Chapter 507 Little Phoenix

The level of the banquet was too high, God of War and True Monarch Tianlei were not eligible to attend, and the two of them dispersed after the matter was settled.

Zhenjun Tianlei went to the Yuan family and told the Yuan family about the Youdu Mountain.

The Yuan family would not believe other people's words, but the old lady of the Yuan family certainly believed what Tianlei Zhenjun, the God of War's nemesis, said.

Thinking of her child Yuan Zheng who had slain countless demons, and thinking of Jiuchen God of War who endured humiliation to protect the Yuan family, the old lady of the Yuan family felt extremely guilty, and took Yuan Tong, the head of the Yuan family, to Fuyun Hall to plead guilty.

"Old lady, please get up quickly." Jiu Chen hurriedly helped the old lady up. Although she had a higher position than the old lady, she was an elder after all, and she was highly respected in the Celestial Clan.

"I'm so ashamed that I don't know God of War..." Mrs. Yuan burst into tears as she spoke, feeling extremely guilty. Now that rumors are spreading in the palace, she has also contributed a lot in it.

"I promised Yuan Zheng that I will protect your Yuan family. And the rules of heaven will change soon. If one person falls into a demon, the whole family will not be implicated. Let's go back and wait for the good news." While Jiu Chen was speaking, the generals in the war department had already Come to Fuyun Palace.

Tianlei Zhenjun is also decisive, since he has convinced Jiuchen, he will assist him wholeheartedly, and will hand over the military affairs of the Celestial Clan to Jiuchen that day.

"I'm resigning, Yuan Tong, please stay for the meeting." The old lady left, and Yuan Tong, as a general of the war department, also stayed to obey the orders of the generals, hiding in his heart for tens of thousands of years, the love of Jiu Chen Heart, at this moment is at its peak.

It is the rule of heaven for one person to fall into the devil and the whole family is implicated. Since it is the rule of heaven, it cannot be abolished hastily.

And because Zhu Cheng was in Tiangong, Tianjun needed to be with him, so he thought about putting off the matter of Tiantiao for a few days. Tiantiao had been there for hundreds of thousands of years, and he was not in a hurry for this moment.

As for the Bingxin Jue, Tianjun ordered Baifan to inform the master gods of the halls on the same day.

Order them to pass on this method, and within a year, they must clear away the evil thoughts hidden in their bodies, especially the Lie Yi and Yuan family, these families that have had their clansmen bewitched by demons.

While everyone was busy, Lingxi, the little fairy in the Fuyun Palace, had returned, and she also brought the Shuiyue Ding to the Heavenly Palace.

It's not that she wants to steal it, but that she has the protagonist's halo body protection. The artifact has to be begging for nothing to recognize her as its owner. It turned into a bracelet and put it on her hand. She couldn't take it off even if she wanted to. .

Since Lingxi was able to abduct Shuiyueding, she also recovered the battle report, and she already knew the truth about the battle at Youdu Mountain.

When passing by the Nantianmen, Lingxi also heard the guard talking about "the suspicion of God of War is still not cleared, how can he take charge of the war department?"

"Hey—what can we do if Tianjun is partial? Fortunately, we are just the little guards of the Nantianmen, otherwise we will follow him to fight, and we will die like those hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals."

Lingxi admired Tianjun, and of course she didn't agree to their arrangement, and shouted sharply: "Bold, how dare you talk about the God of War, there is no respect!"

The guard was frightened, the Heavenly Palace has a strict hierarchy, let alone talking about the God of War at their level, even talking about the God of God would be punished, he was so frightened that he apologized again and again: "Fairy calm down, Xiaoxian made a slip of the tongue, please look at the fairy net Be open."

"Hmph!" Lingxi snorted coldly, and strode into the Nantian Gate. Seeing her leaving figure, the guard muttered, "What's the air, I'm sure I'll be cheated to death someday."

"Don't talk about it, let's concentrate on doing errands, and beware of misfortune coming out of your mouth."

At the first gate, Lingxi could barely suppress her anger.Although her mind is not bright, she also knows that the Jiuchen God of War concealed the battle at Youdu Mountain back then to protect the Yuan family, and she didn't want the God of War to endure the humiliation and waste all previous efforts.

But as she got deeper, the words she heard became more and more unpleasant.

Said that even if God of War was not wrong in the battle at Youdu Mountain back then, but he arrogantly burned the battle report, it was still a crime, and he could not be forgiven.

Some even expressed grievances for the Yuan family, saying that the children of the Yuan family were really aggrieved when they died.

There are also those who complain about Zhenjun Tianlei, saying that it is not good when Jiuchen will return, and he has to wait for Zhenjun to return when he crosses the ninth thunder.

All in all, all in all, Tiangong is now talking badly about Jiu Chen.

"Ah! I can't stand it!"

If you love someone, how can you watch your lover suffer unjust injustice.Let him go to hell with everything about the Yuan family, I'm not familiar with you, I only have God of War in my eyes and in my heart.

Lingxi released the content of the battle report on the spot: a video of Yuan Zheng being enchanted, and Jiu Chen had to ruthlessly kill his beloved general.

She wanted to let everyone in Tiangong know about this, so she wasn't afraid to make things too big, like a moving movie, played all the way.

The movie's exciting fights and shocking content attracted countless immortals to watch, and they came to the hall with Lingxi.

Since the matter is going to be aggravated, it is natural to report it to Tianjun. Only the will of Tianjun can restore the innocence of God of War, so that God of War can sit firmly in his position dignifiedly.

"What's the noise outside the hall?" Tianjun frowned slightly, and the Hundred Fan Immortal beside him hurriedly went to check outside, and saw Lingxi bringing hundreds of immortals to the outside of the hall in a mighty manner, holding a bag in his hand. This battle report broadcasts the Battle of Youdu Mountain that year.

"Tianjun, it's not good, that Taolin Xiaoxian..." Baishan truthfully reported to Tianjun what he saw just now, but it gave Tianjun a headache.

He really didn't expect that the burnt battle report could still be restored. If he had known this, he would have revised the rules of heaven immediately.

Now the rule of heaven has not been abolished, that is to say, it still has the force of law. All the immortals in the Tiangong already know the truth of the year.

"Heavenly Monarch, Lingxi, the fairy of Fuyun Temple, is asking to see you."

"Xuan come in." Tianjun couldn't refuse to see her, so he could only announce her into the hall, while the rest of the immortals waited outside the hall.

Entering the hall, Lingxi was still holding the battle report tightly in his hand, and the battle of Youdu Mountain was still projected in the void.

"Lingxi, hello..." Lingxi wanted to say hello to Tianjun, but was surprised to find that the one sitting on the main seat was not Tianjun, not only that, but also a man and a woman, but for a while, she didn't know what to do. continue.

"You little phoenix is ​​quite capable of tossing around." Zhu Cheng sat on the main seat of the main hall and laughed.

"Phoenix? Xiaoxian is a Danniao." Lingxi grew up in Taolin, and she doesn't know the rules like the one who lives in Tiangong. She knows Zhu Cheng's status is extraordinary, but she still speaks out to correct his mistakes.

"Husband, could it be that you have misread it? I saw that she is also a Dan bird." Shanshan was also a little puzzled, not only she had it, but Tianjun and Tianzun also had it.

In their eyes, Lingxi is indeed a Dan bird.

(End of this chapter)

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