Chapter 63


With one finger, Zhu Cheng lit the candles in the room with fire control technique, and then took out the 'Dragon God Art' from his bosom.

Ever since he got the Dragon God Art, Zhu Cheng hadn't had time to read it carefully, so he happened to study it while there was no one around in the dead of night.

Dragon God Kung Fu is an ancient practice method, which was created by imitating the dragon. Its cultivation is divided into three levels, or three changes.

The first transformation is wearing scale armor, and the defense power is improved; the second transformation is the limbs of the dragon, and the hands and feet are invincible like magic soldiers; the third transformation is the dragon transformation, just like Tong Bo. Get down.

Now there are two choices before Zhu Cheng. The first is to give up the Dragon God Art and practice the Longevity Art, so that he can live as long as the sky when he becomes a god and demon. .

The second is to abandon the formula of longevity and practice the Dragon Divine Art. Once he reaches the third transformation, he can almost rule the world of Shuiyuedongtian, but it is a pity that although the attack power of the Dragon Divine Art is strong, it cannot prolong life, and even because this exercise is too powerful Against the harmony of heaven, people who practiced this technique in the past did not live past thirty due to various reasons, as if they were cursed.

"It would be great if we could combine the two." Zhu Cheng muttered to himself, if he could combine the Longevity Jue with the Dragon God Art, it would not only have powerful attack power, but also prolong life and become a god and demon, it would be perfect.

"Yes, just do it." Zhu Cheng had an idea and decided to implement it immediately, and hurriedly fetched a pen and paper for deduction.

"Dong dong dong" Zhao Yun knocked on the door of Zhu Cheng's room early in the morning. She came to deliver breakfast to Zhu Cheng.

Zhu Cheng didn't sleep all night in order to study the exercises, so he came to open the door for Zhao Yun with his panda eyes.

"Brother Zhu, why are you so haggard?" Zhao Yun was startled and thought that Zhu Cheng was injured last night, but he didn't have an attack at that time.

"It's okay, I just didn't sleep well, Miss Zhao, please come in." Zhu Cheng invited Zhao Yun into the house.

"This is the lotus seed porridge I made, I wish you a taste." In fact, Zhu Cheng was haggard, and Zhao Yun was not much better.After tossing so late last night, I had to get up again at four or five o'clock to cook porridge. When I got the porridge, I brought it to Zhu Cheng before I even had time to take a sip.

"Thank you." Zhu Cheng didn't refuse, put the porridge into a bowl, took a sip, and praised: "It's delicious."

"I hope brother likes it." Zhao Yun smiled sweetly, and finally all the hard work was not in vain.

"Let's eat together, I can't drink so much alone." Zhu Cheng said.

"I...Okay." Zhao Yun wanted to refuse, but he agreed, even Zhao Yun himself was surprised.She definitely didn't have such a temperament, why did she mess up in front of Big Brother Zhu.

Zhao Yun and Zhu Cheng were sitting opposite each other, and they were drinking a pot of porridge together. From the outside, they looked like a young couple living their lives.

"Yun'er, come out." Zhu Cheng was chatting and laughing with Zhao Yun, when he heard Han Batian shouting outside the door, his tone was extremely unhappy.

Well, when he got up early in the morning, he heard rice washing and fire in the kitchen. He thought it was his daughter making breakfast for him, and apologized to him for what happened last night, trying to make him happy.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, that delicious pot of porridge actually arrived in the stomach of a bastard like Zhu Cheng, it really is unreasonable.Girls are extroverted, and when they have a lover, they forget about their father.

"Father, what's the matter?" Zhao Yun was a little unhappy, he was finally able to have breakfast with Big Brother Zhu, and his unborn father appeared at this time.

"Follow me to open a shop. Sanhuafang has not opened for a few days. If we don't do business, what will we eat and drink? How can there be a house in this world for nothing, and porridge for nothing?" Cheng didn't know whether to swallow or spit out the porridge that Cheng drank into his mouth, this was really ugly.

"Father~" Zhao Yun blamed Han Batian a little bit, it's fine to speak meanly on weekdays, how could he say that in front of Big Brother Zhu, this is how his daughter will get along with Big Brother Zhu in the future.

"It's just that the younger generation didn't think carefully, and I hope the senior will accept it with a little care, and it will be our rent and food." Zhu Cheng shot a few golden leaves at Han Batian.

Han Batian is also a person with unique skills, he clamped the gold leaf very easily, and then picked it up arrogantly to look at it, making his face full of peach blossoms with just one glance.

No matter who Zhu Cheng is in No. [-] in the world, even the gold leaf used as a hidden weapon is made by the top craftsman. This caster is far more valuable than the gold itself.Han Batian sells stolen goods for others, so he can see the value of gold leaves at a glance.

"It's easy to say, you can treat this place as your own home, and you can live as long as you want. Xiaoyun, take good care of your guests." Han Batian went out happily after getting the golden leaf.Although the business of Sanhuafang is not good, it is a business that has not opened for three years and opened for three years. It has to be taken care of, and the whole family will starve to death just relying on Gouzi, a lazy guy.

"Let's go and see Tong Xin, I don't know if he can survive." After breakfast, Zhu Cheng went to see Tong Xin with Zhao Yun.

Doudou came early in the morning because Tong Bo was here and brought them breakfast.Poor Han Batian's two daughters made breakfast, but he didn't eat any of them.

"Yinxiu, how is your childlike innocence?" Zhu Cheng asked.

"It's stable. As long as it doesn't get worse, the toxin will be discharged slowly, but it will take a long time." Yin Xiu replied.

Zhu Cheng nodded to express his understanding, and then said to Tong Bo and Tong Zhan, "You two also take a break, I will guard here."

"No, we can bear it. If the childlike heart wakes up and doesn't see us, he will be afraid." Tong Bo said.

Well, since the two brothers insist that Zhu Cheng is not too forceful, they are both martial arts practitioners, and they will not die if they don’t sleep for a few days. Zhu Cheng just took this opportunity to study how to combine the "Longevity Formula" and the "Dragon God Art". Combined to achieve a real dragon god.

After playing around in the room for several days, Zhu Cheng finally could only let out a long sigh: "Sure enough, the background is not enough, even if it is difficult to understand."

That's right, if the two kinds of exercises are so easy to combine, why would they wait for Zhu Cheng to study them? The Tong clan has no shortage of wise men.

Although Zhu Cheng is quite old, his knowledge is still at the level of the best in the world, which is obviously one level lower than Shuiyuedongtian. If you want to integrate the two kinds of exercises, you must understand the world , into this world.

To sum up, read more books and ask for advice.

Could it be that Yin Zhong had this in mind when he stole the dragon refining skill back then?If this is the case, should I ask Yin Zhong for advice?

"Let's see." Yin Zhong is a dangerous person, the final big boss rushes up rashly, and if he shoots you to death, you won't take the body, because you will be turned into a powder.

Bored in the house for a few days, Zhu Cheng decided to go out for a walk and buy a sword by the way.The sword brought from Number One Under Heaven has been severed by the Dragon God Sword, so how can he be without a sword?
"Miss Zhao, I don't know if you have time to go out with me." Zhu Cheng sent an invitation to Zhao Yun, not because he and Zhao Yun have established a relationship, but because Zhu Cheng is not familiar with it, and he doesn't know where to buy a sword .

He asked Zhao Yun to go out firstly to ask her to be a guide, and secondly, he also took care of her these few days, and went shopping to buy her some gifts, especially to buy gifts to stop Han Batian's mouth.

Zhu Cheng didn't want to look at his face anymore.

"I'm free, I'm free, please wait a moment." Zhao Yunxi smiled and was ecstatic. Zhu Cheng had been waiting for an hour for her waiting.

This is the first time I go shopping with Big Brother Zhu, so I must dress up beautifully.Is it better to wear this dress or that dress?Should I wear this hairpin or that hairpin?Zhao Yun was caught in a tangle, and it took him a long time to come out.

Zhao Yun is even more beautiful in full attire. He can really go to the wedding directly and be the most beautiful bride. Standing beside her, Zhu Cheng will make people feel: the good food is made by pigs.

Zhu Cheng stared at Zhao Yun for five seconds before saying, "Let's go."


Is this a date?

 Thank you Youyu Xinye, book friend 150422152936867 (with a picture of a pig) for the reward.Thank you for your encouragement and support, I will work hard.

  Originally, I was in a bad mood today, and my other book "Miscellaneous Notes on Impermanence" was also blocked. I don't understand, I really don't understand, that is the book I want to write for the rest of my life.But with a little support, it is finally a consolation.

(End of this chapter)

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