Chapter 64
"I've been stuck in the room for a long time, I need to come out to get some air. Go over there and have a look." Zhu Cheng pointed to a jewelry store, and walked over there without waiting for Zhao Yun's answer.

"Young master, welcome, you can take a look."

"This is your wife, she is really beautiful." The store owner was a pretty woman, who greeted Zhu Cheng and Zhao Yun with a smile, but recognized them as husband and wife.

Zhu Cheng didn't bother to explain, it was so troublesome, he just nodded and looked at the jewelry.Seeing that Zhu Cheng didn't explain, Zhao Yun's pretty face blushed immediately, and thousands of thoughts turned in his heart, but he didn't even explain.

If he can become a husband and wife with Big Brother Zhu, he is willing to do so.

"Miss Zhao, you can pick out these jewelries. It's all a thank you gift for bothering you these few days." Zhu Cheng pointed at the jewelries on the counter and said.

"Brother Zhu, you are too polite." Although Zhao Yun said so, she took a few steps forward. She is a person who loves beauty very much. Every time she earns money, she has to buy a lot. So it's been a long time since I shopped.

Zhao Yun glanced at the jewellery, and he took a fancy to the purple jade hairpin, which was a set of three. "Boss, let me try with a mirror."

"Okay, the girl must look good in it." The boss smiled and took out the bronze mirror. This is the most expensive jewelry in his shop, and it is made of purple jade.

"Brother Zhu, does it look good?" Zhao Yun put on the jade hairpin and showed it to Zhu Cheng.

"It is very beautiful, but the angle needs to be adjusted." Zhu Cheng stepped forward and stretched out his hand to wear the jade hairpin for Zhao Yun. Wearing the jade hairpin by himself is better than helping others.

Zhu Cheng didn't have any other thoughts at all, but it caused Zhao Yun Xiaolu to run wild. In her opinion, the only person who could wear a jade hairpin for her was her husband. She just felt dizzy and happy to faint.

"Miss Zhao, Miss Zhao." Seeing that Zhao Yun was in a trance, Zhu Cheng called out, "Look again."

"Ah, oh, okay." Zhao Yun woke up like a dream, picked up the bronze mirror and looked at it. Sure enough, after Zhu Cheng played with it like this, the jade hairpin was more suitable for people.

How can I say that Zhu Cheng is also a veteran of Fengyue Field, and he still has this skill, even Mr. Wuhen can't match it. (Master Wuhen said: Why is there me everywhere!)

"Boss, I bought this jade hairpin." Zhu Cheng took out a gold leaf to pay the bill. The gold leaf was about to be handed to the boss, but Zhao Yun snatched it away.

"This jade hairpin is not worth the gold leaf. I bought the jade hairpin for ten taels of silver, boss." Zhao Yun took out ten taels of silver and gave it to the boss.

"Girl, these ten taels are belittling this jade hairpin."

"How much do you want?"

"15 taels. This is because the girl is really good-looking. If it were someone else, I wouldn't sell it, so as not to spoil the workmanship."

"No, just ten taels." Zhao Yun shook his head, pulled out the jade hairpin and put it back.Zhu Cheng didn't interrupt, he knew it was Zhao Yun who was bargaining.

To be honest, there is really no need for Zhu Cheng to bargain or anything, as long as he doesn't go too far, he has never been short of money.In fact, Zhao Yun is not short of money, perhaps because he got used to living a hard life when he was a child and developed a frugal character.

"Girl, my jade hairpin is in high demand, and I won't keep it until tomorrow." The proprietress knew that Zhao Yun was bargaining, and threatened that if you don't buy it today, you will sell it tomorrow.

"It's just a mere hosta, and it's not necessary. Let's go, brother." Zhao Yun walked out of the store holding Zhu Cheng's hand as he spoke.

Zhu Cheng also cooperated and allowed Zhao Yun to walk out of the store arm in arm. He hadn't walked a few steps before he heard the boss calling behind him: "Success, I'm selling you. Right now, I wish you two will be a good couple."

"Hee hee" the bargain was successful and Zhao Yun happily bought Yuchai and put it on.

"Brother Zhu, return your gold leaf."

"I agreed to give you a gift. If the hairpin is not bought for you, this gold leaf is considered a gift." Zhu Cheng didn't ask for it. He never took back the money he spent, and he never asked for change, that's all. Broad.

"En." Zhao Yun accepted the gold leaf and treasured it.

After this trip to the street, I actually bought a lot of things, food, clothing, and drink.They ate all kinds of snacks, wore silk and satin, and drank fine wines. Because there were too many things, Zhu Cheng even hired a carriage to transport them.

"Miss Zhao, where can I buy a sword in this city?" It was already past noon and the things that should be bought were almost bought, it was time to buy a handy weapon.

"Swords? Blacksmiths in the city sell common goods, but I know where to find them. Brother Zhu, come with me." Zhao Yun led Zhu Cheng through the streets, and arrived at the gate of Sanhuafang not long after.

"Here is it?" Zhu Cheng asked, no matter how Sanhuafang looked, it didn't look like the place where the sword was sold.

"This is my shop, Brother Zhu just come with me. Brother, we are here, please bring all your things in." Zhao Yun said the last words to the coachman.

"No problem, miss." The coachman should be, even though he is driving and also transporting, the money is naturally earned twice.

"Work hard for me and clean it up." Before entering the door, Zhu Cheng heard shouting and cursing inside the shop.The person who scolded was Gou Zi, the clerk in the store. He was the only clerk in the store at first, but he has stopped since yesterday. He has a younger brother.

"Okay Brother Gouzi." The younger brother nodded in agreement, not daring to refute, and worked extremely hard.

This little boy sold himself in. Yesterday he accidentally broke an antique in the shop while wandering here. Since he had no money to pay, he had to sell himself in to pay off the debt with a part-time job.No wages, just three meals a day.

"Well, you bastard, how can I stand up to you falling like this!" Han Batian, who loves money like his life, scolded Gouzi bloody after learning about this.

Gouzi was both aggrieved and angry, and he took all his anger on his younger brother, trying his best to make him work, while he kowtowed at the melon seeds leisurely with his legs crossed.

"Ah, miss." Seeing Zhao Yun, Gouzi hurriedly wiped the table and greeted him respectfully.

"Well, where is my dad, is he in there?" Zhao Yun asked.

"The boss is sleeping inside." Gouzi replied, and called the younger brother to come over, "Are you blind, come and meet the eldest lady soon."

"Tianqiu has met the eldest lady." The younger brother put down the rag in his hand and saluted Zhao Yun.On that day, Qiu Sheng's Fang Fangzheng was extraordinary, and he didn't look like a child from a poor family.

At this moment, Zhu Chengjin came here, just in time to see Tianqiu.

To be precise, it is the jade pendant hanging on Tianqiu's neck. Zhu Cheng can feel the vigorous vitality in the jade pendant, and this vitality is very familiar to Zhu Cheng, it is exactly the same as the vitality in Xue Ruyi.

"Blood Ruyi Heart" These words immediately popped up in Zhu Cheng's mind. If Zhu Cheng hadn't seen this Blood Ruyi Heart, Zhu Cheng would not have remembered it. The relationship between it and Xue Ruyi is like a power bank and a mobile phone.

"Gouzi, is this daddy's new buddy?"

"I came here by prostitution." Before Gouzi could answer, Tianchou answered first.

"Do you have a place to talk here? Don't go to work!" Tianqiu made Gouzi lose face, Gouzi was very upset.

"Yes." Tianchou nodded yes, then picked up a rag to wipe again.

"There is something downstairs, please help move it up, I'll go find dad." Zhao Yun gave instructions to Gouzi, and then said to Zhu Cheng: "Brother Zhu, go inside."

Zhao Yun led Zhu Cheng to a small room inside the shop.There is a warehouse to store goods, and there is a small bed to lie down and rest when you are tired.

Generally, when there is no business, Han Batian will lie on the small bed to rest.

"Father, wake up, wake up. Where is that ancient sword?"

"Well, Xiaoyun? Ancient sword, what ancient sword?" Han Batian was sleepy, seeing Zhu Cheng's eyes suddenly rounded, pointed at Zhu Cheng and asked, "Why is he here?"

(End of this chapter)

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