The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 510 One Kiss Engagement

Chapter 510 One Kiss Engagement

The deal is done, and Zhu Cheng admits it. Thinking about it, Shanshan has been suffering in his heart for the past few years. He must be secretly hating her stomach for not living up to expectations. It's just that she doesn't show her kindness on the surface.


At this moment, the demonic energy in Lingxi's body exploded, and today's mood fluctuated greatly, and because Jiuchen was awakened, there was no divine power in his body to suppress the demonic energy, and his own immortal power was too weak, so the demonic energy finally erupted at this moment.

The mark of the demon king appeared on the neck, and the black magic energy was exuded from the whole body, spreading towards the surroundings like black flames.

"not good!"


Everyone yelled that it was not good, and Lingyue was even more frightened. She knew the rules of the Celestial Clan, and she had to be killed if she became possessed. Could it be that she had just met her daughter and was about to say goodbye to her?

However, Lingyue's worries are superfluous, because Zhu Cheng is here, even if Zhu Cheng is not there, Shanshan is not a vase, because she loves her newly adopted goddaughter, she makes a move before Zhu Cheng.

Shan Shan used his mana and easily suppressed the demonic energy that erupted from Lingxi.

"Mom, what happened to me just now?" Lingxi asked Lingyue in a daze. Although the demonic energy had been in her body for many years, it was the first time she had erupted. She just felt uncomfortable all over her body, wanting to eat meat and drink blood.

"Da Tianzun, empress, please save Lingxi." Lingyue did not answer Lingxi, but begged Zhu Cheng and Shanshan.

"It doesn't have to be like this, in fact, before you came to the hall, we were going to help Lingxi solve this matter." Shanshan helped Lingyue, the god-in-law, up from the air.

"Husband, let's start now." Shanshan helped Lingyue up, turned his head and said to Zhu Cheng.

"Is it right here?" Zhu Cheng asked.

Shanshan was taken aback for a moment, and said: "It's true that I didn't think about it," and asked Lingxi, "Lingxi, where do you like to stay the most?"

"Fuyun Palace." Lingxi blurted out, and if Medical Immortal Le Bo heard these words, she would be so angry that she would jump up and down, chirping in her ears endlessly, telling her: "I forget my father when I see sex."

"Okay, then go to Fuyun Palace." Shanshan agreed on Zhu Cheng's behalf, and Zhu Cheng doesn't care, anyway, as long as there is a quiet place for him to create, no matter where Fuyun Palace is, no matter how lively it is, he will make a big deal Go into the spiritual mirror.

"Fuyun Temple, isn't that the residence of the God of War?" Lingyue was puzzled, how did her daughter get involved with the Temple of War God? Didn't she say that she was a fairy in the peach forest?
"Oh, I'm now Fuyundian Xian'e." Lingxi said indifferently.


At this moment, not only Lingyue, but also Zhu Cheng is not calm. Xian'e said it nicely, that is a maid.Although I don't like it very much, but I'm still my own daughter. I am the supreme God of Haotian Jinque, and it's so wonderful that the goddaughter of Miluo Zhizhen Tianzun is actually a maid for someone. I'll fuck you big toe.

As for Lingyue, although her status is relatively low, she is still the master of a world. No matter how narrow the mountain spirit world is, the princess will not be reduced to the level of being a servant.

"Daughter, let's not go to Fuyun Palace, let's go to the mountain spirit world. I want to tell the world that my long-lost daughter is back." Lingyue said, holding Lingxi's hand.

"Then go to the Mountain Spirit Realm, where the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the most important thing is..." Before Zhu Cheng finished speaking, Shan Shan stared back.

"Lingxi, why do you like staying in Fuyun Palace?" Shan Shan asked.

"Because, because..." Lingxi faltered and couldn't speak, but her cheeks were flushed, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell the state of the youngest daughter, Sichun.

"Let's go to Fuyun Palace, now." Shanshan made a plan, and suddenly got up beside Lingxi, took her hand and headed towards Fuyun Palace.

Let's ignore Tianjun and Tianzun, the background boards of the two big bosses for the time being, and we will not say whether he will have a chance to appear in the future.

Zhu Cheng also had no choice but to follow behind Shanshan; Lingyue finally found her daughter, and she would not say anything serious, wishing to give her the best things in the world, so she had no choice but to follow Go to Fuyun Temple.

The Fuyun Palace meeting is over at this moment, and it was nothing serious at first, just to announce to everyone that the God of War is back, and everything in the war department will be reported to Jiuchen in the future, and there is no need to go through Zhenjun Tianlei anymore.

As for the specific changes in 5 years, Zhenjun Tianlei will tell Jiuchen slowly in the future. If you want to come to Jiuchen's work experience, you should be familiar with it very quickly, and it won't take long to get used to it.

"Jiuchen, arrange a quiet room for me." Zhu Chenglai was in the Fuyun Palace, but he didn't see him, and immediately ordered his God of War to come.

"Yes," Jiu Chen took the order, and told a tall and slender fairy: "Thirteen, quickly take the Great Heavenly Venerable."

"Great Tianzun, please." The Thirteenth Fairy hurriedly led the way, brought Zhu Cheng to a quiet room, and retreated respectfully.

With so much news coming out of a banquet, the Supreme God of Haotian Jinque is naturally wonderful. The news of the return of Miluo Zhizhen Tianzun cannot be concealed. Shisanzi also understands the powerful nature of Zhu Cheng. place.

"Jiuchen, how old are you this year?" Shanshan asked Jiuchen.

"Ah!" Jiu Chen was taken aback for a moment, but still replied truthfully: "The grandson is 15 years old this year."

"Do you have a wife?"


"Do you have a sweetheart?"


Jiu Chen felt more and more that the style of painting was wrong. This was definitely a blind date scene, but the Shanzhu lady dared not answer truthfully when she asked him.

"It's good, it's good." Shan Shan covered his mouth and smiled when he heard Jiu Chen said that he didn't have a sweetheart, "How about I keep the matchmaker for you?"

"Ah?" Jiu Chen almost died of fright.

When Lingxi heard it, her cheeks were flushed, like a fresh peach that could squeeze out its juice.

Lord Lingyue looked at Jiuchen intently. Although Jiuchen was a little old, age was not a problem among gods. He had a high status in Tiangong. If he could marry Lingxi, he would be a good match.

"Look at Lingxi. She is innocent, lively and cheerful, and she is only [-] years old. She is also destined to be with you. When you sat in Youdu Mountain, the baby you saw was her." Shan Shanyan road.

"Mother, please, please forgive my grandson for a while, for a while..." Jiu Chen really didn't know what to say. If he were to command a battle of 10 horses now, he would be handy, but facing this kind of blind date scene, he really didn't know what to say. He has no experience, let alone facing such a noble existence as the Mountain Lord Empress.

"God of War, I like you, I like you very much." Lingxi is also a courageous person, so she took the initiative to attack, not only stood up, but also sent a kiss.


Lingyue was really stunned by her reserve as a girl?

Shanshan squinted and smiled, goddaughter, you are really good.

Looking at Jiu Chen who was kissed forcibly, his usual cold face turned hot.He studied art from Tianzun since he was a child, and the education he received was to fight for the world, for the sake of the Celestial Clan, he can sacrifice his life, and the matter of men and women is dispensable.

Just such a kiss opened the heart of this ten thousand year old bachelor.

"I, I marry you."

Jiu Chen actually agreed, of course most of the reason was not out of liking for Lingxi, but out of a man's responsibility "I will be responsible for you".

Jiu Chen is a very traditional man.

"Shanshan, come and take a look!" At this time, Zhu Cheng's voice came from the quiet room.

(End of this chapter)

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