The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 508 Yuan Family Expelled

Chapter 508 Yuan Family Expelled

All eyes were on Zhu Cheng with doubts.Zhu Cheng naturally didn't like this kind of look, and immediately pointed at Lingxi.

"Return to the original."

Suddenly, Lingxi changed from a human form to a big red bird, but it was indeed Dan Bird.

"Husband, look..." Shanshan still wanted to mock her husband, but she didn't expect that Danniao would change.

As if the equipment was upgraded, Danniao was full of flames, his wings became longer and his body became taller and taller, and he became very handsome.

If you look at it again, it is still a simple bird. It is clearly a phoenix with a chicken head, a swallow jaw, a snake neck, a turtle back, a fish tail, and a five-colored, six-foot-high mythical beast.


The phoenix folded its wings and landed on the ground, turning into a human-shaped coffin, speechless for a long time.

After being a Dan bird for 5 years, who would have thought that he was actually a phoenix.

My father is Danniao and I am Phoenix, so is my father still my father?
However, even so, out of love for Jiuchen, Lingxi still couldn't forget the purpose of coming to the hall today, and bowed down and said: "Tianjun, this is the battle report of Youdu Mountain, please return the God of War clean."

"I already know about this matter," Tianjun said with a long sigh: "The decree was issued to exile the Yuan family to the mountain spirit world, and they will not be allowed to enter the Heavenly Palace again without a summons."

"Yes, Tianjun." Baishan took the order, and now it's time to go to the Yuan family to issue the decree.

The old lady of the Yuan family was a little dazed when she suddenly received this order.

Didn't Zhenjun Tianlei say that Tianjun planned to hide this matter? After questioning, he found out that it was Lingxi, the little fairy from Taolin, who did the wrong thing.

"Mrs. Yuan, let's take the clansmen to the mountain spirit world first. When the rules of heaven are amended, Tianjun will definitely recall the Yuan family. Take advantage of this opportunity to practice Bingxin Jue." Baifan Xian deserved to follow Tianjun for a long time The old man knows what Tianjun is thinking.

"That's the only way to go. In this way, God of War can be considered innocent. Sigh—" The old lady had no choice but to order the disciples of the Yuan family to pack up and call Yuan Tong back.

"Er—" Jiuchen naturally felt a headache when he heard about this, but he couldn't say anything more after the matter had come to this point, he could only wait for the revision of the Tiantiao.

Speaking of the main hall, everyone was also very curious about the fact that Lingxi was a phoenix.

"Husband, why is she a Danniao at one time, and a Phoenix at another time, what's going on?" Shan Shan asked.

"It's very simple. Although her father is a dan bird, her mother is a phoenix. It's just that she doesn't have enough mana and hasn't awakened the phoenix blood." Zhu Cheng replied.

"So that's how it is." Only then did Shanshan, Tianjun, and Tianzun understand.

"Then, how dare you ask your lord, who is my mother and where is she?" Lingxi has been a child without a mother since she was a child, and she only has a drunkard father. It is really pitiful, and she always envies others who have mothers.

"Spiritual mirror, manifest immediately." Zhu Cheng didn't bother to talk too much, and immediately let the spiritual mirror appear for everyone to see, thus solving the mystery of Lingxi's life experience.

Lingxi's mother was the princess of the mountain spirit world back then, and now the lord of the country 'Lingyue'.And although her biological father is a dan bird, it is not a dan bird like Le Bo, but a dan bird called Mo Huan, his junior brother.

Lingyue and Mohuan were in love back then, and they hit it off so they made a private decision for life, and they also gave birth to the child Lingxi.

But her father disagreed. Since ancient times, even the marriage has to be beneficial to the emperor's family.

Not to mention that there were only two little birds left in the Danniao clan at that time, even when the Danniao clan was in glory, their status was far inferior to that of the princess of the mountain spirit world.

Lingyue's father, Yuandu, sent troops to kill Mo Huan, but the young couple decided to elope. Mo Huan also sent a letter to Doctor Le Bo to meet him at Youdu Mountain, the exit of the mountain spirit world.

It's a pity that the pursuers are too strong, Mo Huan can only fight with his life, and let Lingyue take the child to go first.

Although Lingyue came to Youdu Mountain with Lingxi, she was worried that Mo Huan just put Lingxi at the foot of the mountain, protected it with immortal methods, and turned back to save Mohuan.

It's just that Lingyue went back late, she only saw Mo Huan's body, and she was also taken back by her father.

What Lingyue never expected was that the battle between gods and demons was going on, reaching Youdu Mountain, and the mountain rocks pressed down and buried Lingxi.

After Jiuchen killed all the heavenly soldiers and generals possessed by demons, he sealed the Demon Lord with his own mana, but accidentally found Lingxi in the stone pile.

Because of the protection of immortality, Lingxi did not die.

At that time, Mozun also found the child, a ray of primordial spirit forcibly broke through the seal, wanting to take away the child, Jiu Chen had no choice but to inject the last ray of divine power into Lingxi's body to help him resist the demon's primordial spirit.

After doing this, Jiuchen became incapable of moving like a robot with exhausted energy, and then was frozen in the Longevity Sea for 5 years.

The reason why Lingxi was able to awaken Swallowing Beast and Jiuchen was because he possessed the power of gods and demons, so she could also awaken Demon Lord and help Demon Lord break through the seal.

"What! She's a demon!"

Immediately, Tianjun and Tianzun lost their composure, and stood up suddenly, as if they were going to execute Lingxi on the spot.Lingxi herself also widened her eyes, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Husband, this child is so pitiful. He has been burdened with so much since he was born." Only Shanshan looked at it, and felt sorry for Lingxi.

Lingxi is indeed pitiful, her father died not long after she was born; her father who raised her for 5 years is not her own father; she didn't do anything, she was regarded as a demon and would be beaten and killed.

How does Shanshan feel soft-hearted about this.

"Come here, child, come forward." Shanshan beckoned to Lingxi, and Lingxi somehow stepped forward and knelt down at Shanshan's knees.

"Son, you have been wronged." Shanshan gently stroked Lingxi's beautiful hair, turned to Zhu Cheng and said, "Husband, you have to help her."

"It's natural, and this is what I hate the most." Zhu Cheng naturally wants to stand on the same side with his wife, otherwise he will not be happy for the rest of his life.

"However, she has been impregnated with demonic thoughts since she was a child, and even I can't pull them all away."

"You can." Shanshan said.

Shanshan looked at Zhu Cheng with that kind of adoring and somewhat threatening eyes, and Zhu Cheng said that he really couldn't bear it.

"However, as long as you reshape her physical body, it will be solved."

"Thank you, thank you." Lingxi didn't know what Zhu Cheng meant, so she just thanked her.

The eyes of Tianjun and Tianzun almost popped out. Is the big Tianzun trying to create things?
No one knows better than them how powerful the first generation of Protoss is. Not to mention high aptitude, the starting point is also a thief.

Although Jiu Chen is the God of War, he is weaker than Mo Yuan back then by more than a star.

"Da Tianzun, absolutely not. If you want to cleanse your evil thoughts, you can reincarnate and cooperate with Bingxin Jue. You don't need to waste your energy." A simple thing, but a very life-threatening thing.

Back then, my grandfather "Father God" would not have died young if it hadn't been because of too many creations.

"Husband——" Shanshan dragged out a long tone.

"All right—"

As long as my wife is happy.

"Report to Heavenly Monarch, the lord of the Shanling Clan is asking to see you outside Lingyue Palace."

(End of this chapter)

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