Chapter 122 Toast
The people around were still drinking and having fun, Lin Xian'er rested her chin in one hand in boredom, but stared at the singing lark on the distant branch.

so good!free.

Occasionally, I also want to leave Yaochi and go to the outside world.

At this time, on a wooden table not far away, the Holy Son of Kaiyang Holy Land looked at the beautiful Lin Xian'er, with a look of coveting in his eyes.

He picked up the wine glass in his hand and stood up, "Miss Xian'er, I offer you a glass of wine, and I hope we can maintain a beautiful friendship forever!"

The wine in the cup is called Immortal Drunk, and it is not ordinary white wine, but brewed with elixir.Ordinary people can improve their foundation and embark on the road of cultivation after taking a sip, but they will also get drunk and dream for ten years!
Even if a monk drank it, he would be aroused by the medicine and become too drunk.

People around all looked sideways, Shengzi Kaiyang's words were a bit ambiguous.

A beautiful friendship can be a friendship, or an ambiguous relationship between a man and a woman.

Saying this in front of everyone, there is a bit of teasing Lin Xian'er in it.

Everyone looked at Lin Xian'er, wanting to see how she behaved.

After all, Lin Xian'er's reputation spread all over Donghuang. Whether she, the unparalleled flower of high mountains, would leave Yaochi in the end and fall into the flower garden of a certain young hero also affected the thoughts of all Donghuang young talents.

Lin Xian'er frowned slightly, Kaiyang Shengzi held up the wine glass with a smile on his face, as if full of sincerity, but it didn't make her happy.

"Thank you Kaiyang Shengzi for your kindness, but I'm not good at drinking, I hope you can forgive me."

Lin Xian'er has already expressed her attitude in her words, rejecting the ambiguous feelings of Shengzi Kaiyang.

Shengzi Kaiyang was holding the wine glass in his hand, and his eyes drooped when he heard these words.

Who is he?

The Holy Son of Kaiyang Holy Land is the No. 1 hero in the central part.

He has amazing talent since he was born, and he was designated as the Holy Son early on.

His master Kaiyang Shengzhu once said in public that my disciple Lin Banyang has the qualifications of a great emperor!
This shows how talented he is and how honorable his status is in Kaiyang Holy Land.

He toasted but someone didn't give face?This was the first time in history, and he was immediately interested.

The corner of Shengzi Kaiyang's mouth twitched, hum!Woman, you managed to get my attention!
Shengzi Kaiyang did not intend to give up, but said: "Miss Xianer, you and I are the heirs of the two holy places, and the future will be the owner of the holy place of the Eastern Wasteland. My glass of wine is not only for us, but also for the sake of the two holy places." Drink for friendship. You can't help but give this face!"

Chen Bifang, the descendant of Yuxu Palace, looked slightly drunk, just now he was discussing with Li Qingmu from Xiaoyaomen about the techniques of killing thousands of years and monkeys stealing peaches.

Hearing the words of Shengzi Kaiyang at this time, he couldn't help but said: "It's weird to persuade you to drink! The holy land has been carried out, and it seems that the holy maiden of Yaochi can't do without drinking."

Lin Xianer also frowned.

She, Lin Xian'er, is the saintess of Yaochi, with a detached status in the Northern Territory, and no one has ever dared to treat her like this since she was born.

Her master, Queen Mother Xi, even once said: My disciple Lin Xian'er has the qualifications of a great emperor!

This shows how talented she is, and how important her status is in Yaochi Holy Land.

No one had dared to force her to drink like this before.

Immediately, the impression of Shengzi Kaiyang in her mind took a turn for the worse.

Facing Shengzi Kaiyang's persuasion words, she responded lightly: "The friendship between the two holy lands is always there, but I am really not good at drinking. I will accept my wish, so let's forget about this wine!"

Kaiyang Shengzi was rejected twice, and his face suddenly became a little ugly.

When had he ever been treated like this in his life?
"Miss Xian'er, do you look down on me? You won't even drink with me!"

Shengzi Kaiyang was a little angry, so his tone became stiff.

When he opened his mouth, the other young talents next to him couldn't see him.

The Holy Son of Tianshu sneered, "Son of Kaiyang, the Holy Maiden of Yaochi has already said that she is not good at drinking. Why do you have to force me so hard? If you want to drink, how about I drink with you?"

Saint Son Yuheng also said: "That's right, and the Saintess of Yaochi is the number one beauty in the Eastern Desolation. You should be respectful when talking to her. Isn't it inappropriate to call her by her first name?"

Shengzi Kaiyang saw the two opponents and snorted disdainfully.

"This is a matter between my Kaiyang Holy Land and Yaochi Holy Land. When is it your turn to intervene? If you want to drink, after I have a drink with Miss Xian'er, I will drink with you!"

Tianshu Shengzi's eyes became sharper.

This Shengzi Kaiyang actually spoke to him like this, and in front of the number one beauty in the Eastern Wasteland, it was really intolerable for him.

He Tianshu Shengzi was born as a peerless genius, even more powerful than that perverted lolicon senior brother.

After [-] years of cultivating Taoism, he has no opponent in the territory of millions of miles across the Tianshu Holy Land.

Even his master Tianshu Holy Master once said: My disciple Chu Feng has the qualifications of a great emperor!

This shows how powerful his talent and strength are!
"Brother Kaiyang, I can't pretend that I didn't hear your words! If that's the case, I'm going to have a hand in today's glass of wine!"

As he spoke, he raised his wine glass and stood up, looking at Lin Xian'er and Shengzi Kaiyang with burning eyes.

Shengzi Yuheng looked at it like this, and said in his heart: I can't fall behind either!At the beginning, my master Yuheng Holy Master once said that my disciple has the qualifications of a great emperor!I am the future emperor, how can I be overwhelmed by others?
So he also raised his glass and stood up.

Seeing the behavior of the two people, the Holy Son of Tianji Holy Land and Tianquan Holy Land also stood up.

These two peerless geniuses who have the qualifications of great emperors feel that they should also express themselves.

Seeing so many people standing up, other people who didn't know the situation thought it was everyone toasting together, so they all stood up.

"Come, come, let's have a drink together!" Chen Bifang shouted.

Kaiyang Shengzi and the others looked at Lin Xian'er, thinking, so many people have raised their glasses.If you don't stand up again this time, you will really be outraged!

Lin Xian'er looked angry and anxious.

If she had changed to another place, she would have turned her back and left.But now it is in the holy land of Yaochi, and she is the host.

As the host, if the guest's face is refuted, it will also affect the reputation of Yaochi Holy Land.

For a while, she was caught in a dilemma.

To drink or not to drink?This is a problem.

After drinking it, it went against my heart, and seemed to compromise with Kaiyang Shengzi.As a saint who has the qualifications of a great emperor, she is absolutely unwilling.

If you don't drink it, spread it out and affect the reputation of Yaochi Holy Land.People will say that the holy land of Yaochi is aloof from the outside world and treats all forces in the world with courtesy, but the saints of contemporary Yaochi do not understand etiquette.

While he was struggling, there was a sound of breaking through the sky in the distance.

Ye Chen laughed and fell, a gust of wind followed him, blowing all the wine in everyone's glasses to the ground.

"You don't call me when you're drinking, you guys really don't like me!"

(End of this chapter)

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