The system starts from the first in the world

Chapter 518 Nine Chen Demon Lord

Chapter 518
The love of God the Father is too long, Jiu Chen has never felt it even though he is the disciple of his own grandson, but now through the spiritual mirror, he finally feels what God the Father is.

Only such a person is worthy of creating this world.Love the grass and trees in the world, love the myriad creatures in all directions, be unbiased, never give up, and earnestly teach and lead upwards.

"What are demons? Are they the race that lives in the demon world?" Zhu Cheng asked again.

"No, a demon is a collection of evil thoughts, and he has no distinction of race." Jiu Chen understood a little bit, as if he had seen the truth behind the textbook.

"Then what is the best way to solve the evil troubles? Is it to kill them all?" Zhu Cheng asked, pointing at all the beings in the demon world.

"No." Jiu Chen replied firmly.

"what is that?"

"I do not know."

"What is it?" Zhu Cheng asked again.

"I don't know." Jiu Chen still shook his head.

"What is it!" Zhu Cheng yelled loudly, and even the people in Tiangong could clearly hear this sound.

In fact, although they are in Tiangong, they have been looking at this place all the time, and the level of Shanshan Huafu is enough to do this.

Jiuchen, including all the gods in Tiangong, fell into deep thought.

"Change the environment, and then change them." Jiu Chen gave a satisfactory answer to Zhu Cheng.

"It's good, but it's not perfect. Think about it, keep thinking about it." Although satisfied, it's only a passing grade at most, and it still lacks a little bit to get a full score.


Jiuchen pondered for a long time, and then said the answer: "You need to be guided by Mingjun."

"Hahaha..." Zhu Cheng laughed loudly, and then he flew higher and higher, and an unspeakably powerful vitality erupted from his body.

The originally barren land unexpectedly grew tender grass, and the volcano sank into the ground and stopped erupting, and the ravines in the demon world that were like wounds gradually healed.

One day later, you will see what it means to spring back to the earth, what it means to turn decay into magic, and what it means to turn waste into treasure, that's it.

The originally desolate Demon Realm had already become a paradise. If it were opened to the outside world, it would definitely be a place of historical interest.

"Cough, cough..." It's just that Zhu Cheng's situation is not good. He didn't wake up the vitality of the demon world, but injected his own vitality into the demon world, and raised such a huge demon world by himself. This is a very lucky thing. Bitter thing.

Originally, Zhu Cheng had black hair and a handsome face. He looked at most 30 years old, but now he has white hair and wrinkled skin all over his body. He looks like an old man who looks older than Tianzun.

"The Great Heavenly Lord is merciful."

"The Great Heavenly Lord is merciful."

Not only the Heavenly Palace, the Demon Realm, but all living beings from all over the world sensed Zhu Cheng's feat. All races bowed down in the direction of Fu Lingyuan, and it also started to rain that day.

Those were tears from Xiao Jin.

Shanshan felt that Zhu Cheng was the most handsome at this moment, even though he was an old man now.

"Da Tianzun, are you okay?" Zhu Cheng fell to the ground, and Jiu Chen hurriedly stepped forward to help him up.

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhu Cheng waved his hand weakly, and then transformed into the handsome and handsome Great Heavenly Lord again.

It's not that Zhu Cheng is better, the vitality that is consumed is consumed. This is just a transformation technique. Do you still remember the special function he got in the first world? That's it.

Zhu Cheng's mana in his body was almost exhausted, and he used this special function that he hadn't used for a long time.

But under the eyes of Jiuchen, the god of war, the mere transformation technique is nothing more than a blindfold, and Da Tianzun is still so old and weak.

"Let me ask you again, who can be called a wise king?" Zhu Cheng continued to ask Jiu Chen.


Jiu Chen fell into deep thought, looking at the creatures in the demon world for a while, thinking about the wild world for a while, but after a quarter of an hour, he bowed to Zhu Cheng.

"Jiu Chen wishes to become a demon, lead the demons out of the darkness, and embrace the light."

"That's right, that's right. Ruzi can be taught, and Ruzi can be taught." Zhu Cheng shouted in satisfaction. He had been trying to get Jiu Chen to figure it out for himself.

Jiuchen is the god of war, but the god of war can only fight on the battlefield.But I still remember a sentence: attacking the mind is the top, and attacking the city is the bottom.

Even if you win the fight on the battlefield, so what, not to mention the damage of nearly a million years. In the battle of Youdu Mountain 5 years ago, the Celestial Clan lost [-] soldiers and generals.

To win a complete victory in a war is never to occupy their territory, but to occupy their hearts and then assimilate them.

The demons have merged into the heavenly clan, and there is no distinction between gods and demons in the world. In other words, talking about the demons is like mentioning the mountain spirits, without those bloodthirsty labels. staff.

"I wish that, in the name of the Supreme God of the Haotian Golden Tower, Miluo Zhizhen, I wish Jiuchen to be the fifth demon king of the demon clan." Zhu Cheng's words really follow the words, this world All beliefs can be said to be concentrated in him at this time, wait until Zhu Chengyan speaks, and then look at Jiuchen.

The dragon tooth battle armor faded away, and was replaced by a purple robe, a crown on his head, and a big seal in his hand with the four ancient characters 'Supreme of the Demon Realm' engraved on it.

"We will meet the Demon Lord."

Regarding Zhu Cheng's words, the demons dare not violate, and will not violate. The demon world is no longer that demon world, but just like the four seas and wilderness they are thinking about, they have enough resources to survive. All of this is Haotian. The Supreme God of Jinque is naturally gifted by Mira Zhizhen Tianzun, Zhu Cheng's status in their hearts now surpasses all beliefs.

So even if it was Jiu Chen who had slaughtered them, they would never regard him as a demon king.

They are not stupid, they know that this is the Supreme God of the Haotian Golden Tower. Naturally, there is Miluo Zhizhen Tianzun to find a way for the demons. If possible, who would not want to live a peaceful life, fight and kill, and keep their heads. Just moved, this kind of life is extremely tormented and long.

"Everyone is alive, and I Jiuchen will lead you to live a happy life." Jiuchen swore that he was the master who nailed every spit.

However, compared to the happy life of the people in the demon clan, the happy life of Jiuchen, the demon king, seems to be more urgent. The bride Lingxi is still wearing her wedding dress and waiting in Tiangong.

"Okay, you can come up to get married, Lingxi is still waiting." Shanshan's urging voice came from beside her ear.

"It's coming, it's coming." Zhu Cheng subconsciously wanted to take off, but found that his mana was weak, and finally Jiu Chen took him to the Heavenly Palace.

The wedding continued, and the newlyweds were having sex.

This wedding will eventually be recorded in the annals of history, not only because of its grandeur and the participation of Zhu Cheng and Shanshan, but also because of its twists and turns, and because of the grievances and grievances between gods and demons that have been understood for nearly a million years.

This wedding can be said to be a joyful event shared by the whole world. From then on, all races live in peace and are as close as one family.

"Silly girl No. [-] report, silly girl No. [-] report, found Zhu Cheng, found Zhu Cheng."

(End of this chapter)

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