The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 49: Longevity Art and Barrier Overview

Chapter 49: Longevity Art and Barrier Overview

"Putong, putong" No matter how well-informed Zhu Cheng was, under the questioning of Elder Tianxing, his heartbeat was still racing and he was very nervous.

From the moment he met Shang Yin Zhong, he knew that this place was no longer number one in the world, but Shuiyuedongtian with a higher force value. If Elder Tianxing dismantled it, even if the Tong clan did not kill people, they would definitely imprison Zhu Cheng to death.Zhu Cheng is very sure that he is definitely not the opponent of these elders now, let alone this is the stronghold of the Tong clan.

"Did you lose it when you were fleeing?" Elder Tianxing asked with a smile.

"Ah! Oh, yes, yes, the patriarch told you." Zhu Cheng broke into a cold sweat.

"I'm ashamed, the skills I practice now are indeed different from those of my tribe. If I hadn't met a strange man named Tianchi strange man back then, we might have completely become ordinary people." Alas, the skills of nonsense are so deep Yes, this is not good, not good.

"So that's how it is. Sit down cross-legged, and I'll pass on the skills of your family." Elder Tianxing said.

"Yeah." Zhu Cheng was so moved that he almost cried, Elder Tianxing is really a good person.

"My family's kung fu has been passed down from word to mouth, and listen carefully." Elder Tian Xing pointed at Zhu Cheng's eyebrows, and then heard him explain the kung fu route and kung fu key points.

The Tong clan learned the lesson from Yin Zhong back then, and destroyed the secret books of the exercises, leaving only the magic books, so as to ensure that no one would rely on the Tong clan's skills to harm the world. It is impossible to cast Tier [-] spells.

The Tong clan's practice was obtained from Guang Chengzi, and it's called the 'Longevity Jue', which is divided into three realms.The first realm is 'Building a Foundation', the second realm is 'Bigu', and the third realm is 'God and Demon'.

This is fundamentally a self-cultivation method, so the power generated after running the longevity formula for a long time is between the power and the mana, which is stronger than the mana, but slightly inferior to the mana.

The reason is that the Tong family has modified the exercises.As the aura in this world dwindled, the original version of the Longevity Jue could no longer practice normally. They could only absorb martial arts secret books and integrate their inner strength cultivation methods with the Longevity Jue.

The foundation-building state is very successful, and it has reached the foundation-building state since the generation of aura, but it is extremely difficult to reach the bigu.

As the name suggests, bigu can be alive and kicking without eating or drinking. The elder Tianxing, who has the highest cultivation level of the Tong clan, has only touched the threshold of bigu state. At his age, it is impossible to break through to bigu state.

Where is Yin Zhong?
He is between bigu and gods and demons, and even one foot has stepped into the threshold of gods and demons.

"Sure enough, it is broad and profound." After running for a long time, Zhu Cheng immediately felt the extraordinaryness of the formula of longevity, and the jade body skill was not the same as it.This is also normal, the Longevity Art is a kung fu practiced and improved by the Tong clan for thousands of years.

"You try again against the wind." Elder Tianxing said.

"Okay," Zhu Cheng recited the spell and cast the spell with the formula of longevity.

"Huh—" Sure enough, a gust of wind blew up in the flat ground, blowing Elder Tianxiang's long beard.

"Okay." Zhu Cheng is happy. Although the power is very small, it is because Zhu Cheng has too little internal energy of the Longevity Art in his body. As long as all the internal energy of the Jade Body Skill in the body is converted into the internal energy of the Longevity Art, Zhu Cheng believes that Typhoon Leech will blow. Horses are not dreams.

"Your talent is beyond imagination, by the way, how old are you?" Elder Tianxing asked.

"It's 75." Zhu Cheng is not sure, he is a person who can live forever, why do you care about age, we will always be.

"You will definitely be able to defeat the bigu realm before you are two hundred years old." Elder Tianxing praised Zhu Cheng, but why did he want to cry so much? There are still more than 100 years, and he will be too old to move by then, so what's the bigu use.

Hey, it is said that the formula of longevity is called the formula of longevity, how long can it prolong life?

According to the records of the Tong clan, the longest-lived person who established the foundation reached five hundred years old. Of course, that must have the cultivation level of Elder Tianxing.As for the Bigu Realm, it is said that it can live for 500 years, but that is just a legend; the God Demon Realm can live as long as the sky, this span is simply unbelievable.

"Then I'll take my leave first." After consulting Yufeng Jue, Zhu Cheng didn't bother him anymore, and went back to the library cave to read.

The power of the first-order spells is limited, and the number is relatively large. Zhu Chenggong collected five of them, namely, the transformation technique, the water avoiding spell, the listening to the wind spell, the qi watching spell, and the fire avoiding spell.

In addition to the Wind Control Jue, the second-order technique also has a Fire Control Jue and a Thunder Yu Jue.These blessings are difficult to display, his skills are insufficient, and the conversion of skills cannot be done overnight, at least it will take a month.

Remember first, speak later.

Zhu Cheng took the "Overview of Enchantment" and read it. It recorded enchantment techniques such as water curtain enchantment, dark enchantment, and living forest enchantment, some of which were first-level and some second-level.

Bang, the door of the library cave was opened.

Yinxiu, Tong Bo, and Tong Zhan walked in.Tong Zhan woke up on the third day after he came back, and he recovered only [-]% to [-]% after raising him for five days.

"Ah, why is it so messy." Yinxiu jumped and said angrily, "Xiaocheng, are you reading or destroying books?"

"Haha," Zhu Cheng asked with a naive smile, "What are you looking for?"

"It's okay, look at yours, let's find it ourselves." Yinxiu said to Tong Bo and Tong Zhan: "I will go left, Tong Bo will go right, Tong Zhan will go forward, and tell me as soon as I find it."

"Okay." Tong Bo and Tong Zhan rolled up their sleeves to do it, while Zhu Cheng stepped back to read a book, so as not to hinder them from finding things.

An hour later.

"Huhuhu...why not, I clearly remember it." Yinxiu said angrily.

"Yinxiu, have you lost your mind and misremembered, and you don't have that book at all?" Tong Zhan said.

"Impossible, how could I remember wrongly." Yin Xiu said: "Also, who did you just say was stupid and talked to the teacher like that?"

"Alright Yinxiu, Tong Zhan is also in a hurry, if you think about it again, is it not in the library cave but at your house?" Tong Bo said.

"Let me think about it, let me think about it..." Yinxiu closed his eyes and thought for a while before confirming, "That's right, it must be in the library cave."

"Okay, then let's keep looking." Tong Bo said, Tong Zhan had to be patient and search again.

After half an hour.

"I won't look for it anymore! Brother, Yin Xiu must have made a mistake." Tong Zhan lost his patience and shouted.


"You just misremembered."

"Have you ever talked to an old man like that?" Yinxiu put his hands on his hips, glaring at Tong Zhan angrily.

"Okay, okay, don't say a few words, what books are you looking for, I can help." Zhu Cheng said that he wanted to be a peacemaker.

"It's none of your business!" Yin Xiu and Tong Zhan scolded Zhu Cheng in unison.

"Don't mind, they are like this." Tong Bo said to Zhu Cheng slightly apologetically.

Zhu Cheng didn't speak, and retreated to the corner to continue reading.

Perhaps it was the sound of flipping the slips that caught Yinxiu's attention. He unconsciously glanced in Zhu Cheng's direction and happened to see the book.

"Hey, hey, hey! I found it, I found it, haha." Yinxiu pushed Tong Zhan away, took the "Overview of Barrier" from Zhu Cheng's hand without saying a word, brought the book in front of Tong Zhan proudly, and said: " How, how, I will say yes."

"Okay, okay, you're right, it's all my fault."

"Xiaocheng, the book is in your hand, why didn't you say something?" Yinxiu asked.

"I, I..." Zhu Cheng was speechless, and it was the one who told him to leave it alone, and scolded, 'it's none of your business'.Don't think that if you are an old man, I won't beat you.

"Okay, now that we've found it, let's go. Brother Cheng, we'll take the book away first, and I'll give it to you when we come back." Tong Bo said.

"Where are you going?" Zhu Cheng asked.

"It's been eight days since we went out to look for Tong Xin, and we are very worried about him." Tong Bo said.

It has been eight days since Tong Xin disappeared, and Tong Zhan can't tell where Tong Xin has gone, so he has to find it as soon as possible.It's a pity that the teleportation array of Hell Rock has been destroyed, and it hasn't been repaired in time. The only way to get out is through several layers of barriers in the Water Moon Cave.

"Let me go together." I also read all the techniques that should be read. The overview of enchantment is the last book, so it was taken to Zhu Cheng.

Furthermore, the purpose of coming to Shuiyuedongtian has been achieved, and it is time to leave. After all, the identity of Zhu Cheng, a member of the Tong clan, is fake, and he is always worried about being exposed.

There is just this justification.

"Okay," Tong Bo said, "Send Doudou and Ms. Zhao out by the way." Yes, the Tong clan is extremely xenophobic, it is an exception for Zhao Yun and Doudou to stay here for so many days, it's time to send their sisters out.

(End of this chapter)

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