian Kungfu?" Zhu Cheng looked at Hongjun with a bad look on his face. It was his basic kungfu, and he definitely couldn't teach it to outsiders. This old boy has too much appetite.

"Fellow daoist misunderstood, I just hope that fellow daoist can help me intercept the origin of the world so as to keep the world running." Hongjun hurriedly explained that he is a smart man, how could he be so ignorant, and he had to learn Zhu Cheng's fundamental skills as soon as he came up .

"That's it?" This is too simple for Zhu Cheng, like a locked door, which is an obstacle for ordinary people, but for a top lockpicking master, it can't stop him at all.

Swallow Heaven Kungfu is designed for inhalation.

"That's it, thank you fellow daoist." Hong Jun agreed when he heard that Zhu Cheng was so straightforward, and wanted to bow down again to thank him.

"You don't need to say thank you, just repay your kindness. From now on, the karma between you and Shanshan will be eliminated." Zhu Cheng refused to be a thousand miles away.

"Okay, it's all up to fellow Taoists." Hongjun has no reason to refuse. Saving this falling world is his greatest obsession in this life, and he is willing even at the cost of his life, let alone offsetting any cause and effect.

"I will also send an order to Xiaotong about Yaoji, so don't make things difficult." Hongjun made a favor, so that the Jade Emperor would no longer pursue Yaoji Sifan.

Ha ha.

The Jade Emperor is not stupid. With Zhu Cheng as a powerful uncle, the Heavenly Court dares to find trouble and try to get your Jade Emperor to step down in minutes.

"Brother-in-law, can you let us go back to the world, I'm worried about God's blessing." Yao Ji said in the spiritual mirror.

"Yang Tianyou?" Speaking of this person, it seems that Yang Tianyou, the male master of the Yang family, is missing from the spiritual mirror, and the family is not reunited.

"Go back." Zhu Cheng thought, and the Yang family and Nezha were sent to Huaguo Mountain by him.

Zhu Cheng will not go back, or in other words, he will not leave Chaos for many years, because he wants to intercept the origin of the world here, and he will not be able to complete it in 800 years.

Of course, he doesn't need to look for it specially, he just needs to sit in Zixiao Palace and use the Heaven Swallowing Skill with all his strength, and he can always capture those scattered world origins, but it takes time and luck.

As for Hongjun's words, he didn't bother to watch, and ran out of the chaos that Tuntian Kungfu could not radiate to continue to search for the origin of the world. After all, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and Hongjun is afraid of poverty.

Then let’s talk about the situation in the Three Realms. Zhu Cheng’s performance in the heavenly court, the calculation of the Buddhism for a thousand years was also in vain, and the two saints were dying. I have come down, but if I want to come out to be a demon again, then I don't know when I will have to wait.

And because Zhu Cheng unlocked the seal in his body, the world almost collapsed, so that Tianhe Ruoshui escaped to the lower realm, and spread rapidly, and the world is being baptized by floods.

Tianting wanted to save the water but couldn't do it because they couldn't take care of themselves.

The Heavenly Court has almost suffered a devastating blow, and the casualties are even more severe. It is unknown how long it will take to return to its former glory.

Ordinarily, the saints should save the common people, but they are busy repairing the cracks in the space and they really don't have time, especially since Sanqing also lost his magic weapon, the backlash he received was not light.

The human world, mortals, are not worth mentioning in the eyes of saints. Since ancient times, the survival of the fittest has always been the case.First, the dragon and phoenix withdrew from the stage of history, then the lich, and this time it was the turn of the human race to withdraw from the stage of history, which is also normal.

As long as the world exists, there will inevitably be other ethnic groups standing on the stage of history. If you can't save yourself, no one will try their best to save you.

People always take themselves too seriously, but they are nothing in the eyes of saints.

The inhumane world regards everything as a straw dog, and the sage is inhumane and treats the people as a straw dog.

However, can the Yang family watch people being swallowed by the flood?They can't, they can't.

So under the leadership of Yao Ji, they united with the Four Seas Dragon Palace and started a mighty flood control project, and even the underworld took the initiative to help.

After seeing the backstage of the Yang family, which side doesn't want to curry favor with them, it's just that the three religions don't have time now.

Of course, the help from the underworld is not just to curry favor, but also to atone for sin.

The previous documents have already said that Yao Ji, as a goddess, was able to give birth to three children within a few years, all because Buddhism united with the underworld to plot against Yao Ji.

If this matter is exposed, what will happen to the Heavenly Court now will happen to the Underworld, so the ten kings of the Underworld rushed to please the Yang family, and vowed to establish an unbreakable friendship with the Yang family, so that the Underworld can survive. Disaster.

The water control plan is also very simple, all in the word "draining and blocking". They found that if the weak water is put into the sea, the weak water will be assimilated by the sea water, and it will no longer have the power of "a goose feather cannot float".

After making a plan, dig the mountain, open the mountain, and open the canal. This will inevitably damage the spiritual veins in the mountain and cause the fairy mountain to be downgraded. Those mountain spirits and wild monsters will not agree.

The human race is their own enemy. There is no good person or good thing in the world who saves the enemy and ruins his own practice.

Almost every time a mountain is dug, there will be resistance from powerful monsters.This is a fundamental problem, there is no room for negotiation, we can only start fighting.

Yao Ji, as the head coach, sits in the Huaguo Mountain camp, and the rest of the Yang family are all sent out to subdue the demons.

"Godmother, I encountered a stubble today." Nezha ran to Huaguo Mountain in a panic, and drank a big mouthful of water.

"Oh, who can make you, the vanguard officer, suffer?" Yao Ji smiled and continued to pour water on Nezha.

Nezha specially asked Yao Ji for the title of Pioneer Officer. After all, he is the son of a general, so he thinks this title is mighty and domineering.

"If it's one or two, I'll take them down, but if six of them hit me one, it's really hard for me to fight. Goddamn, where's the eldest brother and the second brother?" Nezha said.

"They haven't come back yet, I'll let San'er go with you." Yao Ji immediately called out Yang Chan.

"Third sister, let's go, you don't know, they not only beat me, but also looked down on me, saying that I am a little kid with no hair..." Nezha pulled Yang Chan away on the spot, and told the six monsters atrocious.

Yang Chan just smiled and said nothing.After getting along with Nezha for so long, she can clearly distinguish which words are true and which are false.

What makes Nezha eat turtles is that there is a mountain called Meishan, and there are six monsters who have practiced for thousands of years in it, and they are also called the Six Monsters of Meishan, which is also well-known in this area.

The eldest, Yuan Hong, is an old ape, with the most profound cultivation, probably at the peak of the Golden Immortal. Although the other five brothers are not close to the cultivation level, the sixth brother who is the last one is also at the peak of the Celestial Immortal, and he is only one step away from becoming a Golden Immortal.

Nezha said that he was besieged by the six monsters before he was defeated. Four can beat Nezha.

The reason why Nezha was able to escape back to Huaguo Mountain to rescue soldiers was because the six monsters didn't kill him because he was still a child.

"The six monsters of Meishan, come out quickly and die!" Nezha went forward to call for battle.

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(End of this chapter)

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