Chapter 509

"Heavenly Monarch, please meet outside Lingyue Hall, the Lord of Shanling Kingdom."

Zhu Cheng's banquet was really lively, and after a while, another heavyweight came.

"She came quickly, Xuan." Tianjun knew what Lingyue was here for, and immediately asked someone to let her in.

You can see that although Lingyue is 10,000+ years old, it has been well maintained, and its charm is still there, but its eyes are red and its face is covered with tears. It is obvious that it has cried a lot.

But I don't know whether to cry because of sadness, or because of joy.

"Lingxi, my child, come to mother quickly." Lingyue was also bold, she just didn't know Zhu Cheng and Shanshan when she saw her, but she didn't salute Tianjun and Tianzun when she met Tianjun and Tianzun, she didn't even say hello nothing.

As a mother, a mother who has been separated from her daughter for 5 years, now she only has Lingxi in her heart and eyes, and she can't pretend to be someone else.

For the sake of her daughter, she is willing to take out her heart and liver, and she still cares about such mere etiquette.

"Son, go." Shanshan stroked Lingxi's head, and Lingxi walked towards Lingyue in a tangled, shy and confused way.

"Ah! My daughter!"

Lingyue saw her daughter with the long mark, and hugged her in her arms.

Lingyue had waited 5 years for this hug.For others, it is an easy thing for a mother and daughter to hug, but for Lingyue, it is extremely difficult.

Even for tens of thousands of years, she always thought that her daughter was dead. It was not until a few days ago when she had a fortune-telling at the Antarctic Fairy that she learned that her daughter was not dead.

Just when he was about to spread his hands to look for it, Tiangong immediately sent a message saying that his daughter was in Tiangong, in the main hall.

"Mother finally found you, daughter!"

Lingyue wept unceasingly, what she cried was heart-piercing and heart-breaking.And her style finally paid off.

"Mother—" Lingxi said this word extremely jerky. She has never had a mother in 5 years, so she has never called anyone mother.

"Hey." Lingyue was still crying, but her mood had changed, and now she was crying with joy.The daughter recognized her, and she didn't blame me for abandoning her back then, almost killing her.

"Mother." Lingxi called out again, much more subtly and subtly than the first cry, and tears finally welled up in her eyes, unstoppable.


Shan Shan's eyes were shallow, unable to contain the many tears, and he also started to cry when he saw such a touching picture of their mother and daughter reuniting.

Even the Baifan Immortal, the old man in Tiangong, could hardly hold back his tears. It's not good to lose one's manners in front of the palace. It's a big deal to make up for it by crying after returning from work. Anyway, their immortals have a good memory, which happened more than a hundred years ago. Also vividly.

"Come on, wipe your tears." Zhu Cheng handed out a brocade handkerchief to wipe Shan Shan's tears.

"Why don't you cry, this is so touching, so cold-blooded, woo woo woo..." Shanshan took the brocade handkerchief and wiped it while crying, and even scolded Zhu Cheng.

"Um—" Zhu Cheng was speechless.

What else do you want from me, Lingxi has been separated for many years, didn't I help them make their mother and daughter recognize each other?It's not that I will have to recreate her body later.

Do you have to let me cry and hug you like you?

Well, the above complaints Zhu Cheng only dared to talk about in his heart, he wrote down in the notebook, and then locked it, so he definitely couldn’t tell Shanshan face to face.

On the surface, it is natural that what my wife said is right, I listen to my wife, I can do whatever I want, who gave our family this strength and this condition.

"Ahem, Lingyue, I know you are eager, but this is the Tiangong Hall after all, please..." Tianjun finally couldn't stand it anymore. Although I understand that it is not easy for you mother and daughter to reunite, but now Tianzun and Datianzun are here, You can't just keep crying like this.

"Ah, I also ask Tianjun and Tianzun to forgive me. Lingyue is rude." After all, Lingyue is the lord of a country. After being said by Tianjun, she immediately changed her mind and saluted Tianjun and Tianzun gracefully.

"Hey, who are these two?"

Lingyue finally noticed Zhu Cheng and his wife sitting on the main seat, bowed down and asked, and looked at Lingxi inquiringly.

Lingxi was the same as him. Although she was curious about the identities of Zhu Cheng and Shanshan, she hadn't had time to ask, so she shook her head slightly, expressing that she didn't know.

"This is the Supreme God of the Haotian Golden Tower. Naturally, Miaoyou Miluo Zhizhen Tianzun and the other is the wife of the Great Tianzun, Shanzhu Niangniang." After Tianjun introduced Zhu Cheng and his wife in one breath, he almost couldn't hold back his anger. , It’s really that Zhu Cheng’s title is too long, and I don’t know what Grandpa Tianjun thought back then.

"Lingyue, the Lord of the Mountain Spirit, pays homage to the Supreme God of the Haotian Golden Tower, Mi Luo Zhizhen Tianzun, and pays homage to the Goddess of the Mountain Lord." Lingyue worshiped with sincerity and fear.

"Taolin Lingxi, pay homage to the Supreme God of the Haotian Golden Tower, of course Miaoyou Miluo Zhizhen Tianzun, and greet the empress of the mountain master." Lingxi's worship is purely following the trend, following her mother. He is too young, only [-] years old, and he doesn't know what it means for the Supreme God of Haotian Golden Temple to have Miluo Zhizhen Tianzun naturally.

"Okay, okay," Shanshan wiped away tears, and said: "My child, I like you so much, since you kneel down to me, why don't I recognize you as a goddaughter."


Zhu Cheng was the first to refuse, and the rest of Tianjun and others were petrified on the spot.Zhu Cheng knows Shanshan's temper, she doesn't like Lingxi, she clearly sees Lingxi's poor background, and she is used to sympathizing with the weak, that's why she has this idea.

Zhu Chengzi wants to stop her whim, goddaughter, if you recognize your goddaughter, then I will be equal to me, the supreme god of Haotian Jinque, naturally Miaoyou Miluo Zhizhen Tianzun recognizes your goddaughter, unless I divorce you up.

Ke Shanshan, my wife, do you know what it means in this world for me to be the goddaughter of Miluo Zhizhen, the supreme god of Haotian Jinque, naturally Miaoyou?

That is the sky, no, it is much higher than the sky.

In terms of seniority, everyone in the world has to call him aunt. My God, a little bird who is only fifty thousand years old will become aunt.

Shanshan, you are not joking.

"Huh? What were you talking about just now?" Shanshan glanced at Zhu Cheng with a cold look.


Zhu Cheng didn't struggle, and changed his words on the spot.For the sake of family harmony and future happiness, this compromise has to be compromised.

Look carefully at that coffin, it looks pretty good, even if there is something about the buttocks and breasts that you are not satisfied with, just pinch it when the time comes and you are satisfied.

"Miss Shanzhu, this is absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible, how can my little girl dare not accept it." Lingyue finally reacted from the petrified state, and sincerely refused, although this is the supreme favor, But their mountain spirit world temple is small, and it is really unbearable.

"I am willing." However, Lingxi agreed without saying a word. She really likes Shanshan. What a kind elder she is.

There is no mother for 5 years, and there are two at once. Is there anything more joyful in the world than this?

"Okay, okay, call your mother to come and listen." Shanshan was extremely happy.


"Hey—" Shanshan wept with joy, Zhu Cheng finally understood from her tears why she insisted on recognizing Lingxi as her daughter.

Shanshan has no children, she is a traditional woman, and she sees a house full of children, especially this mother-daughter reunion, how can you tell her to be suppressed.

(End of this chapter)

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