Chapter 519
"Dididi, silly girl No. [-] found Zhu Cheng, found Zhu Cheng." Silly girl No. [-] came over the world of Chen Xiyuan, sent the news back to the laboratory, and informed the doctor.

The laboratory released a whole hundred silly girls, and asked them to enter different worlds to find Zhu Cheng. After crossing two worlds, Silly Girl No. [-] finally found Zhu Cheng.

"Get in touch with him immediately, get in touch with him immediately." The doctor excitedly sent the message to Sha Niu No. [-].

"Silly girl No. [-] understands, silly girl No. [-] understands." After listening to the order, silly girl No. [-] will enter the Tiangong to see Zhu Cheng.

Although Tiangong is currently holding an unprecedented large-scale wedding in all over the world, and immortals from all races will attend, it does not mean that Tiangong is unattended.

The scene is so big, not only can't relax, but also increase the troops to control the situation, and it's his own wedding, Jiu Chen, the god of war, can be said to have done every detail when deploying defenses.

"Stop, who the hell!"

Sha Niu No. [-] just wanted to enter the Nantian Gate, but was immediately stopped by the guards.

"I'm Sha Niu No. [-], I'm here to find Zhu Cheng." Sha Niu No. [-] is a good boy, not only proving his identity, but also explaining the purpose of coming.

"Stupid girl?" Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals were taken aback for a moment, and then shouted: "If you know you are stupid, don't come out and wander around. It would be bad if you were abducted." Obviously they didn't know who Zhu Cheng was.

Zhu Cheng, as the great Tianzun, there are no more than a handful of people who know his real name, just like no one knows that the real name of 'Tianzun' is 'Mo Di'.

"Let's go, let's go, today is the wedding of God of War, don't be violent, go back wherever you come from." The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals were still polite, and for the sake of Sha Niu being a little girl, he didn't make things difficult for her.

"No, silly girl has received an order, and she must get in touch with Zhu Cheng today." Silly girl is really stupid, so stupid that she is a little persistent, and she will go inside after speaking.

How could the soldiers and heavenly generals let her enter that day, they guarded the gate of the Heavenly Palace, which was the first checkpoint, and they would never retreat unless they were killed in battle.

"Take it down for me!" Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals shot Sha Niu No. [-].

"Activate the social order maintenance function." Sha Niu received an order from the doctor.

"This is an illegal operation, may I continue?" Sha Niu asked the doctor.After all, it is a silly girl who 'breaks into a private house'. If she fights back now, it will be illegal according to the law.

"Confirm to continue." The doctor chose to confirm, and the silly girl was replaced by a game master.

"Heavenly Girl Scattering Flowers!" Sha Niu immediately flew up, and released a signature move of Heavenly Girl Scattering Flowers, which even restrained most of the heavenly soldiers' movements.

"Ring the bell! Ring the bell!" The gatekeeper saw that he was wrong, the silly girl was not easy to mess with, and he was no match for him, so he immediately asked someone to ring the warning bell.

"Clang clang clang..."

The loud bell rang in Tiangong, and Jiu Chen heard it. He wanted to draw his sword to kill, but was pressed hard by Lingxi on the bed.

"Jiuchen, you are now the Demon Lord, and there is also the Heavenly Thunder Supreme Lord." I don't know if Lingxi is reluctant to let go of the joy between the bed or something, but what she said makes sense.

Although Jiu Chen still bears the name of the God of War, he has already taken over the position of the Demon Lord, and to a greater extent he is the king of the Demon Clan. He needs to put down the affairs of the Celestial Clan and hand over the affairs of the God of War to Tianlei Zhenjun.

Zhu Chengzi was still in the banquet when he heard the loud warning bell.

"What's going on?" Tianjun asked, who dared to make trouble on such an important day, this is clearly not giving me face.

Tianjun was a little unhappy.

"Tianjun, little god, I'll go check it out now." Zhenjun Tianlei also knew that he had an opportunity to show off, so he immediately started fighting and brought a few of his confidants to Nantianmen.

Zhu Cheng didn't care about it, and continued to drink. With the strength of Zhenjun Tianlei, there are few people in the world who can beat him. Now that the evil troubles have been solved, the rest is nothing to worry about.

Tianlei Zhenjun came to Nantianmen, but saw that all the guards of Nantianmen fell to the ground, they didn't die, they were just stunned by Sha Niu No. [-].

"Presumptuous!" As the name suggests, Tianlei has an extremely hot temper, and today is the time for him to show his face, so he immediately used his sword to kill Sha Niu.


As soon as the master makes a move, he immediately knows whether there is one.Although the game master controlled Sha Niu No. [-] to compete with Tianlei Zhenjun, he was no match for the tens of thousands of years old and experienced Tianlei Zhenjun.

After ten moves, Sha Niu was defeated, and was held by the sword of Tianlei Zhenjun around her neck.

In fact, Zhenjun Tianlei was able to win without any moves at first, but after delaying this without any moves, he just wanted to capture Sha Niu No. [-] alive.

"Silly girl No. [-], convert it into digital information and send it to..." The game master just wanted to convert silly girl into digital information to escape, but he didn't want to be stopped by the doctor.

"Catch him without a fight, and let him take it away. Immortal Tianlei wants to capture Silly Girl No. [-] alive." The doctor said this, really keen insight, no wonder he became the boss of the laboratory.

Sha Niu No. [-] didn't resist any more, and was escorted into the hall just like that by Zhenjun Tianlei.

"Tianjun, the little god came to return. It was this woman who trespassed in the Heavenly Palace and injured the guard of the Nantianmen." Tianlei Zhenjun said loudly.

"Fortunately, the true king." Tianjun was very satisfied. Tianlei captured Silly Girl No. [-] in less than a quarter of an hour after going back and forth, and he really gave Tianzu a face in front of Wanzu.

"Zhu Cheng!" Unexpectedly, the silly girl No. [-] who was originally a puppet, took advantage of Tianlei Zhenjun not paying attention, suddenly moved, and flew towards Zhu Cheng like a superman.

"not good!"


The Wanzu panicked immediately, they knew that the current Datianzun is powerless, and it is really possible that this girl could successfully assassinate him.

All of a sudden, the sky was full of treasures, and all kinds of magic weapons, long and short, wide and narrow, square and round, all greeted Sha Niu No. [-].

If nothing else happens, Sha Niu No. [-] will be turned into scum before she gets close to Zhu Cheng.

"Ka Ka Ka..." But at the critical moment, Shan Shan made a move, and she drew a talisman in the air, protecting Sha Niu No. [-] firmly like an armor.

Shan Shan knows Sha Niu (those who have doubts can read the volume), so she wants to save Sha Niu.

"Boom boom boom..." The magic weapon attacked the talisman, but failed to destroy the talisman. Silly girl No. [-] came in front of Zhu Cheng unharmed.

"Silly girl, why are you here?" Zhu Cheng asked curiously.

"I'm Sha Niu No. [-], the doctor wants to talk to you." After Sha Niu No. [-] finished speaking, a male voice changed to speak: "Group Leader Zhu Cheng, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Who are you? Why do you call me the team leader?" Zhu Cheng asked with a frown. When he was in the magic phone world, Sha Niu also called him that. At that time, he was thinking that he had many titles, but he had never been anything. team leader.

"I am the leader of the science and technology group, Guan Shanyuexia." The doctor said.

"What the hell?" Zhu Cheng was even more confused. Guan Shanyuexia's name was pretty good, but he had never heard of it before.

(End of this chapter)

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