Chapter 48

After picking and pulling, Zhu Cheng actually got a roll of 'Transformation', and Zhu Cheng hurriedly opened it to watch.

The book says that to perform the transformation technique, one must have extremely high skill, and the amount of skill determines the duration of the transformation technique. For example, Zhu Cheng, who has 80 years of skill, can maintain the transformation for an hour. If it is Gu Xiaotong, it will last for 15 minutes at most.

No, Gu Xiaotong can't do it for a second, he doesn't have the talent to practice magic at all.

"Food ribs." Zhu Cheng sighed, this is really a pity that there is no meat to eat.

The transformation technique given by the system has no time limit as long as Zhu Cheng does not unlock it by himself, but the system can only change three times a day, and this transformation technique can theoretically change thousands of times as long as the skill is sufficient. back.

Oh, the reason why Yin Zhong was able to pretend to be Yin Jun and the second master Yin must have used the transformation technique, and he continued to change from his appearance in his twenties to his 40s.

"Let's go, let's learn." After finding a spell with great difficulty, Zhu Cheng didn't want to give up easily, and started to practice according to the book.

There are two major difficulties in performing transformation. The first is skill, which Zhu Cheng possesses, and the second is concentration. You must focus on imagining the object you want to transform in your mind, the more detailed the better, so that the transformation can be lifelike.

"Change!" Zhu Cheng chanted a mantra, and instantly disappeared in place, turning into a chair.

"Crack" the chair fell to the ground, not because someone pushed it, but because the chair was missing a leg and couldn't stand stably.

"I'll change again." Zhu Cheng changed again, this time the chair has four legs, but the back is gone.

"Change for me!"

Three times, five times, three times, a simple chair Zhu Cheng finally became perfect, legs are legs, wood is wood.

"If you let Mr. Wuhen do this, he should master it faster than me." Zhu Cheng can say that obviously he already knows the key to transformation.If you want to master the transformation technique perfectly, it is best to learn painting or sculpture, both of which can achieve a perfect grasp of details, and it happens that Mr. Wuhen is proficient in painting.

Pull, pull, Zhu Cheng continues to pull.

This time he learned to be smart. He found spells or exercises and put them in a corner first, and then he found what he needed most from it and slowly digested them.

After changing the method, his pawing speed was also much faster, and the library cave was also made more messy by him.

"Ah, ah, why are you throwing books everywhere!" Xiao Yi came to deliver dinner to Zhu Cheng, and was very upset to see Zhu Cheng throwing books everywhere.

I think he was the one who cleaned it last time.Elders love to abuse children.

"Oh, sorry, sorry, I will clean it up." Zhu Cheng turned around and looked at the books all over the floor to express his apology.I didn't notice at all when I was picking, it turned out that I had lost so many books.Not to mention that the quality of the Tong clan's letters is really good, and they didn't fall apart after being treated so violently by Zhu Cheng.

"It's better like this, otherwise I won't bring you food." Xiao Yi put down the food box and left angrily.

A little kid came and went in a hurry every time, and his puffy appearance was so cute.

Zhu Cheng, who is too old to be as knowledgeable as a child, opened the food box for dinner.

Well, it's carrots again.

"This brat shouldn't be called Xiao Yi, but Xiao Luobo." Zhu Cheng shook his head, cooked another bowl of dry rice and continued to paw.

After eight or nine o'clock in the evening, Zhu Cheng was a little tired, so he stretched out and prepared to come back tomorrow.

"Miss Zhao, are you still asleep?" Zhu Cheng ran into Zhao Yun on the way back, she seemed to be admiring the moon in the courtyard but also seemed to be in a daze.

"Ah, no, no." Zhao Yun ran away as if Zhu Cheng was fleeing when he saw that it was Zhu Cheng. Zhu Cheng was stunned for three seconds, a little, no, very embarrassed.

When did we become monsters, even if we saw my true face, wouldn’t it be scary to be an old man, besides, I will be like this in the future when I have the blood and vitality, when you are an old lady, I will still be a young guy.

Zhu Cheng has been single for many years and naturally does not understand women's hearts.When Zhao Yun first met Zhu Cheng, he planted a seed of love in his heart. Although he saw Zhu Cheng's true face, the seed of love was deeply rooted and difficult to remove.

She was not in the room so late, but was "watching the moon" on the road that Zhu Cheng must pass, because she was waiting for Zhu Cheng.

How can I describe that feeling? I'm afraid and want to get closer. I can't explain clearly. This is a kind of contradiction in itself.

On the next day, Zhu Cheng went to the library cave again, and before he knew it, it was time for dinner again.

"Master, son, eat." Zhao Yun shyly put the food box outside the cave and ran away in a panic.

Why is she here to deliver the food?

Zhao Yun didn't sleep for another night, and there were two images of Zhu Cheng in his mind, one old and one young, one ugly and one handsome, constantly comparing and exchanging, flashing and flashing, the next day he was woken up by Doudou in a daze to go to dinner Hall for dinner.

"Xiaoyi, who are you delivering food to?" Doudou asked Xiaoyi.

"The man in the library cave, he came with you, sister. Are you friends? Let me tell you, he is a sloppy man, he throws books everywhere..." Xiao Yi gave Zhu Cheng After delivering meals twice, he was able to enumerate his top ten crimes in front of Doudou, what a real person.

"Hohohoho..." Doudou laughed and leaned back and forth. If he hadn't seen Tong Bo coming, he would probably have been able to keep laughing.

"Xiaoyi, let me deliver the food for you." Zhao Yun said to Xiaoyi while Doudou went to talk to Tong Bo.

"Really, thank you, Sister Yun." Xiao Yi readily handed the food box to Zhao Yun, and happily went to play with his friends.

Maybe fifteen or sixteen years old is the age of marriage in the outside world, but in Shuiyue Cave where the average lifespan of heavenly beings is one hundred and fifty, fifteen or sixteen years old is just a little ghost, still a carefree age.

Zhu Cheng opened the food box and saw, yo, it’s no longer radishes, there is a dish of green vegetables, a dish of tofu, a bowl of egg drop soup, and a bowl of rice.

"Thank you." Zhu Cheng thanked Zhao Yun's back. Zhao Yun didn't stop, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

If Xiao Yi came to deliver the meal, it would naturally be a carrot.

Zhao Yun took the food box and opened it, his expression immediately turned bad. Is this kid entertaining distinguished guests like you?
Zhao Yun changed the dishes, instead of carrots.

From then on, Zhao Yun delivered Zhu Cheng's three meals a day. At first, Zhao Yun put down the food box and left. Later, he silently watched Zhu Cheng finish eating, then took back the food box and left.Even speaking is very polite and official.

Zhu Cheng doesn't care, or he is now devoting himself to spells. He found a volume of good stuff "Wind Control Jue", learned high depths and can resist strong winds. tree broken.

Zhu Cheng studied for a long time but couldn't get started, obviously missing the key, so he ran to find Elder Tianxing with the book.

Elder Tianxing was practicing spells. When he saw Zhu Cheng's arrival, he accepted his work and asked, "Xiaocheng, have you encountered a problem?"

"Yes, Elder Tianxing. Please explain to the elder." Zhu Cheng handed the Yufeng Jue to Elder Tianxing.

"I have learned the second-level spells. It seems that your talent is outstanding." The Tong family divided the spells into three ranks. Spells such as Yufeng Jue have powerful lethality, and third-order spells are spells cast by gods and demons, which can destroy the world.

"Xiaocheng, have you learned the transformation technique?" Elder Tianxing asked.

"I learned."

"Let me show it."

Zhu Cheng nodded, made a formula, and chanted the word "change", and suddenly he became an elder of Tianxing, with the same face and beard.

"Not bad, not bad," said Elder Tian Xing, stroking his beard kindly, and then changed the topic: "But from my observation, your practice method doesn't seem to be the one handed down by the Tong family."

"Uh, this, this."

Oops, let me show you! ! !
What to do, urgent, wait online.

(End of this chapter)

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