Chapter 517
The wedding continued. Zhu Cheng and Shan Shan took the main seat, followed by Tian Zun, Ling Yue and Le Bo.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

"Second worship to the Great Heavenly Venerable, Mistress of the Mountain Lord!"

"Three worships to Heavenly Venerable!"

"Four thanks to parents!"

Hearing the master of ceremonies' last words, Lingyue and Le Bo gave him a cold look in displeasure, why did you bring me into this old bachelor again (why did you bring me into this eighth woman)? The master of ceremonies is unknown.

"Licheng, send it to the bridal chamber!"

"Huh, huh, huh..." At this moment, there was thunderous applause in the arena, but another unexpected situation occurred.

Lingxi is destined to be an extraordinary person, a bird with ill-fated fate. You said that she is not so beautiful as a beauty, so how can she bring trouble to the world?
As soon as Shan Shanzhen killed the demon king Wu Zhiqi here, something happened to Fu Lingyuan there.

Bound Lingyuan is not a scenic spot, but a Pandora's box, and the other end of the abyss is the whole demon world.

For 10,000+ years, although the demon world has been sealed, the demons in it have never stopped destroying the seal, and because of the earthquake caused by the ten-mile peach forest, the seal was loosened.

Because there is no demon king in the demon world, all the tribes are in a state of disunity, but they always think about escaping from the barren demon world and occupying the resource-rich territory outside. Yuanshen broke the seal for the sacrifice.

"All over the world, here we come, roar!"

All of a sudden, the demonic energy raged, causing the world to be shaken, and also disturbing the good affairs of Lingxi and Jiuchen.

"All the generals obey the order and follow me to go to war." As the god of war, Jiuchen wanted to abandon Lingxi and lead the heavenly soldiers and generals to defeat the demons. At this moment, even Tianzun couldn't sit still.

Once the demons are raging, it will definitely be a disaster for the whole world. They must be suppressed with the force of thunder to minimize the loss of the world.

"Jingxiu, let's go back soon." Lingyue stood up abruptly, and Fulingyuan was in her mountain spirit world. Once the demons rushed out of Fulingyuan, the entire mountain spirit world would suffer. As the lord of a country, even if she didn't Li Chaozheng also has to protect his own people at this time.

"Wait a minute, leave this to me." Shanshan stopped them again, and turned to look at Zhu Cheng.

But what is strange is that Zhu Cheng didn't nod, but fell into thinking.

He is the god of creation, and he has feelings for all races from all over the world. It's okay to kill one or two, but Zhu Cheng really can't do it if you say to kill the whole race.

There are fewer and fewer races on the Wanzu map, and Zhu Cheng is also getting old, and he becomes nostalgic when he gets old, especially when Shanshan is by his side, his heart has already become tender.

"Jiuchen, you come with me, and the rest wait for Tiangong to obey." Zhu Cheng did not take Shanshan away, but brought Jiuchen to Fulingyuan. Look at you, Monk Zhang Er is really confused.

But none of them moved, because they knew that Zhu Cheng's move must have a deep meaning.

At the entrance of Binlingyuan, the vanguard of the demon race has rushed out and is attacking the mountain spirit world.

There is no wanton destruction as imagined, and if the Shanling people want to escape, they will not pursue them, but look at the rich land in front of them and cry.

All over the world, it's been a long time, and after 5 years, our demons have finally returned.


It's a pity that they were not too happy when a hurricane suddenly came and blew all the vanguard back to Binlingyuan.

"what happened?"

"what's the situation?"

"who is it?"


The vanguard was very angry. When they looked up, they found that there was another seal on Binlingyuan, and it was stronger than before.

"Ah! Items are not reconciled!"

I thought hope was coming, but I didn't expect it to be deeper despair.Angry, they ignored it and continued to charge against the seal. It took 5 years before, but this time, even if it takes 10 years, millions of years, generation after generation, our demons will rush out.

But what they didn't know was that Zhu Cheng brought Jiu Chen to the Demon Realm.

The demon world is barren, filled with the breath of death, volcanoes are everywhere, devastated, there are no plants visible to the naked eye, and a group of demons are crawling on the ground with difficulty.

The old man's eyes were numb, and the child's eyes were somewhat bright, but they were also very dim.

"Jiuchen, what do you think of the demon race?" Zhu Cheng asked Jiuchen as he walked in the demon world, seemingly casually.

If someone outside the Demon Realm asked Jiu Chen that, Jiu Chen would immediately answer, "The demons are bloodthirsty, and they are the greatest scourge everywhere." But seeing how barren the Demon Realm is, he didn't know how to evaluate it for a while.

The environment has a profound impact on a person. In a barren place, if one does not rely on one's own force and wisdom to compete for resources, one will starve to death.

There are not so great people who use their own death to perfect others, they are all forced.

The reason why the demons are tyrannical and bloodthirsty is entirely because they live in such an environment, not because of their nature, but because the survival rules of the demon world are like this.

Everything is just for survival.

Although they are in the dark, they still yearn for the light, and even know how to cherish the light better than those who live in the light, so each generation of them has never stopped rushing out of the Binding Abyss.

There was also a demon king who wanted to negotiate with races from all over the world. They only needed one place to live, as long as the environment was better than the demon world, even a place where the spiritual energy was thin in the mortal world.

However, the world does not agree, they don't trust the demons at all, since the immortals were born, their textbooks have written "the demons are tyrannical in nature, everyone can punish them".

This is the power of cultural education. It is stronger than any shackles in the world. Not to mention the success of the negotiation, even before the Demon King finished speaking, the world launched an attack on the Demon Race.


What the devil can do is to lead his own people to fight out a piece of heaven and earth.

Naturally, the result was that the demon clan was defeated, that demon king was killed, and the demon clan was sealed under the Binding Abyss, generation after generation desperately trying to save their lives.

The mountain spirit world, the bitter cold place where the heavenly palace exiles sinful immortals, is actually a paradise for the demons.

"Xiao Jin was not treated differently at the beginning of creation." Zhu Cheng said as he took out the spiritual mirror to visualize the image of God the Father creating thousands of races.

For every race, he is so kind and tolerant, trying his best to be the best and perfect.

In the era when Xiao Jin was still there, the brothers of all races were deeply united, united and worked together to open up wasteland and build all over the world, but this situation collapsed after Xiao Jin returned to Chaos.

A war broke out among all races, the victor claimed to be a god, and the loser was demoted to be a demon.

They completely forgot that at the beginning of their birth, there was no difference between gods and demons at all. In Xiao Jin's view, they were all his children.

(End of this chapter)

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